Smile Recipes ---- Spicy Bread

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My Dear Readers 
Dear Retirees and My Dear 
Retired Chef

Dear Dietitian 
Dear Nutritionist

Dear Cafe Manager
My Dear Student Friends
All My Dear Readers

I pack Lunch for My Son to take to Work

I made Lunch of Pita Bread 
spread Spicy Yogurt with spoon
on the Bread

I don't use Mayonnaise or other Dressings
I use Yogurt it is Healthy

Spread Salad leaves over that and
Put ground chicken Patty
You can use any Meat

He had some Party so left it in the Fridge over there
after couple of Days it became soggy 

I asked Him to bring it Back

Now take the Meat Patty from the Bread
You can stir fry in Pan with couple of Drops
of Olive Oil

I put few drops of Olive Oil in a Frying Pan
Put the Bread sprinkle a pinch of Crushed Red Pepper
and Black Pepper Powder on that Bread
No Salt  
There is already Salt in 
Spicy Yogurt on the Bread

I don't use lot of Salt 
Never use Salt Shaker on Egg

I can not control the Quantity
using Salt Shaker
I take a Pinch from the Pot

Keep the stove on High for couple of minutes
press with any Spoon 
Flip the Bread and sprinkle few drops of oil also on 
this side of Bread keep pressing with spoon

It is very crispy and Tasty 
Oil gave it a beautiful color
We didn't even need the Chicken Patty
Bread was Tasty enough

You can have with Tea or Coffee 
like Snack or like full Meal

Try this with any of Your
Lunch or Dinner left over Portions
Burger or Roll

Next Time I will write Recipes for Spicy Yogurt and
Chicken Patty I make with My own Recipes


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