In my dictionary, family comes first

My Dear Readers
I am sorry
about My Blog
Didn't want to make you sad
Forget everything
Be happy now.
It is Thursday bright beautiful sunny cold morning with 2 C below zero.
I can see white dust on the glass top of the patio table in my Back Garden.
The glass top of this table works like my apparatus.
I can have an idea of how much rain, how much snow is there. This gives
me reading about what is going on. I can figure out and plan my day
accordingly. I mean, have to go for my walk or better to stay home.
Today is Halloween party at my club, in the library. I was not interested.
Yes I know, you will say that I go for everything to get out. My Dear Friends
I do things what I love to do, not to prove myself to anyone.
But don't you worry I have other plans. I will skip my walk as my Grand
Kids Master Golden and Slurpee Boy will be home by 12 Noon. I will make
lunch for them. I told you family comes first in my dictionary. I enjoy that most.
They have dentist appointment at 3 pm, my Son will drop me at Pickering
Town Centre. It is on the way. I will enjoy my time alone slot over there.
I believe we have to do what we enjoy and love to do. We don't have to
prove ourselves to others.
My Dear Friends I didn't mean to write all that to make you people sad.
Please cheer up and keep enjoying Blog Reading Sessions.
I am not sick not feeling low, that idea came to my mind as it is reality of life.
Just ignore that if you feeling sad because of that. I want to see you people
happy and also to spread happiness around. Just relax and have patience.
Dear Reader doing 1 Job nowadays, you are making me sad. I told you to
listen to Happy Worker but you never listen to me. You still didn't go to talk to your Supervisor to have your Job back. Please go and talk to her to make me happy. Talk to her when she has time. First ask her then talk.
By the way my grandson, Master Slurpee is not 18, he turned 14 yesterday.
He is in grade nine, doing great in his studies beside his Job at hockey arena.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are lot of locals who are here. I have bought extra biscuits as it has become a tradition in our small town that locals come here and read blog before going back to their homes or pub. Though you said that everyone should go about their business, but it is a very somber environment here because of yesterday's blog
ReplyDeleteI lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there were a fresh from SDs there with a note that "enjoy these Smile Donuts, courtesy Smile Addict"
I was in early today so was able to post the blog. The box of SDs was there when I came. There was an extra donut for the person posting the blog.
Me left donut so you enjoy blog. I take all blog if you need copy then me know
DeleteSmile Adict
My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome mall goer. She is an awesome adviser. She is an awesome writer. She has an awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I could not sleep last night because of yesterday's blog. This blog very important for me
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was fantastic today. Turnout was great. We took the nature route
The mood was very low in our walk also. We talked about Smile's blog during the SWN today.
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Mr. Supervisor come and say how you. I say ok. He say why you eye so red. I say I no able sleep and I cry night. He say and you no able stand. I say because I prey all nite, like stand and prey. He say you in bad shape you need go home. I say no, I need do normal thing because my Madam say carry on. He say no, you need go otherwise you will get hurt. I say I no care. I only care Madam. He say but she say everything ok. I say how you know because I didn't tell you blog. He say he need go. I do 1 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees could not go for our very long walk today. This was not because of cramps but emotional fatigue. Many retirees could not sleep last night and at least 3 had to make a visit to the hospital emergency due to anxiety and shortness of breath. Your yesterday's blog has shaken us to our foundation. We had a very subdued reading today. Many retirees did not want to have the reading but as you instructed us, we tried our best to carry on our normal day-to-day activities. The committee activities remain suspended as we don't know how to even proceed
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Everyone was very quiet. Prof George came to the reading late. He was heard saying to the Dean that Lucy is very sick. She did not take yesterday's blog well. The Dean put his arm on Prof George's shoulder to give a light pat. He said hopefully he will get better. Prof George said he should not have come from the hospital but Lucy insisted that he does attend the reading. Everyone is just in a very dull mood. Several students did not even go to their classes today
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has an amazing readers family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah no cook any today. Hannah say Hannah kris lo. Hannah say father kris lo. Hannah say Niklas kris lo. Hannah say Hannah say Kris kris lo. Hannah say you please take care you. Niklas say Niklas no go skool today because you blog very sad. Niklas say Niklas no head hurt but no want do any. And no go futbal. Me say father eet but father no eet. Hannah cry. Niklas sad.Father sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Mortality is inevitable but by reminding your readers of that, you sent a chill through our collective spine. Perhaps even you were not envisioning the despondency even the notion of such a tragedy will create. Like your other readers, we also ended up spending a sleepless night, turning and tossing, staring at the ceiling in the dark. Though you asked us to soldier on, it is easier said than done. By putting one foot in front of the other, we endeavoured to bring some semblance of normalcy to our day, but we remained unsuccessful as the tsunami of emotions that were created yesterday has taken away any desire to seek joy. Though the sun was shining today, it was without any warmth. We sincerely hope that we have the good fortune to continue to enjoy the radiance of these prodigious pieces of art for many years to come.
ReplyDeleteThank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
We had a planned celebration today to celebrate the best quarterly earnings in our corporate history however we cancelled it as neither the management, nor the staff was in any mood to celebrate. Some of the staff called in sick and many others decided to leave early.
ReplyDeletethank you
Keith Walker
What the hell!! Can we not have one good day! Is it too much to ask! My blood pressure is shooting through the roof!
ReplyDeleteNice work mrizvi. Thank you for making us all so proud
Reeeelaaax Plunker. Just calm down. Why do you have to have so high expectations. You already know that there is no point in teaching the kids these days. Besides Smile has asked us to be gentle
ReplyDeleteThank you mrizvi. Amazing comment today. Very informed judgement