Take Old Age as Your Golden Era

Image result for pictures of benches in garden

Kris Dear, Hannah has to take Drips, still has to make three
dishes. Get food from outside
She has to take rest

Why Father waking Niklas early
to enjoy his life. This is too much
Leave Niklas alone please
Father needs medicine 

It is Thursday bright sunny morning with 5 degrees feels like 0 C
It is perfect for my walk. I am not working today. I have to make
couple of calls. I don't consider talking to my daughters as my calls.
We talk every day, same with my younger brother.

I have to call my late husband's sister, she lives back home.
I will also call my husband's sister in law. She is visiting her
daughter so nowadays is in Sudbury, 5 hours away from Toronto.
I will call my sister in law, we talk twice a week. 

I talk to my younger brother every day, we had great time on Tuesday.
I didn't take 3 buses, I opted for Go bus. I walked to Kingston Road
to get the Go bus. It is 10 minutes walk. 

Go bus is inter city service, within 15 minutes I was at Scarborough
Centre. My son was at work so not any of his fault. He didn't know 
about my plan otherwise always leaves his phone for me.

My brother came with his wife, his 10 year old grand daughter was
also with him. Me and my sister in law were walking around, doing
our own things. My brother was enjoying with his grand daughter.

After that we had lunch together. They left at 4 pm, I used their phone 
to call my son, he managed to pick me up at 4.30, I was back around 5 pm.

Retirees my Friends, I mentioned in so many of my Blogs that  
I believe Old age as our Golden Era. We have to enjoy whatever is
available. This is the age when we have time to enjoy our own things. 

Old age is not a disease, sickness or disability. It is just one of the 
stages of our life cycle. We don't have to feel self pity. Enjoy your life
but please don't behave like Father, who uses his old age card to
exploit others and make lives of everyone around miserable.

Don't have to push yourself to go out or walk. Do whatever you like 
to enjoy. I do things whatever I like to do. I already made my calls 
today and talked to my daughters. It is 12.15, time to walk to 
Tim Horton. To enjoy my time alone slot.

It is 12.45, I am at Coffee House, enjoying my coffee, writing
my Blog. I will get fries from Wendy for my Youngest and 
Master Golden. They will enjoy when back from school.

We always have to avail chances to make people happy.
We will get happiness in return. Keep in mind that
what goes around comes around. I enjoyed my day.
Thank You God for keeping me mobile.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Friday, customers are lining up outside my shop to read blog as inside is completely full. They come here before going home or to the pub. It is like a community center here. The councillor is here as well. The priest was here in the morning as it is less busy then. He was making lots of notes from the past blogs

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. There were mixed emotions in the SWS today. People were really happy to see today's blog because it however when everyone realized that it is Friday, they were feeling a little gloomy.


    2. Similar sentiments in SWN also. Today's blog was discussed but when people realized that it is Friday, they did not feel that much cheerful


  3. This blog is my lifeline. I read it every day


  4. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome psychologist! She is an awesome therapist. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. I was pulling in the parking lot just as Craig and Jasmeet were going in the office. So probably lost by 1 minute


    1. Sorry, I didn't realize that you are just behind us otherwise would have waited for you.

      I posted the blog right away as this is the first thing that we do


    2. And yes there were donuts for everyone.


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go sick job worker and say how you. He say I ok. I say you no sick any more. He say I only head hurt one time but why you keep say I sick. I think he alergy and his voice loud I no remind him. I only say him do you remember how my Madam help you? He say yes but what you point. I say my Madam has lot good tip like she say no push. He say ok but why you tell me. I say I tell you because you go gym lot time and go walk. He say yes I like because it healthy. I say but you no need push. He say what you mean. I say my Madam tell that it no need push. I think he head hurt again. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. The retired professional athlete was the one who was tasked to lead the blog. The new retirees could not understand why we asked him to do the reading. The reading is the highest honour for the retirees. We then explained to the new retirees that the retired professional athlete thinks that he is really fit but Smile can hop on buses, do walks and not even complain. The retirees were surprised that you dont have a mobile. The retirees were further surprised that your son didnt come back to give you a ride back. We recall that you have mentioned in the past that he has flexible hours and has a decent job so he we are assuming that he would have been able to come back and not let you navigate the transit system on your own. We know that there is no point discussing it but we feel surprised at his lack of carelessness and your activity

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. The Smile Army was there too and they continue to be very well behaved. The Dean invited the faculty of health sciences to the reading of the blog. The senior professors and the students there were inspired by your writing. One of the senior professor said to Prof George that you are very independent and that is very positive. Prof George told them that what you wrote today is not even a big deal as you consistently do many other things like playing dart, carpet bowling, going for walks even in freezing cold weather etc. They faculty is planning on doing some research as they think you are demonstrating how physical health, mental health and emotional well being is all tied together. The Dean smiled when he heard that. When the senior professor asked him as to why he is smiling, the Dean replied that it is about time that Smile personality inspires a research paper. He then told them about how you helped save his job, his marriage , the futures of the students, helped great friends get on track, helped bring Smile Army back and many more. The senior professor was left amazed at this. The Smile Army heard some of the conversation and started raising slogans but as this was SRC, Prof George asked them to stop and they listened. We now have the fun atmosphere back, thanks to YOU

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. This blog was a lifesaver for our meeting today. We were having a discussion about how to start a new corporate initiative and were going nowhere. During the break, we read your blog. It provided us amazingly clear insights and made us realize that we are overdoing it. After that we scaled back the efforts

    thank you
    Keith Walker

  10. Another fresh blog ! Smile is fantastic

    cool Kyle

    1. Why are you surprised. Yes she is fantastic!! Just enjoy


  11. Father say father yell Hannah lot today because Hannah lazzie . Father say he no no why she want go parent because she slip all time. Father say she no come one bell all time to. Father say he yell Niklas because Niklas no wake morning erly and mis skool. Father say he get bad marc to so father call his friend to help Niklas. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah niklas gooder. Hannah say Hannah fal again but niklas time go doctor because need do kris work. Hannah say she finsih all food prepare. Like 3 dish for all meel, special dish for father, cut froot for father brakfast, cut froot and carot for rabit. Hannah say she plan slip after give warm milk father. Hannah say you please take care. Niklas say he get bad mark because he no go skool for exam because he need go take grandpapa walk. Niklas say grandpapa yell him the he wake early and go walk and go skool after but Niklas no able wake many hour before son so he wake 7 and then take grandpapa walk and then go ready to go skool. Niklas say he late and mis exame and now he will get bad mark again. Niklas say he need study but no one care. They only yell him when he get bad mark but no alow him go skool time. Me no ask Hannah make lot dish but only 2 dish and 1 deser and 1 special dish father. She very tire so me help and tell her do grocer tomorow. Father cal all futbol kid and tell them Niklas mark so now they will make fun Niklas. Niklas no no now. Me yel Niklas that he no put brace. He say he no wnat but me say me pay. He say he no care. Me say cut net. Niklas sad. Hannah sik. Father anger. Me confuse. ME no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing therapist. She is amazing writer. She has amazing family. She is amazingly active. She is involved in amazing activities. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  13. Well well well. Here we go again. Another day, same thing. I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.

    Thanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment

  14. Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate

    Great comment mrizvi. Good job


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