We Did It
It is cold with 3 C cloudy with sunny breaks, light drizzle since early
morning. Everything looking beautiful after morning shower. All shades
of green much brighter. Tree with all red looking great.
What a beauty to enjoy to behold. I am working part time. Playing only
Darts, no Bowling today. For a while sitting in the Billiard room, go to my
office cubicle at 9.30.
Now working in my cubicle, writing my Blog thinking about Smile with
Smile Program. Today my Youngest one, I mean Slurpee Boy had headache
so missed his first period. You people can imagine how his parents must
be feeling.
For parents every child has to be grown up into like a flowering tree, to
deliver sweet fruits in years to come. They start dreaming for that since
they plant this seed. They always keep their focus to make their dream to
become a reality.
They already have full chalk out complete plan for their child. The dream
is mostly similar that our child will be a shining star one day, to make
we parents feel proud.
We parents will be walking with our heads high in the circle of our friends
and family. Now the children have to pay the price for this, throughout
their lives. They are under microscope.
They have to be constantly evaluated and are under observation throughout
their journey from kindergarten to university level, rather up to the level,
till they enter their career life.
Good parenthood is usually considered when parents produce good crops
up to their own satisfaction. They push their child to get more and more.
Parents believe their lectures will boost up the process.
They start concentrating on their lectures. It has to be with substantial
material and duration, to penetrate through. Both parents, Mom / Dad
get united on this key project.
They set their own occasional meetings with a definite agenda that how to
boost up the process, to get the desirable results. They both jointly get their
focus on this subject, which now for them an issue, a burning topic,
to go through thoroughly.
Their dream is at stake, they wont let that happen. They come up with
some wonderful ideas. They think, their lectures must be supplemented
with some punishments as lectures not working so well. We have to apply
carrot and stick method. It is time, lesson has to be learned.
Nowadays, this is not hard to think about. Just cut the phone, net, take
games away, now we will get what we want. They will be trapped,
no way out except to focus to work on our dreams.
Parents get relaxed and start working on this agenda with happy faces.
We got him. We did it. He will get our message. He is just a kid, after all
we are parents, know how to handle.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Lots of customers as usual The councillor was here. Some customers said that he is starting to prepare for next year's local elections. Customers don't talk to priest that much now and councillor was avoiding also. This is because of what he commented on the blog last week
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. As usual there was a big group of people today. We went for the nature walk
SWN was fun. There was a lot of discussion about Smile's blog.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome therapist! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog is my lifeline.
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
Sorry I no able get fresh donut for post. I wait 45 min but the baker gave next batch to someone else. He always give me 1st batch because I give blog quote to him He like that
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker with video kid and say her how you. She say I very busy and no time talk blog. I say I no want talk blog I want ask if you give lecture to video kid? She say yes sometime. I say you do that because your dream is at stake. I think she agree because she start smile. I say her that you also cut phone? I think she remember big joke and go. I do 2 ok job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. Our walk though very long, is nothing compared to the walks that you take. After that we went to the reading of the blog
The retired child psychologist led the reading of the blog. This is the highest honour for us. The retired child psychologist said that this blog is brilliant in its dissection of this important issue. She said in her 40+ years of active practice prior to her retirement, she had the opportunity to go to many conferences and meet various experts but nothing like this. She said that she will forward it to her colleagues, some of whom are doctoral thesis advisors, so they can benefit from it. The Smile with Smile program committee members were here and making notes on almost every word with a big smile on their face
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. The Dean and Prof George were absolutely ecstatic with your blog today. After the reading was completed, the Dean texted some of the senior professors of the psychology and philosophy faculties and asked them to come to the SRC. He then asked them to re-do the reading. One of the professor asked that you could have texted us as the reading was going on, to which the Dean replied that this will be sacrilegious. He said that we need to be respectful to you and the blog. A senior psychology student, who wanted to show off, said that perhaps this can be used for reference to a master's thesis. The professor smiled, and said "one master's thesis? This blog is too complicated for any masters these. It can spawn at least 2-3 doctoral thesis"
thank you
Literature Fellow
Yet another new blog from Smile today
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Smile always talks about important issues. And yes there are no shortage of ideas here
Father say father like you idea and give long lecture Niklas. Father then say to Kris that Kris also need do long lecture and cut phone and cut net. It work because Niklas in room and no do any. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah kris down because all kris yell Niklas. Hannah say Hannah no care if all yel Hannah but Hannah no no what do when Niklas no fone and no video and no no. Hannah say you please kris care you. Niklas say all yel Niklas but Niklas ok because you say cut fone good and cut net good. Father say me cut fone and give long lecture because you say. Me first say no but then father say me read blog again and father rite that you say do all thing to Niklas but Hannah say you no meen. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteWell , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same thing every day. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kiddo
Thanks Lucy Boris Dave Linda Keith Newbie Kyle N mrizvi Plunker Batman Jasmeet Kim Cleo Brenda Karen Superwoman Happy Reader and Mother in law Craig Marg Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Tiara Smile Addict Kris Stephen Tiara Greg Pete Josh Liz Michelle Paula Jerry Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone