Red and Pink Roses are smiling

It is Monday morning with 8 C, cold rainy day. No sunshine, it is hazy
like that one of the mornings of London, England. Weather is changing.
I have to wear sweater today, for sure.
Yesterday I was walking around while waiting for my friend to pick me up
I had to go for Brunch to one of my friend place. I saw one black squirrel
going into the Twin Apartments Building. I mean going to the tree tops.
I didn't see her coming back may be making up her mind to rent out one
of the apartments. May be still busy negotiating in the rental office. It was
yesterday, Red and Pink Roses smiling, Butterfly busy talking to them,
today quiet everywhere.
It is 9.15, I am in the Billiard room, writing my Blog, waiting to play Darts.
I am still not 100 % but my activities are as usual. I am working part time
today. On Mondays no Carpet Bowling.
My Dear Friends, Lucy, Dean and George, in Canada after the age of 65
we don't have to pay even for our medicines. It is my fault, not of my Son.
I am not fond of going to doctors and taking medicines.
I know the root cause, I am tired and also getting older day by day but this
is life My Dear. We have to avail and enjoy every moment in hand. Time
flies. I believe in that so trying to handle whatever I can.
Dear Retirees I am worried about the Temple People. Retired Priest is not
behaving like a Priest. He is planning to take happiness away from everyone.
I request in the name God Almighty to leave everyone alone. Forget the
Videos for my sake please.
I just got your comments, I am happy that things are now settled down.
I request the Lady not to bring outside food in the Cafe. It is not fair.
Now please no talking about any Religion. Thanks everyone.
Dear Hannah and Niklas My Friends, you have to come back to your own place, where you belong. I think Father and Kris learned their lessons. It is
enough for them. Your life wont be miserable anymore. You will be able to
enjoy your time.
Dear Reader doing 1 proud job now, I didn't know that your Supervisor was working from home. You have to listen to Happy Worker. She is your
friend. Talk to Supervisor in the office, if he is working from home, call
him to talk about your Job. He is nice person. He will give your Job back.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. As usual there was a big group of people today. We went for the nature walk
SWN was fun. There was a lot of discussion about Smile's blog. Participants pointed out that Smile is so patient with her readers
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
Thank you for being my lifeline. You help me be positive
ReplyDeletethank you
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come and say how you. I say I no want talk you because you wicked. She say why you so bad all time. I say I no time talk I need finish work and I need go get my job back. She say why you plan go? Dont you want to wait for you Madam tell you what do? I say she already tell me that I need go get my job back. Wicked worker say she no write for you. She write for person doing 1 job. I say no you trick me all time. She say ok dont you want wait for 1 day to confirm. I say no. She say ok up to you because job important than Madam. I say never. She say up to you but job is important specially if you do bad job. I say Madam more important. She say ok I go prey now because my job here done. I do 1 ok job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. As we were going through the reading of the blog the Dean Prof George got very concerned as went through the reading of the blog. Prof George was heard saying to the Dean, what is her doing! How come she has to wait for her friends for ride and how come she has to wait in the billiard room. The Dean was very upset too and said that sometimes I just dont understand. She is so kind. She is helping so many people, including him and yet what does he do! He said something to himself and then said that he will go and throw some darts. The Smile Army heard all that and started yelling slogans. The Dean didnt even stop them. He simply said that I hope the guy learns and have some empathy
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say father very hapy. Father say fathater want thank. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah kris hapy and want kris thank that you care all. Hannah say Hannah kris wory you that you niklas care you. Niklas say grandpapa very hapy and give Niklas meel. Niklas say he happy you fix all. Me very happy that all problem fix. Father happy. Hannah happy. Niklas happy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
A new blog every day! Fun-tastic
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Hey Kyle, why you are surprised. You should expect a different blog every day. This is Smile land after all. And yes here it is all Fun-tastic!!
Please Please. Stop this craziness. It is not good. I know it is fun but it is not the right thing. My blood boils when I see this. I know I know ..
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. I am not sure what would happen if you dont tell us that this is a good blog
Just calm down Plunker. Just Calm down. It is not good for your health. Yes Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteWay to go mrizvi. Simply brilliant
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!
ReplyDeleteCan anything interesting happen when Smile waits for her ride? You said no? Well think again as it is Smile that we are talking about. With the magic of her imagination, she can make anything out of nothing and then bring to life with the magic of her folksy words. Dont believe me? Well have a look:
ReplyDelete"Yesterday I was walking around while waiting for my friend to pick me up
I had to go for Brunch to one of my friend place. I saw one black squirrel
going into the Twin Apartments Building. I mean going to the tree tops.
I didn't see her coming back may be making up her mind to rent out one
of the apartments. May be still busy negotiating in the rental office. It was
yesterday, Red and Pink Roses smiling, Butterfly busy talking to them,
today quiet everywhere. "
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. After that we had our lollipop. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees were very tired as we are out of practice for the few days. We had our lollipop after that.
We read your blog but were very concerned that you are not being properly taken care of. The hijab lady came today and also brought the temple priest. The temple priest then used the opportunity to tell us that in their religion the son takes much better care of parents. He said that the son is not even suppose to say "ouch" when taking care of them. The hijab lady thought that we are interested in this topic so she asked the temple priest to talk about other aspects of their faith but we were not really interested. After the sermon, some of her temple friends were asked to bring snacks for us. They did not bring outside food inside because they said that you have advised them to not do so and instead waited outside the cafe. They gave us all a white box of cooked rice and chicken. They said it is a special dish called Bayani". We simply wanted to go and were not interested in spending any time listening to their temple priest. The whole event finished very late and thats why I am so late in writing my comment
thank you
recent retiree