Precious Moments

22 July 2016

Today I am staying with
my 6th grade Grandson
My daughter went to Brimengham
for her daughter Graduation ceremony
at Warwick University

I will make my Day memorable
to keep it in my Memory Box
Playing Monopoly with my Grandson
Watching movie " Strangled "
with him like such things

Keep in mind time flies 
couple of years after
he wont enjoy my company
I wont be needed anymore

Enjoy the Moment
Every Moment is precious
as it wont come back
will be gone forever

Weather is  good 18 c° with light rain
I am sitting in the kitchen 
keeping the door open
to have a view of the backyard garden
The flowers the plants and green grass

Everything so beautiful
Thank God for making me able
to enjoy all of your beautiful Creations
You are Great
I am so happy to feel that
You are always there for me
No matter what
Please God keep looking after me


  1. My Smile knows how to juice every minute.

    Thanks Smile for writing and enjoy your family time


  2. 这是一个很好的提醒,分秒必争。感谢您的写作

  3. Sie Blogs sind sehr erfrischend. Ich genieße sie und klingt wie das andere zu tun

  4. I really loved yesterday's blog. I have not seen a better definition of happiness

    @ Karen, she is not just your Smile. She belongs to all of us

    @ mrizvi: it was really nice of Smile to recognize your "contribution". I think she did that just because she is a genuinely positive person. I checked Smile's first blog and you have been "commenting" ever since her very first blog - which is nice. But, please do read her blog, specially today's and yesterday's

    thank you

  5. Très beau blog.

    @ Karen: Smile est aussi le mien

  6. Thanks Karen Superwoman
    mrizvi Dave where ever you are
    All my Dear Readers
    Have a Great Day

  7. Dave enjoy your time with your family in Cottage
    Don't worry about My Blogs
    Have a Great Time

  8. Hi Smile, i am enjoying your blogs but my challenge is the internet connectivity because of which it is not always easy for me to comment. To give you an idea, to type these 3-4 lines, it took me 20+ mins as the internet kept resetting.

    For reading the blog, i just get a data dump and can read it without the internet. If it one of the few blogs that my system downloads automatically, so takes me no effort


  9. OH Sorry Dave
    Don't worry about Comment
    I was too demanding
    Sorry for that
    Just enjoy Your time
    Thanks so much
    Have a Great Day


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