Students For Life

Image result for front garden pictures

Thanks My Dear Friends
Dean Teachers Students 

Smile Army
Smile Feed Volunteers
All Friends

Dear Retirees 

All My Friends at Office
Management and All

All My Friends at
Smile Corner in Ireland

Thanks Everyone for 
Celebrating Canada Day

Niklas My Dear Friend
I am so Happy for All of
You Say Hi to Dear Hannah

 I Hope Rabbit also Not in Cage
and Your Room Not Smelly 

Please put some Water in any
Pan so Birds can Drink and
Also Take Bath in Your Back Garden

You don't have to Give Special 
Food Just some Bread Pieces 
Enough to make Birds Happy

Father My Dear Friend
Please Stop Yelling
Stop Spoiling Everybody's
Day and Happiness

Let Neighbor also Watch
No One has to Pay

Happiness Has to be Free for

My Dear Reader Doing 2 Jobs
Please You don't Have to Talk 
To Bother Everyone

Just Relax Do Your Work
Take Your Routine Breaks
Leave Everyone alone
Thank You

" N " My Dear Friend
My Blogs are for

When You Read 
Imagine I am Talking To You

You will always Find Something 
There to Feel Good
To Be Happy

Retirees My Dear Friends
Please Don't Fire Anyone
Don't Dissolve Subcommittees

Please Keep a Happy Atmosphere
For Everyone You can ask Me
Anything any Time 

I wont be Bothered but When
Someone Not Happy

Enough to Make Me
Sad It takes away all My

Just Relax and Be Happy
Life is Too Short for All That
Enjoy Your Time

It is Wednesday Sunny and Bright Day
With 24 Degrees what a Change after
Many Rainy Days

Today is the Graduation Ceremony of My
Eldest Grandson I am sitting in the Auditorium
of University of Ontario Institute of Technology
in the City of Whitby 

Whitby is 1 Hour away from Pickering in between is
City of Ajax then Next is City of Whitby

Auditorium is Full of Happy Faces of Parents and
Grand parents Today My Grandson is looking
Different very Confident with His Head High

I think He already started His Journey of Life
For all the Young Faces It is Time to Dream Big
To make Everything Happen 

I started Thinking of My Days More than
Half a Century Back that was Year 1964
with My Gown on in a Mode with
" Bring it on " Attitude

Our Whole Life is like a Film on the Canvas of
Time Zone   ---  Throughout Our Life
We come across with Events and Moments

These Moments Change Our personality
Our Thinking and Our Life as a Whole 

In the Last Era of Our Life We open Chambers
of Our Memory Box to Watch the Clips of
Those Moments some Happy some Sad Ones

Like Moments of Losing Our Loved Ones
We Visit Those Moments to Have a Feel

What a Wonderful stage of Our Life is
Being a Student with High Spirit and
Confidence to Deal Everything 

If We go Deep down the Philosophy of Life
We all are Students Throughout Our Life
Always going through New Experiences of
Learning while Meeting People Around


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers are celebrating Smile's grandson's graduation. One baked a cake for Smile's graduation. She wrote 1964 on the cake

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was great. We decided to go on the nature route. As usual, we talked about today's blog.


    2. SWN was fun too. The participants were from all lobbies. Everyone was in a celebratory mood today because of the blog


    3. I was planning to work from home today as I needed to work on the schedule for the workshops however I was asked by management to come in and arrange for a lunch time celebration for Smile's grand son's graduation.

      It was good that the management referenced Smile's graduation too during the speech


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome schedule adjuster! She has an awesome grandson. She has an awesome graduate grandson. She is an awesome 1964 graduate. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Thank you for writing for me. I celebrated your graduation from 1964. I did not celebrate your grandson's because he does not write for me


  5. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today


    2. The lunch time celebration for Smile's graduating grandson was great. The office was effectively shut down as all employees were celebrating.

      Good that people also congratulated Smile for her own graduation too


  6. Dear Madam Smile,

    You so good. I no able sleep last night because I so happy that you write for me yesterday but I no believe that you write again today. I dont know what I will do. I so happy that you call me Dear Friend yesterday and call me Dear Reader today. I very happy that grandbaby graduate so I get cake and I tell cake guy to write 1964 Madam graduate and 2017 Grandkid graduate on cake. He say it no fit on cake so I say him I want the big cake where it can all fit. I bring cake in job and take at lunch time. Job worker ask why cake but I no talk anyone because you no alow me. I just tell them eat cake. They were happy. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from the walk from yesterday. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.

