I don't Mind

We never know which is the last leg of our life
This is in God hand for each and everyone of us
Still there is time when we think now time for
our next generations to take the stage
And we should be on back seat
It is a hard fact but is reality
We have to accept it face it with grace
We are now no more the same integral part of our family
our power of decision making is slipping away
Kids growing up fast have their own activities
and no time to talk and communicate
Looks like, we no more relate to them
and they have to make efforts to keep
the connection alive
We are on different wave length
most of the time Radar problem
It is not only the generation gap
But we are not ready to exit
In some of those moments I reluctantly tried
to find my refuge and fortunately ended up in Library
Being Human we always need to talk and communicate
we are social animals
when I walked through the library Isles
I never realized how lucky I am to end up here
I came just to browse the Paper and flip colorful magazines
like Bird and Bloom and Cottage Country
the scenic magazines, to pass my time
It all started when
I started opening up books and realized that they talk
and they listen too
they can console and always try to uplift our mood
to neutralize our bad days
I realized we can relate to Books and start
our communication
we can pick and choose the authors like our friends
we can pay short visit or can take them for a day out
we can invite them to Eat out have Dinner whatever
they are flexible and always there to greet even
in our bad days I have company now all the time
no more lonely days enjoying every moment of my life
lucky me
Now I don't mind to exit and leave the stage for the
generations to come I learned so much from them
" The more I learn The less I know "
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