Bright Mornings

Yellows are pure infusions of Happiness
rich sunset colors and the early morning light
are the most appealing yellows
it gives brightness to your soul

We have to face a fight between Negative
and Positive in our every daily life
we don't have to let Negative be the winner
it will start infecting our Mind 
go to our body and then ruin our life

Go with positive no matter what
we are caught in this fight and have
to deal with it throughout our life
this is not our choice but it is always there
you like it or not

We have to take Command
to do everything to make possible
the defeat of our negativity
this we have to do for our own good
we have to try daily
to do things to be positive

Last thoughts we put into
our mind before we go to sleep
definitely influence our Sleep

Counter that before going to bed
I play scrabble on my computer
do anything to distract your mind

Goodnight sleep is important
to ensure Bright Mornings
and to enjoy your day


  1. Dear Madam, thank you for making my day bright

  2. @mrizvi Same inane comment every day is bugging me! I agree that this is a good post. I also agree that all other posts were good as well. But I am still not sure if you have been reading them at all. I dont mean to be disrepectful to you as Smile has been teaching me to be kind but really?

  3. @ Anonymous May I ask why you are commenting on my comments? How do you know who is reading the blogs and who is not based on a "2 word" comment? May I also suggest that you keep reading the blogs and learn whatever you want but avoid commenting on others unnecessarily

    thank you


  4. Everyone just cool down
    Have a nice Day
    Keep Smiling
    Thanks again

  5. @ mrizvi Your "violent" reaction to my helpful and encouraging comments is what gave away you unpleasant secret. You will be surprised how the two word inane comments are so telling.

    Seriously Smile is like a river of positivity. You can just take a sip from it and will gain so much. But that is up to you really.

    Even though your reply was very "aggressive", I wont take it personally. And you can thank Smile for that


  6. A great positive thought!
    From Mona


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