    Your blog caused us all to be in a very festive mood. We immediately passed a motion to congratulate you and your grandson on the success. Some of the participants also wanted to include your son as a party in the motion however the majority of the retirees do not have a favourable view of the gentleman so we decided not to include him. The negative view about him is because of the lack of care that he has shown towards you on multiple occasions.

    The cafe manager offered cakes and pastries at a Smile discount to all patrons throughout the morning. He indicated that this is his way of congratulating you and celebrating your successes

    As per your guidance, we have reinstated all suspended members and subcommittees.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. After reading the blog, we went to the Smile Garden for a special ceremony. This was to celebrate your success as well as that of your grandson. We have learnt so much from you. The Dean specially pointed out that for most people even achieving half as much as you have achieved, would have been enough. Yet in your case you are encouraging all of us to remember that we need to keep learning and be a student for life.

    thank you so much and please accept our congratulations
    Literature Fellow

  9. Congratulations Smile on your success as well as that of your grandson. I read your blog in our meeting today and your message of keep learning inspired the participants. We also got a cake to celebrate the big event

    Keith Walker

  10. Father say you yell father little today. Father say he yes mind. Father say nabor need pay so father can put money in joint account. Father say nabor like nature so father think he should pay 5 DM. Father say he need yell so pupil lissin. Father say he hapy that you Niklas graduate. Father say now you make joint account with him and make him pay for all. Father say he no no that you so knowledge that you graduate in 1964. Father say he graduate later but no remember year as he was drunk. Father say he yes say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say she very happy that you Niklas graduate. You must happy. She say she make Kuchen to celebrate his graduation and you to. She say you angle because you care about everyone even when you should be getting drink. Niklas say he hapy to. He say rabit no in cage but out because you tell him to let all animal go. Niklas say he put water like you say. Me happy that you Niklas graduate. Me Niklas bad and no able do anything. He room bad. He sleep all time. Me yell him. Me sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing grandmother. She has an amazing graduate grandson. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing author. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  12. Oh My God!! This stuff is simply crazzzy! I mean today of all days. When every one is celebrating Smile's success and her grandson's graduation. All readers family have tried to explain but is not being able to get the message in the little mind. And Smile is so kind, she wants us all to be nice and gentle to everyone! EVERYONE!!

    Thanks mrizvi. What a brilliant comment this is! Way to go

  13. Congrats Smile.

    Caaallmmm down Plunker. We already know that some of the kids are rebellious. No point in trying to explain anything to them. Remember what Smile teaches everyone ie You need to just REEEEELAAX. And yes, we need to be polite and kind

    Thank you so much mrizvi. Much appreciated for your kind comment

  14. This is brilliant. Congrats Smile.

  15. Me and my entire family will like to wish you congratulations!

    You wrote a lot for us but we are not going to get into that today. We will rather enjoy and celebrate with you.

    Happy Reader and Mother in Law of the happy reader

  16. This is very great news. Congratulations Smile

    cool Kyle

    1. Hey Kyle, you noticed that Smile wrote for her readers even today! She really cares about her readers even though she is such an accomplished author

      congratulations Smile


  17. We will like to facilitate you and yours on this jubilant occurrence. Your grandon's acquirement is no dubiety due to your governance and transference. We believe that you have been auxiliary in this feat. You remain associated with them that is perhaps the sensibleness why your other grandson elects to rendezvous with you to the coffee shop. Most of the kids endeavor to avoid being seen with their grandparents. Your grandkids are fortuitous that you are embracing to be the guiding light for them.

    Please extend this appreciation to the young alumnus, if you so prefer

    Dave and Linda

  18. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Linda Dave Boris Batman Plunker mrizvi Keith N Kyle Newbie Literature
    Fellow Retiree Group Karen Kim Superwoman Jimmy Brenda Jasmeet Kris Cleo
    Craig Marg Tiara Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and
    Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone

  19. I did not celebrate your grandson's because he does not write for me..

    gclub online


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