God Listens to All of His Creatures

It is Saturday sunny very hot morning, it is 36 C right now
Today is last day before my flight. Yesterday was the Birthday
of my Eldest, we went to eat out to Chinese Restaurant for dinner.
Today I got comments from my Readers Family early, not from everyone,
it takes time. I will get all at the end of the day. I am not happy after reading
that. Dear Retirees I don't know why Priest takes the spot whenever he gets
any chance and same is the Lady.
Anyone can do Prayers. I believe that God listens to everyone, to All of His
Creatures. I am a very Religious person please don't take me wrong but
I don't think we have to force this to others. There are Special Places to do
Sermons and for such things.
I think this is the reason that people are moving away from Religion.
Our Clergy People and all the Big people from every Religion trying
to push and to impose to listen to them. Anything which is imposed
never works. We have to realize that if we leave everyone alone,
they will come to you but not this way.
I am not saying that it is totally their fault but they are making a dent
whenever have a chance. I like the character of Priest in Ireland. He is
there at Smile Corner like any other person not acts like a Priest.
He never pushes anyone to listen to him except inside the Church.
I am also not happy that you people kicked out the Lady from attending
the Prayer event. We can not kick anyone of His Creatures. God loves
everyone, there is no Cast and Creed in His Kingdom.
Dear Reader doing 2 proud Job I am sad that your Job Worker 2 making
fun of wheel chair. I am not taking it as joy ride. It is just a ride when we
need help we have to use that. You don't need so please don't use it.
She is a wicked person, she makes fun of you to ruin your day.
Dear Happy Reader I am not happy that you always write something
not good to start war. Now your Mother in law will write for you.
This wont result in anything good for anyone. Please keep away from
writing such comments.
Kris Dear I don't know why not give away food to Food Bank
It is very important and major problem at your place. Why you
want ask Father. You have to decide things yourself. Father is not
involved with this. Don't ask him and don't wait what he says.
Just do it.
Dear Readers I will try to write every day but sometimes it will not
be possible as I will be visiting places and people so please don't mind
my Blogs may be not good enough to read as no time. May be I have
to skip some day so please try to understand.
Please don't stop writing your Comments, these are like letters for me.
I will read and help you out when you need something urgent.
I am taking my Laptop too. I will keep it at my daughter's place.
Take Tablet with me while visiting people.
Niklas Dear don't throw your foot ball things please
It too shall pass. Time is a great healer. Have patience
You will start feeling better. Pray for me that I enjoy my Trip .
Smile Army I am really ashamed of you people. How can you think that
I am against World Cup. I am watching all the Games. Not the whole
thing but following all the games.
I don't know how to make you understand that we have to respect
everyone's emotions and always listen to your Teachers.
Now just relax and try to calm down. I hope you will say sorry to them.
I mean to the people who were watching foot ball on their phones.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. Our town people looks forward to Sunday as so many people come here. Lots of people attended the sermon today. The priest thanked Smile for her kind words about him. He joked that may be the reason for the big turnout is because people want to listen to him and has nothing to do with Smile's blog. After the sermon we had veggie omelette. Priest served that himself to all after asking them to say Morning Smile.
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She is an awesome traveller! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome scientist. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
You please safe flight. I read the blog every day. It is my lifeline
I read you blog China. You safe
ReplyDeleteYou blog good. Read Ukraine
DeleteThis blog good, I read Russia
DeleteMe read blog. Me anglais no good but French good
DeleteI like blog Italy
DeleteMe like blog. English no good but Spanish very good
DeletePlease write a blog to knock some sense in my disrespectful daughter in law. She reads your blog daily but cant learn from it
ReplyDeleteMother in law of the Happy Reader
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker 2 and say her that you wiked so I call you wiked worker now. She say that very rude. Don't you listen you Madam? I say of course I do. . She say is you Madam no say that all should be nice? I say yes. I say then do you think if someone call you wiked then that nice? I say no but I not care. She want talk more but I no wait and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciate your blog today. The retirees held a special meeting and passed a resolution to thank you for your willingness to author blogs during your well deserved vacation. The retirees also included an addendum in the resolution to wish you safe and happy travels. The retirees also relieved the retired priest from his duties as the official faith leader of our group. He will be excused from delivering any sermons, prayers or any other faith related activity. The priest protested and requested you to reconsider. He argued that he is the only one equipped and knowledgeable to deliver sermons as he know many scriptures and is well versed in the history of the faith. The lady was here and smiling during all this time. She only said that it is good that Smile has evened the playing field and now she will ask the temple pries to deliver sermons too. We reminded her that you are not pleased with her too but she pretended that she has not heard that comment. We know that you are busy but when you get a few minutes, if you am please comment on this
thank you
recent retiree
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing prayer person. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. The Smile Army was very embarrassed and apologized to everyone. They hooked up 1 TV and asked all to watch the world cup. They also gave everyone smoothies. Not all of us are interested in football, so Mrs. Lucy suggested that we play dart, which we did. All the students noted that you go to your grandson's birthday event though you are leaving in a day or so. Our grandparents don't do that. They don't travel at all and if they do travel, they don't go for any of our events. To be honest, we also don't want to go with them as they give lots of lectures and make it a boring event.
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father very anger and plan thro tele. Father say father no want watch futbol and no point tele in father apartment. Father say why Kris decide any. Who make decide when Kris Niklas? Father say father live and no die so why Kris head family. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father very upset about futboll lose because father no no see Deutschland loose first round in world cup but you rite that this only game. Hannah say Hannah keep make niklas amount foud because no place hide foud in frige because fridge kris full. Hannah say you please take kris care you because you plan work vacation. Niklas say grandpapa thro tele but if no tele then how Niklas play video? Niklas say grandpapa cancel chanel but keep tele but grandpapa say if tele then grandpapa remember Deutschland gold and champion win match. Niklas say now Niklas no able video and no do any. Me explain father no thro tele but thro foud but father no want tele. Father anger and yell me that me want be big bos and make decide but me say father father and me no father. Me say to Hannah that she no make lot food. It easy for Hannah because she only need 3 small dish and no big dish. Father thro tele and Niklas sad that he no play video but me yel Niklas because he no care father. Father anger. Hannah tire. Niklas sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Helloooo!!!! What is going on here? Is anyone listening? Is there anyone home? I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Appreciate you letting us know that this is a good blog
Just chill Plunker. Take a cold bath. Or read one of Smile's blog again. That should calm you down. No point in popping an artery. Kids these days do not think seriously. And yes, Smile wants us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood work mrizvi. How is school coming along kiddo
thank you for writing, Your blogs give me hope. I have never written a comment but do read often
ReplyDeletethank you. Thank you. THANK YOU