Black Squirrel got His New Friend

Wednesday -- Beautiful morning 20 C, will be 22 later in the afternoon.
It was raining for couple of days. I enjoyed, it was beautiful view with
drizzle and some scattered showers. It was a big change from the last
week's 42 C hot sunny days.
It is 9.30, I am done with my breakfast, enjoying my morning cup of tea,
sitting in the TV lounge. News Channel is on, I am watching that and also
enjoying the scenic view of my back garden.
Brown rabbit enjoying his time alone slot, sitting under the black iron chair
in the middle of my garden. Black Squirrel is enjoying his morning snacks,
sitting beside him. It was an amazing view to behold. It looks they are
having chit chat too. I think, Black Squirrel got his new friend.
I am happy for him.
It is 11.30, I am at lake.Water looking great with many shades of Blue,
Sparkling Silver, Green and Gray. Pearls looking beautiful, scattered
on blue surface of water. Sun is shining in full Bloom.
I am walking around, enjoying my time. So many kayaks are here, floating
in beautiful colors. Brick Red, Golden yellow and Blue kayaks displaying
a beautiful view to behold. I am enjoying my time. Life is good.
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