Internet Revolution

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It is Saturday cloudy day with 19 C, it was raining in the morning.
Weather is pleasant not cold. It is very busy day today as my
Daughter in law uncle coming with his family at our place.
He is visiting from California leaving Monday.

My Daughter in law Parents are staying at our place, her uncle was
coming in the afternoon so we arranged High tea. I was busy with
shopping things from outside. We had cake, chicken patties, melon, 
cookies, things like that. It was good, they spent couple of hours.

I have only one week left for my travel. It is 7.30 pm. It was busy
whole day so I had no time to have my time alone. Family matters
a lot, we have to give it priority. Now I am with my computer 
writing my Blog. 

Dear Reader I don't know what to write for you. You go on listening to
your Job worker 2. I told you many times that she is not your friend.
You don't have to do what she says but you always do that so never get
your Job 2 back. She makes you to go back and not to get your Job 2.

Dear Retirees sibling problem is very common issue, same is playing 
Video games. I think Parents have to cool down. We have to understand 
that it is different Era. We don't have to compare with our own childhood.
That was nearly about more than half a century back period.

Guests were at my place with their teen age Kids. They were sitting together
but no one was talking. They all were playing games. It is now the culture of
Teens, nothing to worry about. If they are having good marks, let them do 
that. Not a big deal. It is their culture, Internet revolution.

Kris Dear Father is a sick person. Take him to some Psychologist. He needs 
therapy. Inviting so many people and having parties all the times is not 
normal. You have to take charge to save Hannah and Niklas from his 
abusive behavior.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. The customers are very grateful to you that you care so much about the readers. One customer brought a big cake and wrote "Thank You Smile. We love you" on it. She offered it to everyone. She asked me before offering it to confirm if I will be ok with it as it will cut down on my biscuit sales, I told her that this will be my honour, I dont mind if I lose the sale for the whole week let alone one or 2 days. There was very limited attendance in the church today as almost everyone is here in the Smile corner instead of going to the church. Out of town customers are here too

  2. Thank you for writing this blog. It is so important for me


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome friend! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. I like you blog Russia. I read alone

    1. You write good. I no good Anglais but French good

    2. And I read in Poland. I read but no comment

    3. I like blog in China. Tell kids to because it good

    4. You blog very good. I tell me kid in Ukraine

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You right good to. I go job 1 and see job kid with video kid. I say her how you. She say I very busy and no time talk blog I say her I no want talk blog I want tell you hat you no need wory about video kid play video because it video culture. She say me yes I know but why you here and no go job 2 ? I say I no moeny to go that far so I wait for my pay and then I put petrol in car and then go. She say take money from me and go. I say no I no supose to because I need check with my Madam. She say take it and you can give back. I say if my Madam say ok then I will take because only Happy Worker is my friend and no one else. She say but Happy Worker no here today. I say that ok but I no do anything which my Madam no say. I think she head hurt and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. Team lead of the Smile with Smile program committee led the reading of the blog. They wanted to take the time to go through your blog as you have highlighted some very interesting points. They will also consult with the child behaviour therapists because your blog addresses some novel issues which are being experienced across the western world. Their thinking is that this blog can prove to be a beacon for new research.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. As soon as we we finished reading the blog the students immediately started raising slogans. It was an extempore reaction as we could not control ourselves. All the professors, the Dean and even Mrs Lucy were surprised. We explained to them all our life we have been yelled at and that this is the first time that anyone has really understood us. The Dean smiled and said that he is not surprised as you have fixed his life also

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. My daughter in law is a big fan of yours and some of the messages that you wrote about living together may have gone through her thick head. Please ask her to start waking up earlier and not be that lazy

    thank you
    Mother in law of the Happy Reader

  9. I am continuing to read this blog for some times now. I dont write but I enjoy the way you describe the day to day details and make them so interesting. I am big fan of Herriot but I find that your style is mot just more personable but also have a message every single time

    thank you

    1. Same here. I agree with your comment. I think one of the reader made a comment previously that she is a combo of Herriot and Gibran. And that is so true


  10. Father say you rite that father sik. Father say father tell that to doktor but doktor laff and all time say father stop eeat. Father say father sik and old but father very act and plan party like you. Father say when father Niklas he no play video so that why father yell when kid play video. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah kris tire because kris work need done. Hannah say you do kris thing and niklas care you. Me explain father that you say father need go doktor and father say that you rite Father yell me and say me need take him but father no sik only eat. Me say father no do party but father say invite all out so do. Me confuse . Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. My Smile is amazing . She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing blogger. She is an amazing relationship guru. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  12. Replies
    1. I dont understand what should i do to get some sense in kids. They think this is cool but it aint cool. I know, I know I should relax and calm done and be kind

      Way to go mrizvi. Fantastic comment.

    2. Yes Plunker, dont worry about this stuff. Smile has asked us to focus on the positives. And be kind

      Brilliant comment. Thanks for letting us know that it is a good blog


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