Beauty of Life

It is Sunday morning, sunny, hot 33 C, rain is on the way in the evening.
AC is on so inside the house, it is 24 C. I am done with my breakfast.
My Son likes my veggie omelette so I made for him.
My Youngest is awake. He likes toasted bread slices with peanut butter and
jam. I did for him with hot chocolate milk. It makes my day when I do these
things for my family.
It is a two way process, when we give Happiness to anyone, it always comes
back to yo, to make you happy. It is long weekend here in Canada. Everyone
is home. This is the last weekend for kids before back to school.
They are enjoying their time. Master Golden is sleeping. I love to live in day tight compartment. Make my day plans, a day before. Yesterday I decided to do my laundry today, this morning.
I usually do laundry before my breakfast. I put clothes in washer and make my breakfast. In between I go downstairs to put clothes in the Dryer. By the time my breakfast done, my clothes are ready to take out.
I always keep in mind that I am carrying 74 year old machinery, to take
care of my body. I am getting older day by day but this is life. We have
to deal with whatever is there.
I feel sleepy in the morning but we have to push ourselves to move on, to
enjoy our life. I believe that old age is our golden era to celebrate to do
what we want to do. You people always blame my Son for not helping
me out. I mean for not doing my laundry and other things.
My Dear Friends, I want to enjoy my time. I want to have the feeling that
I am not retired. I am still in the "Ring". I am still able to fight. I have
enough energy to face and tackle my day to day matters.
This is the beauty of life my Dear. I don't want to be like Father,
always complaining that I am old, almost 67. I am happy the way I am.
Dear Retirees I am not in favor of taking kids to Church. This is not fair.
Everyone has right to practice what he/she believes in. I am not happy with
the Priest who has these plans.
Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs I don't know how to make you understand to
not to listen to the Wicked Worker. She is really wicked, loves to ruin
people's lives. Keep in mind that she is not anyone's friend, not your's.
Kris Dear I don't know how to make Father understand that I walk
to Tim Horton alone. I don't need two people to take me to Tim Horton.
I take my Youngest when he wants treats. I buy fries and Slurpee for him
from my own pocket. Please stop yelling at Niklas.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. There are lots of customers coming even on Monday.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Still working on getting the blogs posted from the weekend.
Can you please post them before the Smile Walks? We read them before going for the walk
I have now posted all blogs in all noticeboards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Sorry for the delay, I was delayed as people kept coming to get copies from the printouts
SWS was fun. People were saying TGIM (Thank God Its Monday) They were saying that we are happy because we get to read 3 blogs today.
SWN was fun too. We talked about Smile's blog and how she is completely "weather proof".
This blog provided me with a perfect fix for my business meeting today. We were in a meeting where everyone was complaining about the hot and rainy weather. During the break I suggested that we refresh our minds too and read this blog. The entire meeting dynamics changed when everyone realized that she went for the walk on the weekend when it was hot.
ReplyDeleteSmile is fantastic
Keith Walker
Thank you for being my lifeline.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome councillor. She is an an awesome author. She is an awesome friend. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
And I posted the one from the weekend
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go Wicked Worker and say her I very anger you. She say Good Morning to you too. I say I didnt say Good Morning. She say that my point. I say Oh. She say I went to prey morning but you not there. I say I go for my other job. She say oh yes I forget. I say I tell you yesterday. She say yes but I forget. I say but maybe you didnt go and just trick me. She say why would I do that. I say because you wicked. My Madam tell me. Wicked Worker say that very rude and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. After that we had our lollipop. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees then went straight to the reading of your blog.
The retirees are somewhat surprised that you were making breakfast for your son and also giving food to your grandson. The retirees also noted that for your son, you fixed a big breakfast with omelette and everything. The retirees dont give breakfast or food to their kids, we instead expect them to be giving us breakfast, lunch, dinner and anything in between.
The retirees had a special meeting to review the instructions that you provided to us. The retirees dont know how it will work if we dont take the temple kids to church. We discussed the option of have the kids stay home when we go to church but we remembered that the hijab lady informed us that the temple parents are religious. One of the retirees said that perhaps they should not be taught over religion but the other retirees laughed at the idea and said that this must be a joke. How come we are good enough to take care of them, our values are good that they trust us with their kids but not good enough to learn. The retirees then planned to talk to the temple parents and give them the option that either we take custody of the kids and raise them as best as we know, including Church or the parents can deal with the authorities directly. The retired corporate executive however wanted us to get your opinion first before discussing anything with the parents. If you can please help
thank you
recent retiree
My Smile is amazing . She has amazing grandkids. She is an amazing grandmother. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing blogger. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. All the students were amazed that you are giving that you are giving breakfast and snacks to the slurpee boy. Some of joked that perhaps thats why the slurpee boy can think big, ie all his needs are taken care of ! When we are at home and in school, we were not that lucky. One of the senior professor heard our comment, and said that forget about the Slurpee boy, the little prince is also living like a king with omelette etc being prepared for him as opposed to him taking care of Smile. The Dean however interjected and reminded everyone that you dont want anyone to comment about her son.
Some of the students are getting really frustrated with our parents. We know that you said that it will pass but even as we are getting close to get back to uni, they are not leaving us alone. They are trying to minutely decide what we should be doing. They first ask what we need, plates, spoons etc. How would we know? In the case of the dad, who is hounding her daughter, he did it again, even on her last day. She almost lost it because it is very annoying. We dont know why they dont understand that this is our working place. How would they feel if we show up to their workplace?! Unbelievable! We know it is difficult for you to understand because the lucky guy is probably not having to deal with this, but trust us, it is very frustrating.
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say you forget ask father helth again today. Father say you also no talk father but talk Kris. Father say you also say you no want old like father. Father say it no father fault that father old. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you kris independ and kris act. Hannah say you care you Kris and kris care you Niklas. Hannah say you niklas care you. Father very anger that you forget ask father helth and no talk him direct. Me say father that you go to Kaffee alone. Father say may be canada system is for Kaffee place to care senior because father see one documet on tele which say Canada take lot care senior. Father anger. Hannah tire. Niklas sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
What is this! This is beyond weird. There is nothing, absolutely noting, that I can say or do to help these young kids. The sad thing is that they will be the future. We were teenagers too, and I thought a little crazy, but this is off the chart! I know, I know
ReplyDeleteGreat work mrizvi. Thank you so much for a fantastic comment. Way to go. Beyond brilliant
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllmmmmmmmmmm down! Just Reeeeeeeeeeeelax. Get some fresh air. Keep going at this pace, and you will pop an artery. Take it easy. Good thing that you remember Smile's message of kindness
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Nice of you to let us know that this is a good post. Hope school is going well