Happy Meal comes next to Moms

Image result for pictures of flowers shops

Dear Students
I am happy for My Friend Lucy
Waiting for my Friends Dean and George

It is Sunday cloudy morning with 19 C rain is on the way.
It is busy day for me.Two of my friends invited me at their places.
One is just 10 minutes away at 11.30. My son was ready to drive me 
there but one of my friends called me to pick me up.

I am back, it is 1 pm. Next one is at Scarborough 20 minutes away 
at 5.30 pm. I have enough time to go for my walk. It is 1.30, I am at
Tim Horton enjoying my coffee writing my Blog.

Dear Kris please stop Father from making lists of Temples 
and ask him not to interfere with other people's Family Matters. 

My Dear Retirees, I am very much aware of the whole situation.
I know that kids are involved. I won't support the idea of dismantling
family units, 

Snatching kids from their Moms and giving them Happy Meals.
I believe for kids Moms comes first, Happy Meal comes after.

I am still mad at the Priest, who started all this, now it is so chaotic.
Everyone talking about other people's religion, how they talk, how they 
park cars, how they dress up. I hate to talk about religion, it is too personal. 

We have to judge people from their inner beauty. I requested many times
to not to write anything unless it is something positive. I will never write my 
Blogs to spread Hatred. Please take it as messages of Happiness for 
Human Family.

Let's talk about birds, flowers and butterflies. Yesterday I went to
my doctor, she gave me antibiotics and puffers to use for one week. 

It is 2 pm, I am done with my coffee and my Blog. I have to walk 
home now. Red, yellow and purple flowers giving me smile from across.
Black squirrel stopped for a while. I think to say Hi to me.

I was about to leave, my Youngest just called, coming to give me company.
He knows that he will get treats from my pocket.. He loves fries and Slurpee.
He will be happy but I will get happiness too. What goes around comes around.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Though it is Monday, there are still lots of people coming in to read the blog

  2. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA


    1. I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster


    2. And I posted the one from the weekend


  3. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You give so much advice to Dear Retirees, and Dear Kris Father, and Dear Literature Fellow, and so many Dear Readers. You also give food to son sons and money to son, and grocery to Daughter in law. You go government conference and do science. You big shot but you always take care readers. I do 2 proud jobs and always read blog

  4. This blog is my lifeline. Thanks for writing every day


  5. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome naturalist. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  6. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Still working on getting the blogs posted from the weekend.


    1. Can you please post them before the Smile Walks? We will like to read them before going for the walk


    2. I have now posted all blogs in all noticeboards in lobbies A, B, C and D. Sorry for the delay, I was delayed as people kept coming to get copies from the printouts


    3. SWS was fun. There are some managers who also join these walks. People were saying TGIM (Thank God Its Monday)


    4. SWN was fun too. We talked about Smile's blogs from the weekend


  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today. Your blog caused a big debate within the retirees. There were some retirees who said is Smile has said anything then we should blindly follow those words. The other retirees still blamed me that I have not fully made you aware that it is not just kids who involved but they are being mistreated, maltreated and perhaps abused. The retire child advocates, the retired human rights workers, the retired women's lib and women's right advocates, as well as the entire Smile with Smile subcommittee are in that camp. The retired priest has been suspended from the readings, even though he kept on apologizing. As a compromise we asked the retired detectives from the police and private firms to only monitor for the next few days after which the program will be stopped. All retirees were in favour as this does not violate your dictates ie to suspend these activities, and at the same time we have the opportunity to help save the kids if needed. The lady didn't come today so she was not part of the decision

    The retirees don't understand how you were able to go for a walk and also had not one, but two social events. We tend to only have that in 1 month, though the retired social coordinator has 2 social events in 1 week but she does not do any walking as she has a slight weight problem

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. You wont believe what happened. During the meetings of the curriculum review, we found that the Dean asked all professors to include blogs and references to blog. For example for the Literature courses, the psychology courses, the philosophy courses as well as Spiritual Science and Meditative Studies, all courses need to adopt Smile methodology. Apparently there are some professors from the old school who don't want to change. The Dean is working with them to change it. He came back and looked tired. Prof George told us that he has been very busy as revamping of the curriculum is not easy but now we are over hauling it. Prof George thanked you for your shout out to him

    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing . She is an amazing Tim Hortons goer. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing blogger. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Father say you forget thank father and you say father no make list. If father no make list then how Chancellor no. Father say father want go and sea temple from hide. Father make video temple and give video Chancelor. Father say father plan get futbol kid make video temple. Father say futbol kid vacation in July so they injoy to and do good job to. FAther say he plan give them smoke and call them Sherlok Home. Father say it good fun project all. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah no no what do fud because kris fud and if no do any then it go bad. Hannah say she no alow give fud homeless. Hannah say you kris rite that niklas good take Niklas from their Hannah. Hannah say she try xplain father but he litle upset. Hannah say she want thank because you care all Niklas. Niklas say grandpapa cal futbol kid and say give smoke temple kid and find about temple peeple and make video so give Chancellor. Niklas say Niklas want do because fun. Niklas say it no dificult make video with fone. Niklas say Niklas no smoke because you say no smoke. Me give idea father make video so father bisey. Father injoy and video easiee to make. Father get gud project to. Father hapy. Niklas hapy. Hannah tire. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. I am just banging my head against the wall. There is absolutely nothing which is working. I have tried to be kind, I have tried to be harsh, I have tried to be reasonable but it just is not working. And yet Smile wants us to be nice to everyone in this forum

    good job mrizvi. Great to let us know that this is a good blog. I dont know what we would have done if you would not have told us

  12. Just caaaaaallllmmm down Plunker. Reeeeellaaax. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. Or better still just read the blog again

    Thank you mrizvi. This is a good comment. You are doing an amazing job


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