Keep it simple not complicated

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It is Friday sunny bright beautiful morning with 27 C sort of muggy. 
I am working full time today, playing darts and also carpet bowling
will go back home after 3 pm.

It is 9.15, I am in the Billiard room, writing my Blog. Yesterday I taken 
suitcase and trolley, out of my closet. June already started, my flight to
England is already booked for 30th June.

I have to sort things to pack, I never leave clothes hanging in my closet
so have to pack rest of the clothes in bags and stack in my closet. This is
my routine whenever I go on trips.

My room will be in a mess  for couple of weeks as I take everything
out and start sorting what to pick for packing. I never push myself so
it takes weeks. I will also talk to my Daughters to have their input. 
I know they will say Mom bring your nice dresses.

I talked to my grade 7th friend, she lives at Regent street, it is heart of
London. Last time I stayed at her place for couple of days. We went 
together to Kew Gardens and walked around Oxford street.

Today in the evening I am planning to go to my doctor to get prescription
for some of my medicines. I know I wont need them but at my age, it is
better to be prepared for anything, specially when we are out of country.

England is very expensive for we visitors. Two years back day pass for
buses used to be about 5 Pounds and for trains and buses, around 
10 pounds. Medical you can imagine. Anyway I don't have to think 
about all that.

Right now I am enjoying the beautiful view of back garden of library.
Birds having their morning walk. Couple of people are walking with
their dogs. Two black squirrels playing hide and seek.

Dear Retirees you don't have to set up any search operation for Temple.
Keep Blog Readings simple and let everyone enjoy. Don't make it 
serious and complicated. Just relax and take everything easy.

For my Recipe Blog, stir fry will not be unhealthy, we don't have 
to use too much oil. It is time for darts, I have to go, talk to you later.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. It is a custom here that they come here to read blog from today and after that go about the weekly shopping. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies.

  2. Thank you for writing the blog. It is my lifeline


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome club meeting goer . She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. This good blog. I read Russia

    3. I enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good

    4. And I read Poland. I like you blog lot. I read for my teanger kid

  5. I made mixed veggies stir fried for my family. They all loved it. The big news is that for once my mother in law did not complain about my cooking

    Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Job worker 2 come and say me how you. I say I sad that Madam son bother Madam so much that she need throw dart 3 time week. Job worker 2 say is she going? I say yes she going on Jun 30, her flight book. She say,so she will start pack on Jun 28. I say no, she start pack soon. She say is she moving house? I say no she only going visit but she no want rush thing but do very slowly. She also need do lot thing like take care grandbabies, give money son, go library, carpet boling, thro dart, write blog, cook food. I wanted to tell her more thing but she say, I bore and then go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. The retired private detective and the retired police detective were a little upset with me that I didnt clearly communicate to you that the well being of the children at the temple is at stake. They mentioned that if you would have known, there is no way you would have asked the operation to be wrapped up. They have asked other retirees to help out. Due to the children involved, they have had consultations with the Smile with Smile subcommittee. Based on today's intelligence, they found out that the children, some as young as 10 years old, are being subjected to famine. They are not only being denied food, but also fluids, including milk and water. We are cataloguing all these mistreatment and will present it to the appropriate authorities in a few days. We hope that the Child Welfare Society will be able to find better homes for these young kids and also take action against the parents as well temple leadership for subjecting this kind of treatment. We are hoping if you can write an appropriate blog too so the authorities dont dismiss our case. Your words are very powerful and in the past you have had a lot of success in getting the govvernment departments to take action. The Smile Army volunteers reinstatement at the university, the police officers, the great friends, the Smile Cafe are some of the examples of how you have used the power of your words to sway opinions of the authorities.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Another fresh new blog today. Smile is fantastic!

    cool Kyle

    1. Of course Kyle, Smile's blog are always fresh. What else do you expect!


  9. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. There were still no Profs as they are out of the city for their meetings. The meetings are being chaired by the Dean and the Chancellor is there too. They go through the review of the curriculum at some offsite location once a year. Mrs. Lucy is also travelling, we thing she is with Prof George but we are not sure. Some of us are having a very hard time with our parents. They treat us like small children. They ask us a million qs like where did you go, what did you eat, who did you meet and on and on. Some parents also track the mileage of our cars. There is nothing we can do because they pay for a lot of things. We thing it is a bullying tactic. We know that the lucky guy is having some problems but we are sure that he is not having this hard a problem We know that you have already written about this and asked us to remember that this too shall pass. But we just dont know what to do

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing traveller. She is an amazing blogger. She is an amazing author. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  11. Father say you forget thank father today. Father say it ok father angle so father no mind. Father say father no helping shut tempal because thank. Father say father do becuase father want kleen Deutchland from bad peeple. Father say father yell Kris because he no tell all coment father. Father say father lern new thing from preest and retire. Father say father will also try find if they no give fuud and water to there niklases. Father say if father find then father will tell Chancellor. Father say father will ask futbol kid to find. Father say father plan give idea to lot peeple in party. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah finish make fuud and finish klieen house and finish kiieen backgarden. Hannah say party tomorro after church so kris peeple come in afternuun. Hannah say Hannah kris tire. Hannah say you no wory Hannah and you care you. Niklas say grandpapa yell Niklas and say why Niklas no go see see and why Niklas no go spy Niklas of bad peeple. Niklas say he no want do any becuase it no there Niklas fault but grandpapa say Niklas need help any. Father yell me and say me that me no reeeed coment but there lot comment and me no time and me anglais no very good. Me idea to father that tell all 500 peeple in party so they all make list of temple. Me need tell Hannah make more fuud becuase more peeple come. Me wil help like me tell Hannah if fuud good. Me nervus because fuud no inuff but father say no wory and tel Hannah nite so she make more fud. Me say she tire but father say she yung so no problem. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. Replies
    1. Give me a break. This is getting ridiculous. It makes my blood pressure go really high. I know, I know .....

      Good job mrizvi. You made my day. Thanks

    2. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. Just Calm down. Take it eaasssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Yes we need to be kind

      Great work mrizvi. You guessed it right kiddo


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