Gift Package

In our journey of Life
Joy and Happiness are like flowers 
pain and sadness are weeds
growing everywhere

we have to keep working to save
and nurture our happiness flowers
let them flourish with water of patience
and love

start your day keeping in mind
that you have another mail delivery
gift package of 24 hours 
It is at your disposal
This is only for us and we have to
schedule our day according to our own wishes

we have to pick each and every flower
of joy and happiness while walking through
the Trails of our lives and clearing our Path
from pain and sadness

we have to travel and to challenge our Day 
with Trust in God  and with all of our
abilities we are allotted as a gift from Almighty
to encounter our difficult moments

God make us able enough to handle
and walk through the unknown path
with patience and courage
keeping our heads high up 
gathering the flowers of joy and happiness
throughout our journey

keep in mind that we are not alone 
God is always there watching on us
so don't ever get scared


  1. 善念。 感谢你的分享

  2. Dear Sir, I know you don't want me to call you Sir, but to me you are a teacher of good thoughts, that's why I call you Sir and cant even think of calling you Smile

  3. Thank You so much
    I am a Woman
    You can call me Madam
    I don't mind anyway
    Thanks for reading my Blogs
    You make my Day
    by your Comments

  4. Dear Madam, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be insulting. I feel so bad. You have been providing me with so many good pointers

  5. Dear Reader
    Never feel bad
    always your intentions count
    So be Happy
    You made my Day
    Thank You

  6. Dear Madam, and YOU have made so many of my days. Thank you for your understanding and forgiveness

  7. It is great how you coin the titles for your blogs. You likely have experience in marketing


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