Candle Light

Hannah My Dear I take Fruit Yogurt
and one Banana
I Never Drink Ice Cappuccino
and No Slurpee
My Grand Kids Have No Account
I give Them Treat from
My Pocket
It is Saturday 23 Degrees Sunny Day
Beautiful Morning
I have to change My Bed Sheets so will
Be doing two Loads I started one Load
Before Breakfast
Doing the 2nd Load and
Watching TV for a while also enjoying the Scenic View of My Back Garden through Big Glass TV Room Windows
I see Birds having Breakfast and White
Butterfly Talking to Flowers
I check Messages on My Face Book and
Comments from My Readers Family
First Thing in the Morning
It is 11 am Everything is done so Time for
My Walk to Tim Horton
I Think Love and Emotions are the Driving
Force behind Each and Every Action
This acts like Motivating Force
same Coffee House to the same Flower
Shop still I enjoy as it is Not only My walk
it is My Passion
When We do anything with Passion Our
Love and Emotions are behind that Action
It changes the Whole Scenario
It works for Everything for Your Work Everywhere
at Offices -- Schools and with Family
During My Career at Office I used to Work for
Longer Hours with the same Pay
I was doing Extra Duties in addition of My
Research Work Writing Monthly Progress
Report of the Entire Unit for Head Office
I was Counterpart of Japanese Expert for 5 Years
also doing Editing of Two of His Text Books
My Work was My Passion so I enjoyed
Every Bit of My Tenure
Same was with My Family when My Husband
Died of Heart attack leaving 5 Kids between
ages from 2 to 8 Years Now when I Look Back
That Period with small 2 Room apartment
and My Kids around with My Job and
family Matters were Difficult but Happy
Precious Moments to Me
Love and Emotion changes the whole Outlook of
Duty it is changed into Involvement and Devotion
My Dear Retired Chef I didn't mean to Make
You Sad -- I Believe Past is done -- We can
Not Turn the Page
Future We don't know Present is Everything so
Value the Moment in Hand
Dear Literature Fellow I don't know the Ranking
of Your University still I have My Trust that
You People will be evolved into Great Personalities
I Salute Your Dean He is so Focused to Groom Your
Inner Talents and acting Like a Driving Force to
Flourish Your Personalities
My Dream is that Principals -- Professors and
Teachers may follow This Pattern and Play
Their Part in All Institutions
Kids and Teens are like " Saplings " to be Handled
with Love and Care -- Nothing to Worry after that
They can Take Care of Our World in Years to come
It is Like Lighting Candles from Candles
I also Salute My Dear Retiree Friends for Their
Contribution in Schools and Hospitals
We have to Touch All Creatures of God
with Love with emotions like Our Duty
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, customers went for the Sunday services at the local church. The priest continues to be very pleased at the attendance since there are people visiting us from outside our small town. He is a good speaker and a good person. He joked that he knows why there is such a big crowd here and where they will go next. All people then came to my shop. Though I keep lots of copies of the blog, we always seem to be short. The locals are very accommodating and let the out of towners read the blogs first. A no. of them take copies with them for their families.
ReplyDeleteI read blog China. We like you blog
ReplyDeleteI enjoy you blog. I no good Anglais but French good
DeleteThis good blog. I like in Russia
DeleteI read you blog Italy
DeleteJust wanted to let you know that you have followers in Indonesia also
Thank you for being my lifeline
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome laundry doer. She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
Dear Madam Smile, you are so good. You write good to. I cry read blog. Job worker with video kid come and say why cry? I say because my Madam blog. She say what happen. I say her husband die and leave 5 Kids between ages from 2 to 8 Years. She live in small apartment, like 2 room only. She start cry to. I say why you cry, she say because I 1 kid and it no easy so I dont know how she do with 5. I say I now angry. She say what happen. I say I angry because she only son so bad that he no take care her and take her to freze lake and make her walk to get money and make her take bus when she go library and no take her to get Dr inspection when she push my bus. She say I angry to. She say me I thought you no suppose talk blog. I say yes you right. I so angry myself now. I say her I need go and prey. She say but you need do lot work to. I say no, I just take help from friend. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not go for our long walk today. We are still very tired from the walk yesterday. Some of the retirees are still suffering from cramps also. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went straight to the reading of your blog.
The retired chef led the reading of your blog. We asked hum to do so because of your comments to him. He was very appreciative of your consideration. He indicated that most of the professional chef are very arrogant so it is unusual for you to be helping him out. When we clarified that you are not a professional chef, he laughed and said that anyone who can whip a recipe is more than just a professional chef. He again requested for a copy of your recipes
The Smile with Smile program had a house full session yesterday. They are wondering if it is ok for them to charge for this event?
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteThe students read the blog today at the Smile Garden. Because of the many bird feeders, there are a lot of birds here. It is being transformed into a bird sanctuary.
The Dean came for the reading again today. He used to be a strong believer that weekends should only be used to rest and recharge ourselves, so we were very surprised to see him here. He came because of your blog. He noticed that some of the students from the local high school are also here. This is the same school that he is experimenting with. He was very pleased. He specially asked me and comment writers to make sure that we include his thanks to you.
thank you
Literature Fellow
My daughter in law watches soaps all day, gets up late, is a really bad cook. The only good thing she does is read your blog. Can you give her some advice because she listens to you
ReplyDeleteMother in Law of the Happy Reader
Father say you yell father little today. Father say you yell father every day. He yes mind. Father say he spend time alone today. Father say he walk a lot to. Father say he no watch bird breakfast. Father say he yell Hannah today because she no make oat meal before sun but sleep till 7. Father say bird finish breakfast then because bird need finish breakfast when sun. Father say he still looking for white buterfly but no able find. He say he no understand why you give slurpee to you Niklas because it no you job but you Kris job. Father say he say he old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father angry today because she sleep very late. She say she sometime sleep in on weekend because she need wake early during week. She say next time, she will wake at sum for father oatmeal and then try sleep. Niklas say grandpapa make him stand on driveway side for 10 min. Grandpapa say Niklas no girlfriend and baby. He say he will go macdonald tomorrow because grandpapa yell lot. Me tell nabor that he no give money but he still give 5 DM for watch bird. He say it lot fun. Me go farm to find white buterfly but no able find. You Kris take you lot place. Me yell Niklas because he no take care his grandpapa. Niklas sad. Father happy. Hannah tire. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
What is this? Is this catching on? I mean, lets be reasonable. What is the point of writing a comment if you dont read
ReplyDeleteyou are right Plunker. This is what I was afraid of. This is complete lunacy. Smile writes an amazing blog and what does she get?
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing single mother. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteYet another fresh blog!
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Yes Kyle. You will always find a fresh new set of ideas here. To be honest I dont know how Smile does this
Smile has given so many lessons to her readers in this blog alone. She is not only talking to the chef but to all of us. Just look at these 2
ReplyDelete"Love and Emotion changes the whole Outlook of
Duty it is changed into Involvement and Devotion
My Dear Retired Chef I didn't mean to Make
You Sad -- I Believe Past is done -- We can
Not Turn the Page
Future We don't know Present is Everything so
Value the Moment in Hand "
And this is just a few sentences from this blog!!
hello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Boris Linda Dave Batman Plunker Karen Kim Keith N Kyle Newbie Superwoman
Jimmy Literature Fellow Retiree Group Brenda Cleo Craig Marg mrizvi Kris
Happy Reader and Mother in Law Tiara Jasmeet Thanks All My Anonymous and
Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone