Looks Like Iceland

Retirees my friends
Please don't suspend anyone's
membership, thank you.
If kids playing video games,
keeping track of their homework and studies.
Let them enjoy that, not a big deal.
Students my friends
How can I give any advice as I don't know anything.
I think my friend Dean doesn't trust me, that's why
doesn't want to share. Anyway I will pray for him.
It is Sunday, snowing since yesterday. Birds not talking today,
very quite atmosphere. Temperature not bad 6 below 0 C
Trees are all dusted with white powder. Snow is everywhere,
it looks like Iceland.
Yesterday driving conditions were not good, still my son
managed to go to my friends gathering. My son also has
friends over there, as they are our family friends.
One of my friend's husband died last month. Yesterday she made
arrangements for the ceremony. It was at night so we went at 8 pm
back after 10 pm.
It is always good to share people's moments specially their
difficult moments. It gives them a feeling that they are not alone.
It is very important at the time when they are feeling low.
Today I have to go to one more same sort of gathering. She is
my cousin and having ceremony for her late brother, who died
last month in London.
This is life, a mixed plate, we deal with all the mixed moments of
happiness and grief. We are members of the same Human Family
so have to be there for each other, to give support.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D. I will post the blog from the weekend later today
I was running into issues posting the weekend blogs as people were coming to get the blogs from my desk as I was printing them out.
DeleteI have now posted the blogs in all noticeboards
I was one of the person who bugged you. In lobby C, there are a whole bunch of people waiting for the blog so that's why I took a no. of copies from you. Sorry about that.
SWN was fantastic. We walked on the nature trail today and talked about Smile's nomination
SWS was great also. We talked about the weekend blogs during the walk.
This week's Smile Forum will be a high profile event. Lots of management presence expected. Managers are pushing the team to read the blog and join Smile walks as it is healthy for mind and body
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome psychiatrist. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read your blog every day but you dont write for me. This blog is my lifeline
I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already posted when I got there. Of course, there was also a box of fresh SDs with a note from SA
I was in early today and posted the blog. Of course the SDs were already there. Plus one additional donut for the poster
And I posted the blog from the weekend. So we should be all good :-)
I say thank because my kid learn lot from blog
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker with video kid and say her how you. She say I very busy and no time talk blog. I say her I no want talk blog I only want talk about video kid. Does he play video. She say yes, he play video all time. It no good. I say her no you no think like that because my Madam big scientist and she say it no bad if kid play lot video. She say but all expert say they should not play lot video because it no good health. I say yes but my Madam also do science and talk mayor and is big sychologist and like realy big big shot. She very knolege to. She say I need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciate your blog today. The Smile with Smile set up a special impromptu session with the parents and shared with them the advice that you provided. The parents were very pleased and expressed their thanks to you through the Smile with Smile subcommittee.
The chairperson of the Smile with Smile program was in tears. She was expecting that you will sack her due to her ineffective communications. Sh thanked you profusely for your kind consideration. Though she is not suspended, she is planning on resigning because she thinks that she is not good enough for the job. She said you are very busy and have no time to deal with ineffective communicators like her. She also expressed her apology to you
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. The Dean was not here today. He hardly misses any readings. Prof George mentioned that he has an important meeting to go to. We asked Prof George if the Dean is ok but he changed the subject. We think that Prof George knows about what is going on. We are all very concerned about him. The uni has a very sad and demoralizing atmosphere these days but we dont know what to do and how to help
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing gathering goer. She is an amazing advisor. She has an amazing grandson. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say you forget yell father today. Father say he joke please no mind. Father say father say nabor that you no yell father bekause you no that father good and father rite and father angle and father no selfish. Father say nabor no agre so father yell him and say shut and tell him that he need pay see bird trik. Nabor bad and ask father pay for watch tele but father say father no pay because father guest. Father say nabor need give food father because father guest and father hunger. Father say nabor say sory and give father food. father say father plan go again lot time because nabor good treet father. Fahter say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say she want thank nabor because he say Hannah that he invite father and tel Hannah to kris rest and nabor kare father. Hannah say she do kris sleep and only wake bekause Kris need food. Hannah say Hannah start feel gooder. Hannah say you please take kare and no wory. Me do lot rest and Hannah do let rest. Hannah onlu need wake 4 time beucase me need food. Me no like cool food. Nabor complain father but he good. Hannah say me need give gift nabor but me no want do. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
good post
ReplyDeleteI am just banging my head against the wall. There is absolutely nothing which is working. I have tried to be kind, I have tried to be harsh, I have tried to be reasonable but it just is not working. And yet Smile wants us to be nice to everyone in this forum
Deletegood job mrizvi. Great to let us know that this is a good blog. I dont know what we would have done if you would not have told us
Just caaaaaallllmmm down Plunker. Reeeeellaaax. Take a deep breath. Go for a walk. Or better still just read the blog again
DeleteThank you mrizvi. This is a good comment. You are doing an amazing job
Thanks BHM Boris MS Linda Dave Batman Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Plunker Karen Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Cleo Smile Addict Tiara Kim Craig Marg Jasmeet N Kyle Newbie Kris Tim Steve Oliver Mikey Happy Reader and Mother in Law, Pete. Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone