Happiness ?

21 July 2016

My daughter has to go to
Freshney Place for her daughter's
Graduation final shopping
I am 5 minutes away at Grimsby
Train station at my favorite place
sitting on the shining steel bench

I start thinking about Happiness
I am spending time with my daughter
is happiness means 
spending time with friend and family

I am sitting alone here feeling Happy
Happiness means satisfaction
and peace ?

I woke up in the morning and have a
walk in the backyard garden
feel happy

I think happiness is inside our heart
like a seed flourish with positive thinking
and sunshine of smile
like solar system takes energy
from positive attitude

May be an especial gift from God
after coping our difficult times
in the journey of Life
God gives us as a reward

May be like a Candle to keep
our heart Bright
One time I came through a
Research Publication
it's theory was
We have some charge emitting
through our extremities
which repel or attract other people
I think it does

In the morning  when I switch on
my computer
check my Readers Comments and
count Hits on my Blog
same at night
It all gives me Real Happiness
I get confused

What is Happiness ?
how it travels
may be through Rays via air current
penetrates our Mind 
our body and goes to final
Destination in our Heart

where we always have
some part of God sacred power
All this is Happiness

Whatever touches our heart 
to lighten it up is
Whatever takes its light away
is sadness
but we are only talking about happiness
So please keep smiling
Now I got it
Happiness is something related to heart


  1. C'est bien. Garder le sourire.

    Nous vous remercions de l'écriture

  2. Thats a beautiful description of "happiness"

  3. @ Boris: Yup - it is a beautiful description

  4. Thanks Boris Plunker and to All my Readers
    Thanks for reading my Blog
    Have a great Day


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