Cleetorpe Tourist Area

27 July

Weather is beautiful
I am at Cleetorpes Tourist Area
 passing through the Sea View street
The whole street is lined up with
old style shops

 "Captain Place " shining Blue tiles
making it stand out among the
number of Fish and Chips places
I am not sure it is Atlantic or a River
but I feel great standing beside
The magnificent Body of water
it looks to me that the rising waves
playing a welcome Note
with their musical Orchestra

On one side is the Amusement Park 
with all the fun and Rides
further is  " Thorpe Park "
with all the Caravans  parked there
like a whole colony
Holiday homes and the Cottages
everything looking so beautiful with
colorful flowers in basket, bucket
in boat in buggies

Everywhere flowers in all colors
My daughter was looking for parking
every place was full even not a single spot
in the Paid parking

She wanted to take me to " Steels "
the very old ancient style eating place
of 1946 famous for fish and chips
I go there every year to eat and enjoy

We tried but not this time
keep in Mind there always
be a Next Time

I enjoyed the rest, walked beside 
the water at the beautiful Sea view Street
Memorable Moments will go in 
My Memory Box


  1. For most people, not able to find a parking place would have been a downer but not for MY Smile. There is nothing which can bring MY Smile down. She is super positive.

  2. Yes she is super positive and also a great writer. I dont thing she was a marketing professional, or psychologist, she was probably a writer

  3. @ Superwoman, how come she is your Smile. She has been mine from day 1 :-)

    @ Batman, i guess you have a point

    @ mrizvi: Please read.

    @ Dave, where are you these days? :-)

    To my Smile, thanks for sharing so many beautiful memories with us


  4. I have not been commenting, but i have been reading. I enjoy reading these blogs, Often times i dont comment, if i dont have anything substantial to add


  5. @ Dave, I am like you. I also love these blogs and read daily. I also comment only if there is anything substantial to add - unlike mrizvi :-)

  6. @ Dave, Je fais la même à savoir lire régulièrement, mais commenter seulement si je dois. Contrairement à quelqu'un que nous savons tous (mrizvi)

  7. Thanks Superwoman Batman Karen Boris and of course Dave
    it is morning here nearly 11 am
    You all made my Day
    Keep smiling
    and Have a Great Day

  8. @ mrizvi: here we go again. Insightful comments :-)

  9. @ Karen, Dave and everyone else: Please mind your own business. Thanks

  10. @ mrizvi: Dear Madam, Please dont take it personally. All everyone is suggesting to you is that Madam Smile's blogs are really nice and it will help you if you read them.

    I have been doing 2 jobs and Madam's blog have been really helpful to me

  11. Dear Madam Smile, will you be posting today's blog?


  12. Thanks you so much for waiting My Blog
    I was thinking I am just writing My Diary
    Nothing to read there
    So Thank you very Much
    It makes me feel Happy that
    It is not boring
    Have a Great Day


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