I am working full time today

Image result for front garden with flowers pictures

Kris Dear I think My Friend Hannah did the right thing. I mean going
to parents with my Dear Friend Niklas. How long they can be like
Father's slaves. Now Father can throw ice, ring bell and keep yelling all 
the time. House is empty. He can do whatever he wants. 

Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs, you never listen to me. Keep on talking about 
Blogs, making personal remarks about the people at your work place.
To say that someone has allergy or like that is rude comment. 
Please don't do that.

My Dear Smile Army Friends, please be happy.To err is human.We all 
do that. Nothing wrong with that. Just move on. Relax and have patience.
Please take care of your emotions. Thank you.

It is 12.15, I am done with my Darts also with my light lunch. One banana
and one orange. In between we have tea/coffee break so I don't have to eat

Right now I am sitting in the Reading Garden. It is small area outside but 
part of the library.Weather is great, it is hot 36 C but very windy with gusts
65 km, so it is fine not bad.

I am sitting on one of the wooden bench under the tree. Tree is outside by 
the road but very big and tall so it is giving me shelter. I can see the busy 
Kingston road, from here as well as enjoying the scenic view of the premises.

At one side are yellow flowers, while on the other end, I can see the dark 
pink flowers with smiley faces. I am waiting to play Carpet Bowling, which
 starts at 1 pm. I am working full time today. 

Dear Retirees I just got your comment. This is a religion. They observe
mourning of their Prophet's Grandson. He was murdered 1400 years back.
It is observed worldwide.

You search on You Tube for "Ya Hussain" Majalis and procession.
You will see that it is done everywhere. Kids are safe believe me.
It is sort of their Rituals. It is observed in every country.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being weekend, customers are staying longer. They usually read blog before going for the weekly shopping in the market. A no. of them are still asking for copies of the recipe from past week but I told them again that I dont have it. Some are saying that I am hiding it so I can profit from it. The priest was also here and making notes and giving everyone veggie omelette to anyone saying Mornin Smile

  2. I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome advisor to the retirees. She is an councillor. She is an awesome full time worker. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I read you blog China. I read family

    1. I read blog Russia. I no read with family. I read alone and then talk

    2. I like blog and read in France. I like to read alone because it is good English literature

    3. I enjoy blog. I no good English but good Spanish

    4. I enjoy blog Ukraine

  5. Looks like my mother in law needs to read your blogs more often. She complains about everything, like you no say Good Morning, no talk, no do cleaning, no take care of me, no wash my clothes, no take me to church, no site with me at church, no this, no that. Just give me a break!

    Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked job worker come and say how you. I say I no want talk you. She say why? I say because you wicked and trik me. She say Oh Oh, you no supose say that. I say but it true. She say but remember what you Madam tell you today that no call anyone name. I say yes you right, I sorry you no wicked. She say that ok. I say I try do what my MAdam say but always mess up. She say it no you fault you do bad job and no time. I say yes you right. She then start go. I say where you go. She smile and say my work done for today. I do 2 bad job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. As usual, it was a long walk just under 10 mins with a few breaks in between. Our walk, though very long for us is nothing compared to the ones that you take. After that we had our lollipop

    The retirees are very appreciative for your continued guidance to us today. We read them in detail and also discussed it among the various subcommittees. The cafe manager allowed us to use the net so we also searched"Ya Hussain" as per your suggestion. We came across some lectures in foreign language, probably arabic which we did not understand. When we searched for procession, we saw some disturbing videos. One retiree brought her grandkids with her and we didnt realize that they are watching until the kids started shaking with fear. We immediately shut down the computer. The retired police detectives mentioned that this is completely illegal here and should be illegal everywhere else too. Some retirees were concerned that you are pointing us to links like these. The other retirees were concerned as to how you are aware of such disturbing videos but the retired corporate chief executive said that you probably meant something else. The retired judge said that knowing about something does not mean that someone is a bad person. He gave his own example that he comes across many disturbing criminal cases but does not mean that he is also practicing or promoting them. This helped calm everyone down. We were hoping for the hijab lady to come so we cam seek clarifications but she has been missing for several days now

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Smile Army volunteers were very pleased that you wrote for them but surprisingly they simply smiled and did not go besserk . I mean no yelling slogans or things like that. Mrs. Lucy made spicy bread based on your recipe and as usual she gave it to everyone. One student asked her why she does it and she said that she wants to encourage everyone to come. So this is like a little gesture. She also pointed out that she was very happy that you called her your friend and asked for health. She specially asked us to write thank you to you for that.

    We are continuing to have a lot of challenge with our parents. They are still asking us to call every week and talk for at least 5 minutes. All we talk about is what did you eat, where did you go, what will you do blah blah blah. We hope that someday they will realize that we are studying here. We will call them if there is anything to discuss

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing dart player. She is amazingly active. She is an amazing advisor. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Father say you yell father today. Father say father no like when no there because father ring bell Hannah no come. Father say father plan trik all and no ask sine but keep yell and keep ask Euro so presure. Father say father old almost 67

    (Me go Hannah parent and say father no want any to sine. Hannah plan come in 1-2 day. Me say come quik because father need help. Hannap parent no beeleeve. Me say me no ly but they no beeleeve. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

    1. Dear Kris Father, why you no lisen Madam. Madam very nolege. She go gorment conferemce. She do search. She micro. Madam 3 kid go university. Madam meet mayor. Madam play dart. Madam play bowling. Madam tell dear retiree how talk and how walk. Madam help dear Dean. Madam help dear Prof. George. Madam help dear me to. Madam big shot. I do 2 ok job and always read blog

    2. Father say 2 job guy you shut. Me tel you many time mind biznes. You bad Anglais. You do 2 bad job and go hel.

      (Me tel you many time you no alow to come between father and Smile. Father no alow me to. Me need write coment in braces. Why you no listen. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

      Kris (Germany)

  11. Well well well. Here we go again. Another day, same thing. I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.

    Thanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment

  12. Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate

    Great comment mrizvi. Good job

  13. Thanks Lucy Boris Dave Linda Keith Newbie Kyle N mrizvi Plunker Batman Jasmeet Kim Cleo Brenda Karen Superwoman Happy Reader and Mother in law Craig Marg Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Tiara Smile Addict Kris Stephen Tiara Greg Pete Josh Liz Michelle Paula Jerry Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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