They are stuck with Border Security

Image result for birds with flowers pictures

My Dear Friend doing 0 proud Job
Go right away to your Supervisor
say sorry to him. He is nice man
will give your Job back

Go also to your Job # 2 Supervisor 
and please take your Job back

I told you so many times
never make personal comments
No one likes that.

Take some money for petrol 
from someone to go to Job # 1
and Job # 2 please do that
it is very important

I want to see you doing 2 Proud Jobs
don't take time out to pray 
focus on your work please

My Dear Students
I am happy for Great Friends
still miss My Smile Army Friends
I am praying for them

It is Saturday beautiful morning sunny bright with 4 degrees
In the morning after breakfast, I watched Columbo. My son
likes that, amazing show, after that I was on my computer.
Playing scrabbles and card games also checking messages
from my friends and family.

It is 11.30 am I had shower to wake up my body and decided to
have my walk. It is cold but I am all dressed up in layers. 
I put on my maroon sweater, my sister in law got for me from
Marks and Spencer, my favorite store in England.

Anyway underneath my long black coat, I had that maroon sweater.
I will be fine now nothing to worry about. My son was ready to give
me ride but I opted for my walk.

Sometimes I start thinking that it is one of the blessings from God
that I don't drive. I have my moments to enjoy the scenic view around.
It is 12.30, I am on Whites road.

Walkway is clear still I can see some snow at front gardens of houses
around. Not much just like silver linings sparkling under sunshine,
beautiful. I can not see many birds. 

Couple of them walking around may be most of them are stuck at the 
Border, busy with their paper work. On my next door neighbor's front garden, "Twin Towers" are vacant. No birds at the rental office, 
and it is nearly May.

It is 12.45, I am sitting at Tim Horton. I had five dollars gift card for my 
quiz competition at the club. I gave it to my Youngest to enjoy but he 
doesn't go to Tim Horton same with Master Golden. Today I used 
that card for myself.

Coffee House not busy, not many here, I think everyone enjoying outdoors as weather is nice. For we Canadians plus 5 C is like summer. I am enjoying my coffee half and half and writing my Blog.

Flower shop across Tim Horton now started putting some flower pots 
outside. I can see yellow, red, all colors of Tulips. Such a colorful view.
It is 1.30 I am done here now time to walk to home. 

Thank you God for keeping me mobile, handling things on my own.
I love You my Lord. Thanks for keep watching over me.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. Our town people looks forward to Sunday as so many people come here. The priest talked about parents responsibility in creating a happy family unit. Lots of out of towners asking for copies of the blog

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome weiter! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome scientist. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read the blog every day. It is my lifeline


  4. I read you blog China

    1. You blog good. Read Ukraine

    2. This blog good, I read Russia

    3. Me read blog but no comment. Me anglais no good but French good

    4. I like blog Italy

    5. Me like blog. English no good but Spanish very good

  5. Please write a blog to knock some sense in my disrespectful daughter in law. She reads your blog daily but cant learn from it

    Mother in law of the Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I so happy that you write for me. I go job 1 and say Mr. Supervisor I very sory. He say it ok. I say I just try help. He say remember what you Madam say, no person talk. He say oh I sorry I forget. He then give me money for car petrol and I go job 2. The job 2 supervisor then say I was waiting for you. I say how you know I will come. She say I just had an idea. She start say long thing so I say my Madam say ... but she no let me finish but say remember what you Madam say, no person stuff. I say I sory. I then ask but how you know what my Madam say because I no show blog. She say she need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. The retired author was the one leading the reading of the blog. She pointed out that it is amazing how you can change the subject and theme of the blog on a day to day basis. She said that the theme has been serious for the past few days, and just by using your folksy style, you injected humour and made it into a light hearted blog by talking about birds and border security

    The retirees also noted that there were many tid bits of information in the blog eg how you can wake up your body by a cold shower and things like that

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    You wont believe what happened today. The Smile Army volunteers are all back! Yes I am not not kidding - they are BACK. We read your blog at the Smile Garden and were surprised to see the Smile Army there. We asked Dean and Prof George but as usual, they dint reply and simply put the finger on their lips and gestured that it is not right to talk during the reading. After the reading was over they sat down and said that the uni agreed to have them come back. They will work on their missed credits during the summer semester. They will also continue to take care of the Smile Garden. They were very happy and so are we. Prof George said that this is all because of your blog, apparently the Dean showed your blog that you wrote previously and that had a big impact. The Smile Army was very thankful to you

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say father like you idea that Hannah go parent house. Father say father no no that it you idea. Father say when Kris say it you idea. Father agree right away. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah make kris food because Hannah go parent. Hannah say Hannah plan make kris dish. Hannah say Hannah wory Niklas so plan take Niklas her. Hannah say you please take kris care you and niklas wory. Niklas say Niklas go pub because all yel him home. Niklas say he only drink coke and no smoke. Me say father that you say Hannah go, so father say it ok. He idea that Hannah make food before go. Me say ok. Hannah make 3 dish for all time like 3 dinner, 3 lunch like that. Hannah will go morning and come nite. Hannah say she no want go because it no worth but father say you say so she go. Me confuse. Me mo no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing social scientist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is

  11. Helloooo!!!! What is going on here? Is anyone listening? Is there anyone home? I know, I know ....

    Thanks mrizvi. Appreciate you letting us know that this is a good blog

  12. Just chill Plunker. Take a cold bath. Or read one of Smile's blog again. That should calm you down. No point in popping an artery. Kids these days do not think seriously. And yes, Smile wants us to be kind

    Good work mrizvi. How is school coming along kiddo

  13. This blog provides a fantastic pivot. If there are Herriot fans, Dickens fans and any other fans of any famous authors, look at this :

    "I can not see many birds.

    Couple of them walking around may be most of them are stuck at the
    Border, busy with their paper work. On my next door neighbor's front garden, "Twin Towers" are vacant. No birds at the rental office,
    and it is nearly May."



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