When to talk and how much to talk

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Kris Dear please don't yell at Niklas

It is Tuesday morning 24 C I am not working today. It is my calls 
and walk day. I called my Daughter in Grimbsy others are at work.
She told me that she will be coming to London on 7th of  July to 
pick me up. 8th July is her birthday, we will celebrate that in London
after that will go to Grimbsy nearly 7 hours drive.

Her husband's birthday is on 12th, they are having a big event for that
on 14th July. Everyone coming I mean my Daughters from Reading and
from Croydon with their families. It is his 60th birthday so She has a big 
plan for that with 200 plus people.

Father please keep in mind nothing will be cooked at home. She will be 
there like a guest as everything to be served will be from outside. I don't 
think anyone does that. I mean, to make Hannah cook for hundreds 
of people. If it costs from outside then don't do it. 

On Saturday my Nephew came for dinner at my place with his family. 
I made chicken curry and fried rice. My Daughter in law baked chicken 
and beef patties. We got Deserts from outside. We cooked as there were 
only 12 people including our own family members.

Anyway now I will talk about my Trip, which started building pressure.
I started losing my sleep but thank God for couple days it is much better.  
I am distracting myself, skipping the travel part and trying to focus on 
meeting my Daughters and my grand kids. That worked.

I think tricking yourself sometimes works well but never do that to others.
You will lose your credibility. Dealing with people is an art. Sometimes 
you don't trick you are honest and straight forward still it doesn't work.

Look at my Dear Reader who was doing 2 Jobs, always goes on losing his
Jobs. I think apart from being Honest and trust worthy, " How we talk " 
plays an integral part in dealing with people around.

We have to choose our words and also how much to talk and when 
to talk. Sometimes even not to talk works much better than to talk. 
No doubt It is an art.

My time at Tim Horton is done now time to walk home. My Eldest and
Master Golden are home. I will make banana shake to make them happy
and to get happiness in return.

Dear Reader I am happy you got Job 1 back. Go to Job 2. Don't pray 
for me during day time. Focus on work. Don't talk about my Blogs.

Dear Retirees I am not happy. Lady is messing things up. She has 
to respect other Members of the Group and also my Friend the
Cafe Manager. Not fair to overtake the stage all the times.

Culture and Religion are very touchy topics. Everyone loves to practice 
what he wants and likes his own culture and traditions. We have to 
respect everyone's feelings and don't have to compare such matters.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. I served banana smoothie this morning. One customer was giving veggie omelette for free as long. Priest specially came and requested it by saying Morning Smile.

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was great. We took the nature route as Smile made us look at nature differently. As usual, we talked about today's blog.


    2. SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies. We also talked about her blogs.


    3. Special toastmasters meeting was requested by the management today as there was a lot of side discussions going on about Smile's blog. We talked about Smile's blog about family issues. Huge interest in that


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome Tim Horton's goer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. This blog is my lifeline. Thank you for writing every day


  5. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today


    2. I sory I no wait for more time after 1 box fresh donut. The bakery make some donut each batch, I get first one. They know that I there every day so they give me first batch donuts in box. I no wait today because my son sick so need go right away


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job 2 and job worker 2 there at gate. She say what you doing here? I say I come to work. She say but you no work here now. I say no my Madam explain that I no fire I only assume. She laugh and say I guess you Madam know Supervisor and talk her all time. I say my Madam very nolege person but I no suppose talk about her. Job worker 2 say, I sory but Supervisor give you work to someone else, so you no work. I say then what I do? She say why you go back and read blog. I say I already did. She say but read again because your Madam probably need read again because she must have given you advice. I say I read 4 time today. She say but remember her blog very complicate, so you should read again. I say that good idea. She laugh and go. I do 1 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. The retirees are amazed that you are going to UK to do event planning and participate in the event. The retirees do not travel at all as we are comfortable staying in our surroundings. There are 2 retirees who are frequent travellers however they travel 2 hours away in their cars so they can get to sleep in their bed every night.

    The Lady was not here today so we had a discussion about the Smile with Smile program. The parents are looking for tips about sibling infighting, spending time with their friends, coming back late and also smoking. This is in addition to spending too many hours in their rooms playing video games. Parents are asking for your advice as this is a peak time since students are home from uni. The students' perspective is that they have nothing else to do hence they are spending time with their friends. Can you please help

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. This blog was very useful for me in my business meeting today. We were talking about effort, and people were too cautious and nervous about taking risks and getting outside their comfort zone. Our VP of HR pointed out your travels to indicate that taking risks has its rewards and there are ways to manage it

    Keith Walker

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Dear Author,

    The students and professors read your blog at the SRC today. We were thinking of reading it at the Smile garden but it is very hot. The Smile Army and the Smile feed volunteers continue to wor k outside in significant heat. The Dean asked them to come to the SRC to get some rest but they only stayed till the blog was complete and left after that. They said that they need to focus on the garden because you like nature a lot

    The psyh prof pointed out that your techique of handling pressure and stress is unique. She is an accomplished researcher in the area of stress management and she asked the Dean for copies of your previous blogs to aid in her research. The Dean smiled and said Prof George can supply her with a copy as Mrs. Lucy keeps all the blogs. Prof George said that Lucy will not give her copies but he can photocopy a few blogs for her. She thanked him and the Dean. She is also planning to give assignments on the blog to her students.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  11. Father say father yell all today. Father say father mind because Kris take Hannah side. Father say father want party all day. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father little upset because father party like you. Hannah say you please no wory, it ok. Father yell and ring bell all time and say why me say no party when you party all time. Me explain that you only small party but father say you Hannah make lot dish. Me say you get food from outside for 200 people but father say that he no care where food come he only want party. Me say ok party but it lot expense food out. Father say he same idea. Me say Hannah tire so what do. Father say yell and do drip. Me say it no good. Father say Hannah do or get food out. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. Oh my God! What is going on here. Stop this madness please. I know, I know ....

    Great work mrizvi. You made my day. Thank you

  13. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmm ddddddddddoooooooowwwwwwwn
    Yes we do need to be kind

    Brilliant comment mrizvi. You did well kiddo


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