Key To Happiness

Smile Army My Friends
I didn't say You to work and raise kids
Focus on your studies and please
have Patience, calm down
don't leave volunteer work
at Smile Garden.
Kris Dear first of all why you
always yell at Niklas
It is none of His fault.
Sit down in Father's room
Spend time with Him
Read blog and magazines of
His interest like National Geographic.
Just relax He will be fine
Give Him Time.
It is Tuesday cloudy morning, damp with light rain temp. 6 degrees.
It reminds Me of England weather. It will be raining till tomorrow.
I don't work on Tuesdays, today is my calls day, not enough load
so do my laundry some other day.
I called my younger sister who lives back home. She is like happy
go lucky person. She lives alone but is not lonely, loves to watch
TV shows to pass her time. We use to talk about that. I also called
My Grade seven school Friend, she lives in London.
I did my hair color and organized my toiletries cupboard. My son
is working from home, I will make something to enjoy lunch with him.
My Dear Friend " N " you start feeling low after every couple of weeks.
You say I don't write for you, My Dear if you start reading comments
from our Readers Family, you will never complain.
There are so many issues which have to be discussed on top priority
If you start getting some hobbies whatever you love to do, you will
never feel low, I mean lonely.
Believe me Yesterday I was thinking that 24 hours not enough
I need more. I am retired long time but keep myself busy in so
many things, to pass my time. I believe life is a mixed plate for
everyone, we have to pick and choose to enjoy our life.
My Dear Retirees Friends, Targets are things to keep us busy.
Every day I give targets to myself. It is like cooking something
for dinner, laundry, making calls, giving snacks to my grand kids.
My Friend doing 2 jobs, targets are not for retired people, or for
the people married and have their own family, not at all my Dear.
We use to have number of targets, while at work we have
different targets related to our work.
When we are home, married, unmarried, living alone or
with family, we have to set targets to keep ourselves busy.
Pick your hobbies, anything you love to do, like gardening,
reading, watching TV shows, whatever.
I love to be busy with my family, cooking to put something
on dinner table, giving snacks to my grand kids and so many
other things, I love to do. Walking, going to library, making
calls also busy doing my own things like laundry and so on.
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog
SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome cook! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing for me today. I don't want to read other people's comments because they don't write for me.
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there. Thank you SA
Please no thank me. Thank Smile because I bring on her behalf
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I start try writing but I no show anyone. I write that I get up, I read blog, I eat breakfast, I read blog, I go job 1, I late so I hide and no say helo to Mr. Supervisor, I do work and make list. I read blog, then I read blog again and tell all job worker and then do what my Madam say , I do more job and then read blog. I write like that. I know you lot busy because you need help lot people but can you give me advice. thank you. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciated your blog today. The retirees specially appreciate the comments that you provided for us. The retired human behaviour specialist and the retired professor in anthropology are going to be reviewing this further to understand this more. In the mean time, we have set up a pilot project and 10 retirees have volunteered to set daily targets as per your guidance. They will report on their experience to us in due course
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog today at the Smile Garden. The Smile Army has resumed their volunteer activities/ They have also started to focus on the studies. The Dean was heard talking to Prof George that it is too much stress and he may get fired and also fined for directing funds for the Smile Garden and reprimanded for allowing great friends to come in contact with students. When he noticed that he is being heard, he quickly ended the conversation, saying that he will discuss more some other time. He asked us to thank you and went to the meeting rooms. He also asked us to ask you if there is any advice you have for him. The senior law professors are engaged and they are thinking of putting together a defense for him but they dont know what to do. Can you help
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say father no use. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say she wory because father start get niklas. Hannah say you please kris care you and niklas wory. Niklas say grandpapa no do not. Me go father room and read blog but father no talk. Me yel Niklas and say him get rabit in Niklas room but he say he no want. Me say father imprtant rabit? He say Niklas important to. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
This is yet another classic from psychologist Smile! Look at this:
ReplyDelete"When we are home, married, unmarried, living alone or
with family, we have to set targets to keep ourselves busy.
Pick your hobbies, anything you love to do, like gardening,
reading, watching TV shows, whatever."
Is it brilliant or what!
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing cook. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile
ReplyDeleteWell , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same thing every day. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kiddo
We have been reading your blogs at our Cabinet meetings and were particularly intrigued by today's blog. Goal setting and target setting are important attributes in the industry. The VP of HR is going to look into this and further discuss it
ReplyDeleteKeith Walker