Make it or Break It

27 July 2016

My father was a very learned man
very intelligent with lot of caliber but
he was lacking interpersonal 
and social skills

When I analyze his life
it was a total Mess
his marital life was the same

He never had good relation with my Mom
I think they were bound to live together
because of their children

because of all this he was a lonely man
who never trusted anyone
all this made him very bitter

Which I think not his fault as he never
been able to achieve out of his 
High Grade education

He had no friends may be because
of his complexes as his
colleagues were shining with high post
He was frustrated so also bitter to his family

He knew all this so adding up his bitterness
I think on Death Bed too he must be
thinking that nobody will be sad when
he would be gone which was not true
I loved him with all of his shortcomings
with his very limited resources he provided high
education to all of his children
I salute him for that

I think social and inter personal
skills are very important
they can make or break your Life 
and also your Career 

If we realize the importance of people
around us and feel we are
from the same " Human Family "
we feel so relaxed  we wont be scared of  anyone
we don't have to prove ourselves


  1. Good insights into the psychology. My Smile is not a marketing specialist but a psychologist


  2. Karen Happy to see your Comment
    You didn't forget me
    Have a Great Day


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