Cleethorpe Festival

24 July 2016

My daughter got tickets
to go to a Festival at Cleethorpe Memorial Hall
It was seven Pounds per person

My grand daughter and grand son
were also with me
You feel really great to be with your
University going Teenager Grand kids

Keep in mind it doesn't happen so often
they are busy they have their
own interests their own circle
we have to admire and appreciate their time

Cleethorpe is a tourist spot at sea side
25 minutes away from Grimsby
it is 2 pm we had Lunch together
walked around the Stalls
dance music and the
colorful Dresses all  giving color
to the festive atmosphere

Now I am sitting outside on the
wooden bench at the round about
beautiful weather not so warm
perfect to enjoy
not much traffic here may be
it is Sunday
Flower baskets hanging all around
white and pink flowers giving color
Opposite is a football match going on

Having a Great time
What else you want the Festive
atmosphere and your family

Thank You God for providing me
all this to enjoy
You are Great


  1. Dear Madam Smile, This is a nice series of travel blog articles that you are writing. I feel like I am traveling with you

    Dear mrizvi: I hope you are enjoying it too.

  2. 感谢您与我们分享这些美好的回忆,你的读者

  3. I told you guys, my Smile is amazing!!

    Thank you Smile

    @ mrizvi: I am not commenting about your lack of reading because my Smile told me not to. But please do read. You dont know what you are missing

  4. Ich fühle mich wie ich bin England besuchen. Und ich habe nicht einmal bekam von meinem Stuhl

  5. Thanks to all my Dear Readers
    Karen where are you
    I know Dave is at Cottage enjoying
    Have a Great Day All of you

  6. Superwoman Batman and All My Dear Readers
    Keep Smiling


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