Ring out the Old to Ring in the New

Happy New Year Happy Holidays To My Dear Readers It is cloudy misty morning of 31st December. New year 2021 is fading away leaving bunch of memories, sweet and sour. Any year is like a mixed plate, can't be total plus. Same is life, like a Combo of happy moments mixed with some challenges to tackle. Same was the year 2021. We managed to handle things around Covid. That was really great. Weather is mild today, 2 C below zero at my place in Toronto. My eldest daughter is in Edmonton, over there, is 50 C below zero. She is ok with that. They have special coats and boots to handle that weather. We Humans are amazing, we can mange any circumstances. It is the last day of 2021, tomorrow is New year 2022. For the last two years, it is totally different scenario because of Covid situation. Gatherings and parties are on hold. We have to follow Directives. This is for our own safety, for our loved ones and for the people around. We have to keep social distancing and use Masks wheneve...