Silent Message Touches The heart

It is Monday beautiful bright morning sunny with 22 C
I am working part time today playing darts only no bowling.
It is 9.15, I am in the Billiard room writing my Blog.
Thinking about the new member of our Readers Family.
My Dear Lady, you are of the view to take action for the members
behind all these Temple troubles, issues and problems, to eradicate
that for good. I know there are many ways to tackle problems.
To make our point we can take help of law, rules and regulations.
The other one is condemnation. Corner those behind all that make
a resolution and so on, to make sure it wont be repeated.
I wont go with any of that. To err is human and we all belong to the
same human family. We have to let it go. I believe that "let it go"
acts like a silent message touches other person's heart and stays there.
We simply have to give our message not to flare up sentiments and
humiliate others. I will never go for that. Patience is virtue, it works
and pays off in all circumstances.
We have to respect everyone's self respect and dignity.
This will help to build up our happiness bank account.
Keep in mind that we all are Creatures of same God.
I request my Friend Lady please not to discuss Religion. Keep Blog
Reading sessions away from personal matters. Religion is too personal.
We have to respect whatever everyone believes and practice.
Leave it like that and don't discuss. Just relax and be happy.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was fantastic. We talked about the Smile's blog today. Lots and lots and lots of discussion. Many people are taking print outs of the blog home
SWN was fun as well. Guess which topic that we covered. Yes the same that you guys talked about. Smile is talking about forgiveness and handling conflicts in a humane way
Thank you Smile. This blog is so important for me
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome forgiver! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go Mr. Supervisor and say how you. He say I very busy because I need finish report on time. If I no finish on time, I in trouble. I say you tell people who you need to send the report that err is human. He say what you mean. I say err mean error. He say what hell you talk? I say I check in google. I know it very complicate. My Madam explain all in blog but I no supose tell if you no ask. I think he get alergy and his voice loud to. He say go and shut door. I go Hapy Worker and say her buy. She say what you mean. I say Mr. Supervisor fire me. She say no he only mean you get out room. I say I no want go and check with him because he alergy but I will not come job 1 tomorrow because he fire me. She say what you talk. He no fire. I pick my thing and go. I do 1 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciate your blog today. The retirees specially appreciate that you wrote such a big blog for us. The Lady did not come today. We heard that she is talking to her temple friends to come and talk to us and tell us about their temple and their faith. The retired judge was not pleased with her absence and said that should understand that your time is at a premium. You are solving so many issues and people ask for things and then dont show up.
The joint family living committee is asking for your inputs. They are having some challenged and they are hoping that you can help address that.
thank you
recent retiree
Yet another new blog today!!
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Of course Kyle. In this space, there is nothing recycled or old. Its all brand new from the factory of ideas
Hi guys, Smile just does not write new blogs. She writes brilliant new blogs with brilliant new ideas. Look at this
Delete"We have to respect everyone's self respect and dignity.
This will help to build up our happiness bank account.
Keep in mind that we all are Creatures of same God."
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. The psychology professors who attend your blog regularly were amazed at the blog. They wanted us to re-read the blog. The Dean kept standing throughout the multiple readings that we had. Prof George was heard saying to the Dean that this is one of the best advice that anyone can give. The Dean smiled and said yes. He added that perhaps Mr. Trump should read these blogs as he will learn a lot from it. Prof. George said yes and added that probably Smile's son is getting away with all the inconsiderations because of Smile's kindness. The Dean stopped smiling and said yes in a painful and angry voice. He then turned around and asked the psychology professors to include this blog for special reading in the political science class
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say you rite that it no problem make mistake. Father say father yell nabor because he say father mistake that forget tell party date Hannah. Father say father tell nabor that it no problem. Father yell Hannah because she thro all fuud and no keep any party and guest no eet. Father say father need plan another party because it no good that guest no eet. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father litle upset because nabor see Hannah fall bakgarden when do lawncut and nabor say father that Hannah do kris work and father mistake forget date. Hannah say Hannah say father it no father mistake but Hannah mistake because Hannah forget keep ask party date and forget keep food. Hannah say you please care you. Me say father that nabor joke that father mistake but father very anger and yell him and say he no alo in house. Me give idea father that father have new party. Father like idea. Hannah say get food from out like you but it very expense. Me yell Niklas because he go skool late all time. He say it no his mistake because he take father walk morning. Me no like because he talk. He say he no do. Me say do. Father say do. Hannah say no do. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
I give up. Really. No point to say anything now
ReplyDeleteI know. But caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllmmmmmmmm down. Also remember Smile wants us to be kind
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. I guess you did your job