What A Wonderful Life

5th July 20016

It is 26 plus in Toronto
I moved away from my computer
filled my water bottle
dressed in light clothes
with my slippers on
ready to go out

It is always good to get going
when we move our body our mind
switches from the stagnant Mode
to get involved in our changed scenery

Change is always good for being positive
whenever I start getting bored
I try to change my scenery
If I am on my computer 
which I am most of the times
I go downstairs to get busy in my kitchen
I love my kitchen

If weather is tolerable
I go out for a walk 15 minutes away
is my favorite Coffee House
Tim Horton

I find my favorite spot with small double double
and my pen and paper
I am so thankful to God Almighty
who is with me all the times and
taking care of me
keeping  me in good health to move around

I am also thankful to my Parents
who provided education
on top of my well being
I can not even think of myself 
without writing anything

This all made my life so wonderful 
I never feel lonely
with all these gifts in my life
Lucky me


  1. Dear Madam, you are so impressive. I was thinking you are only the professor of good positive thoughts but you also live positivitly too. God bless you.

  2. You are the true superwoman. I think I should change my name to something else :-)

  3. I told you, our Smile is really cool


  4. Thanks Karen and all of you
    You make my Day
    Thanks again

  5. Yup agree about the comments about Smile being superwoman


  6. Agree that Karen's Smile is a Supoerwoman: -) Just joking, she is MY Smile too.

    BTW, where is mrizvi with his insightful commentary .... "good post"

  7. Thanks to Karen
    and all my Blog Readers
    Credit goes to All of You
    I am not a writer
    You people made it possible
    for me to write every Day
    And by reading
    Giving a Push
    Keep Smiling Pl
    Have A Great Day

  8. @anonymous Please dont worry about me. If you dont like my comment, you can ignore it

  9. @ mrizvi: Relax. Take a deep deep breath. Go for a walk. Take a shower. Calm down.

    BTW, good comment

  10. mrizvi ha sido descubierto. Comentarios sin leer

  11. sorry I dont understando French. Merci

  12. @ mrizvi Looks like you read comments. Will be good if you read the blog too.

  13. @ Anonymous good comment

  14. @mrizvi Keep up the good work


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