Day Tight Compartment

Aspen Towers

I was retired but still have the most important job
to keep myself busy and to enjoy my life
my son was working at Nortel
I used to be by myself from 8 am to 10 pm
I had to plan my day

I don't drive so made sure to get my Monthly
Bus pass to hop up any bus any time

I used to enjoy my mornings having breakfast
taking shower after that around 10 am
used to walk to Bayshore mall 10 minutes walk
from my place

I don't enjoy shopping so used to spend
couple of hours walking around and writing
anything to enjoy my day
like my Daily journal or about the things in the Mall

I used to come back to my place after 12 Noon
to have lunch and watch TV for a while
after 3 pm used to go to Central Library
in the Downtown area

I was volunteering couple of things to pass my time
Oxfam, Red Cross and trying to learn computer skills
which I didn't had any

I think if you have your own company it is more than
enough to relax and enjoy
We don't have to look at anyone else
No one has time and patience to solve anything for us

Happiness lies inside your heart and peace lies inside
your mind
Try to keep yourself happy your mind will be at peace

Live in day tight compartment leave no time for feeling
low and you will never be in Depression
learn to Enjoy your time with whatever you have


  1. I have recently retired and I did not realize how difficult it would be to "enjoy" retirement. Bravo to you for figuring things out and sharing it with others

  2. La retraite est ennuyeux

  3. For My Dear Readers
    and Dear Karen and Dave
    who think my own Experiences are better to read
    Thanks for reading my Blogs
    Have a Great Day

  4. Hello All, didnt I tell you that our Smile walks the talk. Way To go Smile

    Hello Smile, this is very positive. BTW, thank you for mentioning me. I am simply one of your readers who benefit from your blogs

    Take care and keep writing


  5. I enjoyed this one better than your other ones. It will be good if you write an autobiographical account. I will be very interested in that. Not sure about others but they can comment. Karen, Juan, Superwoman, Batman and mrizvi, what do you think? Asking you as you are regulars but if there are others they can comment too


  6. Thanks Dave
    So many asked me to write about My Experiences
    but I was not sure
    How can anyone be interested in My Daily Things
    Thanks for Encouraging me in that Direction
    I will Keep in Mind
    Thanks again Dave

  7. Thanks Karen
    For Reading my Blog

  8. I like Dave's idea


  9. Dear Readers and Mum, I read the blog everyday mum but as I am a mother of 4 kids with the eldest getting married in three weeks time, I don't write my comment in the blog but discuss with mum on the phone.

    In today's comment Dave asked about mum's autobiography - my mum has raised five kids as a single parent, she has worked all her life as a microbiologist in a country where it wasn't easy for woman to work with man (she was the only woman in her department). My dad passed away at the age of thirty eight and mum only thirty two leaving five kids with youngest at the age of two (that's me) and the oldest at the age of nine only. Since then she has worked day and night. It was a tough decision to move to Canada not only because you are going to a unknown country with no support but because since my dad's sudden death mum stopped flying (may be because she had to brought his coffin with five kids in a plane to his homeland), but now she has overcome her fear of flying and comes to see us to London almost every year. I will pick her up this Wednesday morning from the airport.

    I would like to say thank you to all the readers for reading her blog and to my brother who encouraged her to start her own blog. After my marriage I've met with lots of people and have seen how difficult it can be to let go of your children and realise you are not the centre of attention now. To enjoy your own company, to travel by yourself is not that easy but mum with her positive thinking has taught us that life is what you make it. Proud of you mum.

  10. Me too. Smile, please please please

  11. Thanks Beena
    Keep Smiling Please

  12. Thanks Superwoman
    Have a Great Day

  13. @ Benna, Thanks for sharing the background. This is courageous. You are really lucky to be Smile's child



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