Home Sweet Home

Today Check My Recipe
Blog Too Thank You
To all My Senior Friends
Living with Family
To Happy Reader and
Mother in Law
It is Sunday Beautiful Morning 22 Degrees
Cloudy with Drizzle it is 10.30 I am getting
Ready to go out
I am at Frenchman's Bay a different Location
to enjoy the Lake
Water is Receding still Lot of Water the
Whole area is open now to Public water is still on
Path People are going from side
Most of the Benches are Cordoned off with
Yellow Tape around some of the Trees
about to Fall down
We can see all of the Roots very clearly
water has washed out the soil the binding around
I see Lots of Birds most of Them are Young Kids
Their Children mostly Sparrows also small
Black Birds with Deep Red on Neck and under Wings
White Seagulls Flying in Special order from the
Smaller Portion with Calm Water to the
Main Lake the Real Big Portion
Tides playing Music to Entertain the Public around
I Think Birds are having Their Tai Chi
Program or something like that
I am walking around enjoying all this Scenic
atmosphere My Lord You are Great
Now I am sitting at Tim Horton I always
ask My Son to Drop Me Here to Have
My Time alone ---
Not the Time alone like My Friend Father
Where Kris has to stay in Car in the Parking Lot
and Poor Niklas has to stand away still to Rush to
Father every Minute or whenever Called
To Check His 67 Year Old Grandpa otherwise
He will Yell
Hannah My Friend must be Making Banana Smoothie
Veggie Omelette and so many Things busy at Home
to Serve Father when He be back from His Time alone
To Make Father Strong to Yell Properly
I Feel Stuck with the Unique Situation of Kris
Household if Father can Listen to Me and Stop
using Niklas and Kris as Tools to enjoy
His Time alone
If father can compromise on His Food -- The
Dishes to be Served with Fresh ingredients
and to be Right on Time I mean as soon as
Father opens His Eyes
Poor Hannah can take some Rest and Poor
Niklas can Focus on His Personal enjoyment
like My Whole Family enjoy sleeping till
11 after in the Morning on Weekends
Kids wake up after 12 or whenever They like
after that Play Video Games on TV and Computer to
Enjoy Their Vacation
My Son Loves Biking so enjoy on Weekends
and in the evenings -- Sorry Kris
Please Don't Think I am being Sarcastic
Never I am always Your Friend
If We can understand the value of Compromise
In our Life We Become Happier and be able to Spread
Happiness and Peace around
One of My University Friend from 1960 lives
just 20 Minutes away from My Place I never Visit Her
always call Her to keep in touch
I Don't like My Son to make Hostage and to
Punish Him to take Me to Her Place sitting there
for My sake for My enjoyment
Father You say You want Love and Respect
Being Eldest in the Family We have to come Forward
to Give Love and Respect to our Family
We are responsible to Make our Home a Beautiful
Place to Live with Full of Happiness to make sure
Everyone is enjoying
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Lots of customers in my shop. As the blog was posted early morning, customers are now coming in for coffee before going to their work
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
Can you also post the blogs form the weekend?
I was getting the printouts ready. I should be able to post the weekend blogs within the next hour or so. I posted the one from today as I know that some wants to start their day with todays blog
I have now posted all the blogs. Also left some extra copies in some team rooms
Thanks. I overheard one manager in lobby B talking to his boss, that these blogs are transforming the corporation in a positive way. She said that usually people hate Mondays, but her team is now looking forward to it. She said that their team now says TGIM (Thank God its Monday) and we will get to read 3 blogs!
SWN was fun. We talked about Smile's blog from today. The participants are amazed on the no. of things that Smile is involved in.
SWS was good too. We also talked about Smile's blogs from the weekend. Participants are amazed how much she is involved in her readers' well being
This blog is my lifeline. Thank you for writing every day
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome Frenchman's Bay goer. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
And I posted the blogs from the weekend
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I very bad, I bad job and I no do good work and I no tell when I need tell and I tell when I need no tell. I do 2 bad job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not for our walk today as we were very tired and had cramps from our earlier walks. We instead went to the reading of your blog. Our walks, though very long for us, are nothing as compared to the ones that you have.
The retired social scientist wanted to read the blog today but the retired social worker was asked to do the reading. The retired social worker pointed out that you are helping so many individuals and positively impacting so many lives in a single day that many social workers cant do that in an entire month. She pointed out that you are using your blogs and your writings as a positive force and that is impacting the individuals and their families drastically. She has supplied a sample of your writings to the local social work and social welfare department so they can use it as a training manual
The retired chef got very positive comments about your Spicy bread recipe. In one of the two cases, the 5 start property has decided to cut the pilot short and immediately go into full production. This is one of the 2 or 3 exceptions that they have made ever in their illustrious and long history
The cafe manager has paused the plans to offer Morning Smile for the entire day as you have not confirmed it. The cafe ownership is pressing him to proceed however he has said that without your approval he will not proceed.
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students and the professors went through the reading of your blog at the SRC today. The Dean was also here. I had an opportunity to talk to him privately and he wanted to profusely thank you for your support. He said that the Chancellor has been informed however they are still reviewing the decision. The Dean also said that even if they ask him to leave his post, he will still look for your blogs for guidance as you have transformed the entire university. The principal of the local school was here also and she provided new stats based on which the rate of drug usage is further reduced and absentism of the students is on the decline. She cannot comprehend how we are finding unpleasant items at the Smile Garden as it should be the other way around. The law professors are continuing to participate in the reading of the blogs as they may have to act if the situation takes a turn for the worse. The Smile Army volunteer and the local students are still missing and did not show up today also. The Dean as well as the local school principal are starting to be worried about their well being. They are planning to contact their homes if they dont show up.Overall, the situation is not good but at least not regenerating. Your blogs are providing a lot of moral and practical support to all of us
thank you
Literature Fellow
Father say you yell father lot today. Father say he yes mind. Father say he no bother anyone and if they no want help father then that ok. Father say he no call Niklas every minute but he need call 2-3 minute because father need help. Father say he no want food when he open eye, he want food when he get table. Father say it no his fault that Hannah wake late or Niklas lazie and Kris no able plan day like you son. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say that it good you no bother you Hannah and you Niklas and you Kris. Hannah say it no problem if she wake early to give food father. Niklas say grandpapa no yell him because he no chance because he go out all day. Me no no how you no bother you son any time. Me office no like that he take so much time out. Father no understand. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
What is this! This is beyond weird. There is nothing, absolutely noting, that I can say or do to help these young kids. The sad thing is that they will be the future. We were teenagers too, and I thought a little crazy, but this is off the chart! I know, I know
ReplyDeleteGreat work mrizvi. Thank you so much for a fantastic comment. Way to go. Beyond brilliant
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllmmmmmmmmmm down! Just Reeeeeeeeeeeelax. Get some fresh air. Keep going at this pace, and you will pop an artery. Take it easy. Good thing that you remember Smile's message of kindness
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Nice of you to let us know that this is a good post. Hope school is going well
Hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Batman Linda Dave Literature Fellow Superwoman Retiree Group
Jimmy Brenda Karen Plunker mrizvi Cleo Tiara Marg Craig Keith Kim Kris Cathy
Charlie N Kyle Newbie Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous
and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone