Looking --> Observing

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It is Saturday morning with 22 C will be 32 later on. Today is my walk day.
I don't make calls on weekend. Weekends is time for people with their
own families. I had couple of small loads of my laundry.

I did 2 loads yesterday in the evening. I have to do my bed sheets laundry
today. I did that early morning before my breakfast. I put my load in washer
and by the time I was done with my breakfast, it was ready to go in the dryer.

It is 10.30 I am done with everything now time to be with my computer.
We have to divide our Day Plan into time slots, to work with. That way
we feel no pressure.

I figured out that my sleep has now different pattern. Somehow it is
programmed with alternate schedules. One night it is good night sleep
the other day not, I am OK with that.

It is 11.30 time for my walk. I am at Tim Horton now enjoying my coffee
writing my Blog. I discovered another route to come to the Coffee House.
It is walkway by the side of Strathmore Condominiums.

On one side is the beautiful lush green conservation area with all shades
of green. I can see some water flowing through. I find something new every 
day. Yesterday I noticed small light pink roses with unique fragrance. 
Today I noticed they are giving me smile. I stopped to smell and to greet. 

This is a wonderful world. We have to be patient and not only have to 
look around. We have to clear our mind from all of our stray thoughts 
after that our looking will be transformed into observation.

Observation is wonderful, takes us to uncharted land of wonders.
We are able to enjoy every bit of it. Just try that. It is 12.30 I am done 
with my coffee and my Blog. Time to go home. I also have to go to my
doctor for my six monthly vitamin D injection at 2 pm.

Dear Retirees I just got your comments. My Friend Lady please don't talk 
about religion anymore. To make it clear I am not promoting any Religion. 

Please keep Blog Reading Sessions away from Religious talks. We don't 
have to convert this place into Mosque, Temple or any such places. 
Please don't bring outside food in Cafe.

My dear Reader why are you waiting? Go to your Job 2 don't waste any 
more time until Supervisor comes back from vacation. Listen to your 
Friend Happy Worker.

Kris Dear I am not happy as Father twists my Blogs to create more
problems for the whole family. Why Hannah cooking so much?
Is there another party to come? For God sake stop that.

Ask Father not to go to Niklas room and not to throw ice on his face.
Niklas is not supposed to take Father for walk. Father is not a baby.
Father goes with him to get treats from Niklas pocket. So selfish.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. There are a lot of customers here today as the out of town customers also came. Customers didnt go to church as the blog is available in the morning and they said Smile is against religion. The Priest was feeling very low and said that he will have less people every week. He still served Yogurt smoothie in the afternoon and it was a big hit. He still asked everyone to say Morning Smile before serving them.

  2. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend of all readers. She has awesome family. She is an awesome counsellor. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I like you blog China. I no write last days but I read

    1. I read blog France. I read but no comment all time

    2. You blog good. I read Italy

    3. I read blog Russia. I read family

  4. This blog is my lifeline. Other people have other interest but I just look for your blog.


  5. You wrote in one of your previous blogs that kids should not care about parents and parents should take care of themselves. My daughter in law posted that on the fridge so we all can read. I dont think that it is fair. My son is required to take care of both me and his father. Can you explain that to my daughter in law too. She is a little slow so you will need to explain it many times

    Mother in law of the Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job 1 but Mr. Supervisor no there. I then spend lot time and find Mr. Supervisor address. I plan go his home and discuss. Happy Worker say me don't go his home but go job 2 and come tomorrow. I say I need go because my Madam want me to start do job. She say but remember she say you need lisen me so go job 2. I say ok. I go job 2. Job 2 worker say why you come you job gone. I say I only no come 2 day. She say yes but Supervisor give job to someone else. I say I need talk her. Job worker 2 say she no here because it weekend. I say then what I do. Job worker 2 laff and say you can read blog. I say that good idea. I do 0 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. Unfortunately there were very few retirees today as many were concerned that the temple priest will come. The temple priest and the lady both did not come today. We tried to reach out to the retirees to let them know that there will not be a religious gathering today but they didn't believe us. We again appreciate your blog but we are at a loss because our other programs are getting impacted by the other activities.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Mrs. Lucy was very upset after listening to the blog and finding out that you have do 2 loads. Prof. George tried to calm her down and said that you are independent but she reminded him that you recently went to the doctor and wsa prescribed medications, including inhaler. She said to Prof George with tears in her eyes, "how come her only son not understand this and let her do this? " Prof George didn't have a response. The Dean jumped in and said perhaps because that's because some people are inconsiderate by nature. He then asked the Smile Volunteers who were throwing darts to give him a dart also and threw one very hard. Prof George and Lucy and all the other profs joined them too. Smile Army volunteers were also very upset.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing friend of readers family. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is

  10. yet another new blog! I dont know how she does it

    cool Kyle

    1. Smile is a wizard when it comes to ideas and words! Just enjoy


  11. Replies
    1. What is this! This is beyond weird. There is nothing, absolutely noting, that I can say or do to help these young kids. The sad thing is that they will be the future. We were teenagers too, and I thought a little crazy, but this is off the chart! I know, I know

      Great work mrizvi. Thank you so much for a fantastic comment. Way to go. Beyond brilliant

    2. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllmmmmmmmmmm down! Just Reeeeeeeeeeeelax. Get some fresh air. Keep going at this pace, and you will pop an artery. Take it easy. Good thing that you remember Smile's message of kindness

      Thanks mrizvi. Nice of you to let us know that this is a good post. Hope school is going well

  12. Father say you say father shellfish. Is father shellfish that father wake Niklas morning so Niklas no late skook? Father say is father shellfish that father kare Kris when Kris Niklas? Father say is father shellfish that father ring bell Hannah so Hannah get exercise. Father say is father shellfish that he give free smoke to futbol kid? Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father little upset today. Hannah say you please no rite about Hannah because father get bp because it. Hannah say Hannah make kris mistake all time and no angle. Hannah say Hannah want like you when Hannah you. Me explain father that Smile no meem bad but father very anger and ring bell all time and yell Hannah. Me say invite peepple for party so father get busy but father no care. Me then invite 4 family for diner and say Hannah make 5 disch and 3 desert only and I special dish father. Father anger. Hannah tire. Niklas skare. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  13. Now tell me honestly, how many of you have ever heard a better advice about making the most of your life? Isnt it true that most of us pass through life while "looking" and not "observing" Well not any more, Smile has told us what to do. Don't believe me? Have a look:

    "This is a wonderful world. We have to be patient and not only have to look around. We have to clear our mind from all of our stray thoughts after that our looking will be transformed into observation.

    Observation is wonderful, takes us to uncharted land of wonders. We are able to enjoy every bit of it."



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