No Complains Please

Tooting Beck
London England
15 July 2016

It is cool today I have to wear light jacket
better than yesterday
it was raining all day

I attended a birthday dinner
had a chance to see many relatives
it was my cousin's grand daughter
12th birthday

My cousin had a stroke
couple of months back
he is home now but
in a very bad shape

I was thinking last year I saw him
full of life very active
now this

We have to be thankful to God Almighty
every moment is so precious
We are lucky to move around
can Do our things
still we complain most of the time
for things which not even matter

Think about all the things we have
taken for granted
We don't give value until
God forbid these are gone
everything which
God so graciously provide us

No Regrets and no complains 
be happy and keep smiling please
we are lucky enough
Enjoy your Today


  1. Gute Erinnerung daran, dass jeder Augenblick wichtig ist

  2. @mrizvi it is not a good post, it is a great post. I wish you will read our Smile's blog so you would have known

  3. just arrived at Grimsby
    my other Daughter place
    it took 7and half hours like flight from Toronto to London
    Happy to You Guys Comments
    Not tired anymore
    Thanks making my Day

  4. Our Smile is a trotting all over England and still not forgetting to write to us. Thank you Smile

    @ mrizvi: Please read. You will gain so much it is a win - win proposition

    @ Dave: where are you my friend. You are MIA :-)


  5. Thanks Juan
    Have a Great Day

  6. My apologies Smile and Karen. I was away this weekend to my cottage with a very flaky internet. I have been missing these blogs but when i came back i got treated to a personal visit of London and now Grimsby

    Have fun Smile. And keep safe.

    @ mrizvi: I guess we both didnt read the blogs this weekend. The only difference is that I didnt comment whereas you did :-)


  7. Thanks Dave
    for reading my Blogs
    Thanks you liked
    I was writing just like my Diary
    Have a Great Day


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