People's Victory

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Kris Dear please don't yell at Niklas
Niklas idea was to help Father 

It is Thursday beautiful morning with 19 C gusts 40 km
I am not working today. It is my calls and walk day. I was on 
my computer checking messages from my daughters
and from my school friend living in Sydney. 

She writes to me every day. I get comments on my Blog late in the 
evening. Nothing to worry about, not your fault, it is about Google.
I made some calls. One to my Daughter in Grimbsy. Others are
busy at work. 

I also called my Younger brother and my Elder brother's wife, she 
invited me to picnic for tomorrow. They are going to Wasaga beach,
a very popular location. My Daughter in law is working so I excused.
It doesn't look nice as she can't go.

It is 12.15 beautiful weather perfect for my walk. I am at Tim Horton
having whole wheat banana hazelnut muffin enjoying my coffee.
Writing my Blog thinking about my Dear Readers Family.

Father getting ready to throw another big party. Kris never stops yelling
at Niklas Hannah busy with cooking for 400 people. Even slaves get 
much better treatment. I can only pray as my writings not working.

My Dear Reader doing 2 proud Jobs never stops talking about my
Blogs at his work place. He gets fired so often. I pray for him too.

My Dear Retirees are now stuck with Religion matters. No more 
discussions about Teen issues or anything else. Everyone talking 
about everyone's religion.

I agree that Religion is very important to everyone but it has to be 
personal. We have to give space and privacy to others to leave them 
alone and let them practice what they believe in.

I was stuck with other matters, feel sorry for not thanking you people.
I am grateful to my Friends Priest, Councillor and all my Dear Readers
celebrating for me in Ireland.

I thank to My Dear Students, Dean, George, Lucy and All my Dear Readers
for my victory celebrations. I can not write Everyone's name but trust me
and always keep in mind that everyone of you is very important to me.

I want to make correction please, it is not my victory. This is  your victory.
You are the force behind all this to make things happen. You never stop 
reading my Blogs, giving me power to write every day. 
I Love Everyone of You my Dear.

Dear Retirees I just got your comments, we are having discussions only about Religion, nothing else. I have nothing to write, I mean it is everyone's 
personal choice to attend what they want.

Dear Reader doing 2 proud Jobs, I am very sad the way your Job worker 2 
behaves, she is ruining your day and also your Job. How can anyone be so 
selfish. She doesn't care about anything. She is getting happiness out of all
this so sad. You go to your Job 1 right away and start your Job.

Dear Students I mentioned many times I have no references. 
These are all my stray thoughts. I jot down to write my Blogs.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Today being Friday, there are a lot of people who are coming. Most people come to read the blog before going home or to the pub. It is a festive atmosphere.

  2. I won the race to post the blog in our corporate noticeboards today.


    1. This is great. Did you also get the fresh SDs?


    2. Yes SA never disappoints, I don't know how much time he had to wait for. The SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster.


    3. I only need wait 55 min. I hope you like donut.


  3. This blog is my lifeline. Thanks for writing


  4. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome banana hazzlenut muffin eater! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWN was very Friday like today. Some people were looking forward to weekend but most were not feeling good because they are hooked on blogs.


    2. SWS had a similar mood.


    3. The toastmaster meeting was house full, as always. Big, Big interests in the recipe blog. Thats what we ended up talking about


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job 1 but Mr. Supervisor no there. Happy Worker say there problem because Mr. Supervisor on vacation today. I say her I no care I will wait for him. She say if you wait then you miss your job 2. I say yes but my Madam say join job 1 and I no able join if I no meet Mr. Supervisor. She say yes but if you no go job 2 you will miss pay in job 2. I say it ok, I no care about money I only care about my Madam. She say yes but she does not know that Mr. Supervisor not here. You should have started right away but now you should talk to him tomorrow so he can give you work. I say what about my old work. She say he already give it to others because you were not coming and he did not know what you were planning. I say I no wory because my Madam will fix it. I think she head hurt and go. I do 1 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. There was an incident that took place at the temple. Some retirees ended up going there. We were not planning on going but the lady came to the coffee shop where we do the blog readings in the morning and insisted to the retirees there to come with her to the temple. Your blog was not published at that time but the retirees were getting together to get ready for the blog reading. The retirees start gathering early morning in anticipation for the blog. Some retirees tried to use the excuse that they don't want to be late for the reading but she insisted and said that they will be back by that time as the special event is early morning. The retirees reluctantly went there. there were a lot of people there and they were all crammed in a very small space. Then one their priest start shouting and saying words in a foreign language. He welcomed us in English but then must have said something in his language about us because they all looked at us and started smiling. After the speech, some people aggressively talked to us and accused us of bombing their countries. Some apologized. It was complete chaos. We tried to leave but their small parking lot was blocked because the cars were parked haphazardly. The friends of the ladies came to support us and they took us back. the lady was not available after the event. Apparently they don't allow women because we didn't see any ladies their. We don't know whats going on. We were hoping to have a special meeting today for the various sub committees but all that's cancelled because of this event.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. During the reading of the blog, the Dean and some of the other professors stood up as they normally do. They said that you don't need to thank them for the celebrations. The Smile Army is working a lot in the Smile Garden these days. It was raining a lot but they still continued to work. After the blog reading, Prof George joined them and worked in the rain too. One of the Professor said why he is doing that because he hates the rain, Prof George responded that he is doing that because he wants to show solidarity with the Smile Army. Another Prof said what about classes? Prof George said that he does not have any classes. The Prof smiled and said that he will also join them after his class. The Smile Army then started raising slogans.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say father yell Niklas lot because he talk . Father say he go skool and play video all time. Father say father sik and no gooder because he no drip like Hannah. Father say father yell doctor. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say father sik because Hannah mistake and Hannah no hide food properly. Hannah say you good and stay touch with all you people. Hannah say you care you. Niklas say grandpapa yell because Niklas no go skool because Niklas sik. If Niklas home and no able do any then what Niklas do. That why Niklas play video. Niklas say he explain grandpapa but he say Niklas yel. Me yell Niklas because he mis skool to play video. He say he no do. Me cut his net. He say what he do then but me say take father walk. Why he no do. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing friend to the readers' family. She is amazing writer. She has amazing family. She is amazingly active. She is involved in amazing activities. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Replies
    1. Well well well. Here we go again. Another day, same thing. I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.

      Thanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment

    2. Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate

      Great comment mrizvi. Good job


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