Open Letter

Image result for Flowers with Bench pictures

Dear Literature Fellow
I Just came back from My Walk
From Tim Horton 

Opened My Computer to Check Comments
I Was very Much Concerned about the
Situation in Smile Garden so

Checked only Your Comment for an

Now I am Really Worried about My Friend Dean
It is all because of Me

I  am writing This in Emergency with
All My Prayers and Hoping that 
Nothing will be Wrong with My Friend Dean

If it is Possible Please Convey My Message to Chancellor

Showing My Couple of Past Blogs  so
He Can Understand that
I am to Blamed Not Dean

Please If You People Beg Him From
My Side that If He can Reconsider the
Whole Situation with a Different Perspective

Keeping in Mind that Dean is only the Victim
of Me 

If His Job is affected I can Not Forgive 
Myself for the Rest of My Life
Whatever Life is Left as I am already 74

I Think Your Chancellor will Understand 
Please Give a Try with Your Delegation
I am to be Blamed

Please Write Your Comment so That
I will be able to know what is
the New Development


  1. Dear Author,

    Thank you for your letter. I dont know where the Dean lives or his contact information so unfortunately I wont be able to reach out to him today. AS for the Chancellor, he is very high up so contacting him will be a problem. One of the Smile Army volunteer is however in touch with one of the senior professor from the Law department and she said that the rumors are just that, ie rumours. I apologize for misleading you and causing you undue concern in my haste to share the information.

    I will let you know as I get more updates about the situation.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  2. Thank You My Dear Literature Fellow You Did the Right Thing
    Please Let Me Know what is going on
    This is Very Important to Me
    Though I Believe I was Doing Right
    Still can Not Think Anyone will be a Victim out of My Writings
    It is Really Very Sad

    Please Keep Me Posted

    Please Write One More Comment at the End of Your Day
    So that I can Sleep Tonight
    Thank You

  3. Dear Author, the professor from the Law department was able to reach out to the Dean. She confirmed that Dean is ok and there is no reason to be concerned. She said the Dean will be in the uni tomorrow so I can talk to him directly. I will do that and will also share that with you

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  4. Thank You so much for writing Me Back
    I mean it


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