Pearls Everywhere

Image result for back garden with flowers pictures

It is Tuesday morning bright beautiful and sunny. After 2 days of rain and 
cloudy hazy weather, it is great today for a change. Today I have to go to 
community meeting, it is to be started at 9.30.

It is 9.15 morning, 18 C, I am on my driveway, waiting for my friend. She 
will pick me up. For now I am enjoying the beautiful atmosphere around. 

Leaves of all shapes and colors are all around me. All shades of green, 
yellow, brown and gold. Morning dew sparkling like white pearls on 
the dark pink flowers of Bougainvillea.

Pearls are scattered all over my front garden, on the green grass, on leaves, 
everywhere. It looks that today God wants to reward His Kingdom. 
No doubt He loves All of His Creatures Big and Small. Thank You God.

My friend's black car is here I have to go. I have my small black bag with 
me. This is from my Son's work place. He gave it to me. I take it in meetings.
Small and handy. I put some papers and pen to jot down things over there.

Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs Wicked Worker is a champion in Tricking people.
She is really Wicked. I want to give happiness to you, to everyone but her 
Motto is to take Happiness away from everyone, especially from you. 

Dear Retirees I am sorry that I was thinking something different about the 
Priest. I am sorry for that. Anyway it is good that everything is now settled 

Dear Students Believe me My Eldest has to call every day. I am not making
 it up. I can understand your feelings my Dear. Don't get upset please, don't 
spoil your moments in hand. Focus on your studies. This too shall pass so 
just cool down. Be patient and relax.

Dear Kris I am not saying that you read my Blogs to Father but please 
read to yourself. I am not in favor that Father has to go to Old Home. 
You have to take care of Hannah, Niklas and also of Father. He is family too.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are a lot of people who are coming. Most people come to read the blog before going home or to the pub. Lots of customers enjoying smoothies.

  2. I won the race to post the blog in our corporate noticeboards today.


    1. Woo-Hoo


    2. This is great. Did you also get the fresh SDs?


    3. Yes. The SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


  3. Thank you for being my lifeline. I look forward to this blog every day


  4. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome community meeting goer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was very Friday like today. Some people were looking forward to weekend but most were not feeling good because they are hooked on blogs.


    2. SWS had a similar mood.


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Happy Worker come and say how you? I say I very emotion. She say yes that why I come. You look upset. I say I happy that my Madam write for me and my Madam see lot pearl in morning. I sad because Madam no think that reader family is family. I anger because Wicked job worker trick me all time. Happy Worker say you no read blog right, Madam no say that reader family no family. I show her blog. She say how come you have it. I say I keep 5 blogs in my pocket. I think she remember joke and go. I do 2 ok job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. This walk though very long and arduous for us, is nothing compared to the ones that you take. After the walk we had our lollipop

    The retired author led the reading of the blog today. She pointed out that your description of dew drops to pearls has been done before but never in a folksy style that is your signature tone. She said that this style is not just pleasing but also attractive to all readers.

    The retired priest was here today but appeared to be humbled with your apology. He just sat there with the head bowed. He has been seeing in consultation with the retired police detectives and retired private detectives. Yesterday he was see talking to the active police detectives. When we pressed him for what they were discussing, he simply said that he is doing what he supposed to do. The temple people didn't come today as well , perhaps they are still partying.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. We were planning to read the blog as we normally do but the Dean asked that we let the Smile Army do the reading of the blog as they spend a lot of their times in keeping the Smile Garden intact. We were not pleased but since the Dean is the one asking us to do it, we reluctantly agreed to let the bozos read. They could not even understand half the topics that you were saying. After the reading some of us asked them if they knew what you meant by pearls and the idiots thought that you are talking about real pearls. They also had difficulty in reading because some of the Smile Army volunteers had tears in their eyes. Since Dean listens to you, we are hoping if you can ask him to restore the natural order and have us do the reading and the idiots can go back to doing the manual labour

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say father plan get lot Euro from Kris. Father say father want no stay in 2 room apartment but plan take hole house. Father say father no say father old almost 67.

    (Father say me that he want Euro but me no have Euro so father say he want take all house. Me say where I go. Father say he no care. Me say help. Father say he want Euro and then go old home. Me say me no able. Father say think plan. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. I know. I know. I have said many times that Smile is an author but this piece is yet another brilliant one that she has. Its like an artist drawing on a canvas. Dont believe me? Have a look

    "Leaves of all shapes and colors are all around me. All shades of green, yellow, brown and gold. Morning dew sparkling like white pearls on the dark pink flowers of Bougainvillea.

    Pearls are scattered all over my front garden, on the green grass, on leaves,
    everywhere. "


  12. I guess I am wasting my energy in trying to teach the kids. They will never learn

    thanks mrizvi. Brilliant comment

  13. Thats the spirit, Plunker. Why bang your head against the wall. You already know that we have tried but it is just a waste. Also, Smile has asked us to be kind

    much appreciated mrizvi for letting us know that this is a good post


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