My Mind -- My Buddy -- My Time Manager

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It is Saturday bright beautiful sunny morning with 22 C
After my breakfast, watched Little House on The Prairies to 
spend sometime with my son. Everyone else sleeping.

Yesterday in the evening I was at Petticoat Creek, water at lake
was looking great. Couple of ducks sailing on one side, seagulls 
busy talking to each other having party on the other side. People 
were busy with fishing and walking around. 

It is 11.30, beautiful weather for my walk, I am at Tim Horton, 
enjoying my coffee writing my Blog. Yesterday I talked to my 
Youngest sister, she lives in Chicago.

She was complaining about nothing to do and not easy to pass time.
I started thinking that how come I am always short of time. Always 
so much to do, 24 hours never enough for me.

I am long time retired so what am I busy with? I think credit goes 
to my Mind. I believe it never gets rusted rather groomed with age.
Our Mind has very strong bond with our Body.

Mind knows how to tackle our aging body. When I come back from 
library or from my walk, my Eldest asks me to make banana shake.
He doesn't like smoothie but I always mix yogurt in my shake.

Being old I am not so good for meat, doesn't work for me so I prefer 
dairy products to get my proteins. Anyway I usually come back 
after 3 pm, take quick shower and make shake for my Eldest.

My Youngest back from school at 3.30, I keep ready toasted peanut
butter jam slices with a cup of hot chocolate milk for him. It becomes
4 pm. From 4 to 5 pm is my time alone with my computer.

After 5 pm is my downstairs time with my family. Watching TV, 
having tea with my son and my daughter in law. Keep in mind that
we are not indispensable. No one needs me.

My Mind handles everything so well just to let me feel happy.
My Mind tracks my time slots, when there is nothing to fill in,
reminds me to make phone calls, to go to walk, play scrabble
and Sudoku. 

My mind is my great buddy, always pushes me to get going. 
I salute you my Mind, my friend, for everything. Thanks for 
giving me all the happiness.

Dear Retirees my Friends, I strongly oppose this idea of taking
action against any of your members. Just forget and forgive and
please close this chapter. Move on I love to see everyone of you 
to enjoy Blog Reading sessions. Just relax and be happy.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. The entire town likes them and welcome them.

  2. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome lake goer. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. She is an awesome counsellor. What an awesome person my Smile is!!

  3. This blog is my lifeline. I read it every day


  4. I like you blog China. I no write comment last days but I read

    1. I read blog France. I read but no comment all time

    2. I read you blog and like lot. It tell me what life in Canada even though I Ukraine

    3. We love reading the blog in Russia. I share with my school kids and read as a group

  5. I dont want to say anything but my disrespecting daughter in law is very rude. She does not know how to cook and spends all her time watching soaps.

    Mother in law of the Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Job worker 2 come and say how you? I say I no want talk you because you bad. She say but remember you came to talk to me 2 day ago and we also talk yesterday. I say yes but I no want talk now. She say ok so you Madam tell you that you only talk when you want something but no talk if you no need. I say no she no say that. My Madam very smart and very nolege. She only listen to her mind. She smile and say realy? I say yes her mind is like her budy. Job Worker 2 say you mean like I am your buddy? I say no. She say I think in your heart you probably think that I am your buddy that why you come to me. She say remember you Madam write in one of the blog about trust what you heart say. I say yes may be but I no remember I need go home and read all blog again. She say no that will take lot time, just trust me because I you buddy and listen me. I say ok. She laugh and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. As per your instructions the retirees have cancelled all the investigative committees. The lady is not happy and is stil insisting that we continue to make the efforts to get to the bottom of what happened. She again called for a resolution for this however the resolution did not pass as there were not enough votes due to your instructions. The retirees listen to your instructions very religiously.

    The joint family subcommittee and the Smile with Smile program have requested additional information on these topics. They said that a lot of time has been spent in the recent past because of the temple issues and other subjects have taken a back seat. The Lady however was not pleased and said that these items are less important. She said not to ask you for details about any topic until the temple investigation is complete so as to avoid getting the temple issue be defocused.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. We were again treated to cup cakes by Mrs. Lucy. She only comes to the readings on the weekends because she is not eligible to participate with student activities during weekdays. Aside from cup cakes she also got stir fry fish. When the Dean asked her as to why so much celebration, she said that this is to celebrate the big victory that you have had and to celebrate you

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Your blogs for the weekend are acting as a restorative for your readers. You have been enthralling us with captivating chronicles. Your encounters with the sea-fowl is interesting as they are known as shy creatures. We think that the reason they are not choosing to aviate as you approach is because of the tenderness of your temperament

    Thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

    1. Dear Dave and Linda,

      Madam no talk about meeting with fowl, she meet seagull. Madam blog very complicate if you want me tell, then you ask because I no tell if no ask. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  10. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing nature lover. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is

  11. Father say father very ambaras because Hannah no cleen house and no make food and all guest go hungry. Father say fahter yell Hannah lot and say why she no keep food and why give all. Father say she start talk back to. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say kris peeple come morning but no one tel Hannah so Hannah no no. Hannah find morning so kleen house in niklas time but no able make kris food. Hannah make yogurt smoothie because it easiee and you recipe kris poplar. Hannah say father upset that Hannah no keep food but Hannah no no that it party. Hannah say fahter think that Hannah talk but Hannah only ask if party today. Niklas say lot peeple come for party because grandpapa tell rong date to all. Niklas say grandpapa then joke and make fun Niklas and say Niklas metal mouth. Futbol kid make fun Niklas and say give smoke but Niklas no want give smoke because you say no. Father forget tell me nite that today date party. Me say Hannah morning it party and make prepare. Hannah then give food to father and then cleen house. She say get fuud from out but it expense so me say her make fudd home. Hannah tire. Niklas tire. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. What is this! This is beyond weird. There is nothing, absolutely noting, that I can say or do to help these young kids. The sad thing is that they will be the future. We were teenagers too, and I thought a little crazy, but this is off the chart! I know, I know

    Great work mrizvi. Thank you so much for a fantastic comment. Way to go. Beyond brilliant

  13. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllmmmmmmmmmm down! Just Reeeeeeeeeeeelax. Get some fresh air. Keep going at this pace, and you will pop an artery. Take it easy. Good thing that you remember Smile's message of kindness

    Thanks mrizvi. Nice of you to let us know that this is a good post. Hope school is going well

  14. So I have been wrong all along to call Smile an artist. She is a photographer plus an artist plus much more. Dont believe me. Well read this and then close your eyes and tell me honestly if you can not have a better description of Petticoat Creek

    "Yesterday in the evening I was at Petticoat Creek, water at lake
    was looking great. Couple of ducks sailing on one side, seagulls
    busy talking to each other having party on the other side. People
    were busy with fishing and walking around. "

    Brilliant !!


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