Fall the Season of Color and Beauty
It is 8.30 morning, one of the mornings of early September. Weather is tricky, unpredictable, like a roller coaster. Some days are hot and humid, some Breezy. Evenings are pleasant, slightly cold. I think, September is the month of adjustments. Time to take an exit from "Summer" and to give entry into "Fall". Fall, the season of colors. Time to take a break from summer activities. Time to pause, to relax, to behold and cherish the beauty around.
It is Tuesday, our garbage day today. Bins are lined up on driveways, in my neighborhood. Yellow and brown garbage truck just arrived for pick ups. I salute all the people, working on front lines. They keep on managing things, in this Covid period, making our lives easy. You people are Great. No doubt in that. My prayers are with you. May God Almighty keep you safe and healthy. Amen.
My daughter in law goes to work on Tuesdays, so no car today. No lake trip for me, today. I was planning to walk to "Metro" to get Muffins for me and for my son and to "Dollarama" to get Chocolates for my grand kids. I checked the weather, it is hot. Sun is in full bloom. Not a good idea to go for walk. I have to skip.
Sometimes, we have to switch plans, have to adjust with, whatever is the situation available. Nothing is end of the world. Keep your plan "B" ready, to go with that. Nothing is so important, to shoot up your blood pressure and to ruin your moments. Have patience, try to have control on your Mood Swings.
We don't have to put our health at stake, on day to day petty matters.
Life is too short for all this. Try just, to relax and put smile on the faces around. You will get happiness out of this, in return. Get busy with whatever is available, to keep yourself busy, to make your day. I believe, this is the recipe of living your life happily. Try that.
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