Don't Make It a Battleground

Kris Dear please take bell away
from Father, this making lot problem.
Why you ask Hannah make 2 new dish.
You can take out from Fridge, the old one
microwave and have it. Hannah is sick,
you have to co-operate so she can recover.
It is Tuesday, very cold 17 below 0 C snow is there,
not going anywhere. I don't work on Tuesdays, it is
my calls and laundry day.
I have to make couple of calls. My friend left to see
her son back home, now no more calls to her.
I called my sister, she lives in London England.
Called my brother who lives with his daughter in
Markham, also to my sister in law, she is in Aurora,
and to my husband's sister, she lives back home.
At our age, we live alone like my friend " N " , she
starts feeling low, as there is no one to talk. If we live
with our son / daughter, we still feel lonely as they
have their own life. They are busy with work and
family of their own.
These calls play very important role in our lives.
We always need someone who can relate to us, from
our own age bracket. This is not only for old people
and seniors, it works for everyone from any age group.
Calls are very precious to me as I know that whenever
I call, someone waiting for me at the other end. That is
more than enough to make my day.
Today my youngest not feeling well so he is staying home, I will
enjoy his company. I made banana smoothie, also made coffee
in hot milk, like Cappuccino style, for my grandson. He is
enjoying playing video games on TV
Playing too much Video games is not good but if kids are keeping
track of their studies, let them do it. Every household is like a battle
ground just because of video games. Not worth it to ruin your
weekends and evenings.
Parents not ready to accept as they didn't do that in their childhood
period. We want the same scenario for our kids to be on safe side.
It is a big change my dear. We started writing messages on facebook
instead of mailing letters. Please be flexible while dealing with kids.
I am done with my calls and my laundry. It is 2 pm weather is better
now 12 below 0 C bright sunny day. I am getting ready in layers
for my walk. It is 2.30 I am sitting at Tim Horton, enjoying my
coffee and writing my blog.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers are flocking to my shop as the word is getting out that this blog is about teen issues
ReplyDeleteI lost the race to post the blog on our corporate noticeboards. It was already posted when I went to post it
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
Thanks for writing my name in your blog but I want you to write the blog for me, like you do for Dean, retirees and others. I read this blog every day
My Smile is so awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She has an awesome family! She is an awesome writer! What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was a great. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog.
SWN was fun too. We also talked about the blog. Participants could not believe that Smile has so contrasting personality traits that she goes for walk in freezing cold weather and goes to community gatherings and support her relatives by staying in touch with them and writes about TEENAGERS!!
The toastmasters meeting today was about Smile's blog. Lots of people wanted to talk about he today's blog as teenager issues is a hot topic but we ran out of time. I will schedule another meeting for that
Dear Madam Smile, You so good. You write good to. I call lot people today like sick job worker, job worker with video kid, happy worker and all worker in job 1. Mr Supervisor ask me come his office and say why you call all people. I think he anger because I no call him, so I say him. I need go but will come 1 min. He say ok. Then I go out his office and call him. He say why you call, you need come in office. I go in office. He say what you doing. I say my Madam say we need call people. He say yes but she mean if they are far away if you call people who are in next room then that wierd. then it make you feel good. And she right because all people that I call they hapy and laff lot. I think he hapy to because he start laff to. I then come out his office and plan call more people. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees read you blog and were very surprised to read some of the contents. The retired physical trainer and the retired professional athlete asked for the blog to be read multiple times as they could not believe that the reader is reading it correctly. It was the retired child psychologist who had the high honour of reading today's blog. She normally gets very upset if someone ask her to repeat her twice so we were surprised that she didn't express any concern or displeasure at reading the blog multiple times. Some retirees went to congratulate her as she is now a team player but she got very upset with them when we asked as to why she is not upset when we requested the multiple reading of hte blog, she responded with a smile that who will be upset of reading this blog multiple times. I can read the blog 100 times and would not be bored. The reason we were asking her to read the blog 4 times was because we could not believe that you chose to go out in -17 C weather. Some retirees said that even thinking about it is making us feel cold
The retired child psychologist has set up a meeting with her active colleagues to go through the details of the blog. She said that she will get back to you if there are any qs or feedback
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. All students were very happy to read your blog because our parents do not understand why we play video games. You are right that they never played it so they dont understand it at all. The Smile Army raised slogans for you and we all joined in. We also sent copies of your blog to our parents. We plan do do one more reading of the blog in the evening as there is a request by other students who dont typically attend the reading to share it with them. We plan to do this reading at the Smile Garden as we are expecting a house full
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing Tim Hortons goer. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say thank because you take care father. Father say you no need wory because father change bell. Father say you rite that old bell no good for father because father had hurt because father need ring lot time. Father say new bell good because father need press buton only and it lot loud to. Father say Kris come and say that you say that Kris take father bell away but father yell him and say him that you think father use old bell and father finger hurt. Father say he say lot sory. Father say he ring bell lot time today to punish and no wait 4 min. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you please no wory Hannah. Hannah say Hannah need 3 paracetmol and it make head pain go niklas. Hannah say father some time think that bell no work so he ring again. Hannah say she niklas energiie so no able go speed. Hannah say she kris wory Niklas. Hannah say you please go niklas walk and do kris rest. Me tell Hannah only make 2 dish because if she make more then it no good for her. I no use micro because father say it bad health. Father also no alow freeze because it bad health to. Me say Niklas that he need go when father ring bel but father say only Hannah alow. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Oh my God! What is going on here. Stop this madness please. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteGreat work mrizvi. You made my day. Thank you
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker. caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmm ddddddddddoooooooowwwwwwwn
ReplyDeleteYes we do need to be kind
Brilliant comment mrizvi. You did well kiddo
Smile is not only an artist who paints pictures with her words but is also a brilliant psychologist who delivers very complicated messages very simply. How she does it? Well she uses her folksy style of course. Dont believe me. Well, have a read of how simply she solves such a complicated issue as video games:
ReplyDelete"Parents not ready to accept as they didn't do that in their childhood
period. We want the same scenario for our kids to be on safe side.
It is a big change my dear. We started writing messages on facebook
instead of mailing letters. Please be flexible while dealing with kids."
We were at a voyage and returned this cockcrow. Though we have been reading your your captivating writings, your sagacious guidance at the caravansary, we did not have the opportunity to share our thoughts with you as the small mobile devices are not conducive for writing comments of any decency. Hence as soon as we had the opportunity we immediately went to our trusted electronic keyboard and started banging at it to come up with this gibberish. At the chalet, your blogs were the main attraction for our fireside chats.
ReplyDeletethank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
Thanks BHM Boris MS Linda Dave Batman Keith Literature Fellow Retiree Group mrizvi Plunker Karen Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Cleo Smile Addict Tiara Kim Craig Marg Jasmeet N Kyle Newbie Kris Tim Steve Oliver Mikey Happy Reader and Mother in Law, Pete. Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone