We the Music Makers

Image result for houses  in snow pictures

This time it is white Christmas
which people think is good sign
our backyard is giving a picture
of Iceland

Backyard furniture is covered
with nearly two feet of snow
same is BBQ trees looking so
beautiful with white blossom 
of snow  and flakes

In our front yard the bench outside
is now embedded in snow Basket ball 
pole is at the side on the front lawn
quiet and lonely as kids not around to play
it is too heavy to move further

Our house is at the dead end so it was
at the corner outside and kids from
neighbors used to play and enjoy
in the afternoons

By city law it has to be moved by Dec 4th
to give space for snow removal trucks
otherwise there is a penalty and
city will do it at your cost

Today will be light snow whole day
my youngest grandson  has his hockey
game in Don Beer Arena my eldest
will also go as he is Coaching

I had shower at 10 am so that I can go
for 12 30 pm event may be we will
go at 11.30 I am ready anyway

I am also planning to go to Mall
to get Tim Hortons gift Card and
Chocolates for my friend at Club

When weather is not good it is more
important to get out to feel up to be out of

We have to push our body to get going
towards positive direction it is a must
to make ourselves happy 

God never stops giving us every day 
24 hours to spend 
now it is in our hands how to use
just waste or make it memorable
and get Happiness 

What goes comes around it will spread
Happiness all around you in your small
world of Family Friends and at your
work place 

" We are the Music makers "

this line is from my piece of poetry
which I have written in 19 75

Never underestimate yourself
we can turn around the moments
into memorable and beautiful
it will be like a Treasure 

In years to come we never know
God forbid if we were not be
able to move around we can open
our Memory Box to get Happiness

Gather Happiness now present
Moment is everything
Live your Life and keep smiling


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. I also got the supplies

  2. My Smile is awesome. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome poet. She is an awesome scientist. She has an awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I lost the race to post the blog on our corporate notice boards. It was already there when I got there


    1. Jasmeet posted it but he did not post the blogs from the weekend as he had to rush to a meeting. I have posted them now


    2. There were a box of donuts in the kitchen with a label "Smile Donuts". I was trying to find out who brought these donuts so I can thank him but no one knows who brought these. All the note says is "Enjoy the Smile Donuts. From a Smile fan"

      Greg (on behalf of Brenda, Marg, Jasmeet and Andrew)

  4. You blog is good. I like. I read to my students in Russia.

  5. Definitely ,we should enjoy all the seasons as they all have their own beauties.
    Well said, smile

  6. Dear Madam Smile,

    You write so good blog that I can imagine the scenery. You write so good that I feel cold reading it. Like you say that the basketball net lonely. You very energy too. Like you take your son son to Christmas concert and you teach hockey to son son. I do 2 job and no no hockey and no go Christmas concert but I proud because I read blog.

  7. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. Thanks. I am wondering if you can post the blogs from the weekend in the noticeboards (next to the water cooler)in lobby D

    2. Sorry for the delay. I went to get the key for the board from my desk as I mistakenly left it in my drawer. I did leave a whole pile of the blog on the cooler as I went to get the key but I guess people would have taken them from there.

      I have now posted the blog from the weekend as well


    3. The 5th Smile Forum was very very successful. We will have one more this week as there is a lot of interest. Due to over crowding, not everyone got a chance to attend.


    4. SWS is continuing to be lots of fun. We took a longer route today along the nature trail. Gave us an opportunity to look at nature in the context of the blogs


    5. SWN was also fun. We are focusing on routes along the holiday decorations. There are a lot of people for SWN as well


  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees were very appreciative of your blog. Some of the retirees wanted to have a group reading, similar to how they arrange book reading or book club in some places. Their assertion is that this blog has so much literary panache that it be read along with the other classics. We have set up a sub committee to explore this idea. A retired author will be chairing the subcommittee. His initial thoughts are that you have a knack of describing mundane, common day events with interesting details, similar to other authors like Somerset Maugham, Wordsworth, Herriot and Bronte.

    Our subcommittee for walking stats have concluded their meetings. They believe that the information that you have requested from us in your blog dated Dec 6, 2016 is too complex and we will not be able to provide you comprehensive stats. This is because you have requested for data which requires demographic information. Unfortunately we don't have data collection algorithms which are sophisticated enough to create this. The subcommittee is wondering if you can please provide us some advise without this information?

    recent retiree

  9. Father say that you write very good. He say you write like very good writer as you make scene come life in reader mind. Father is very learned and read classic book in our language and also translation of famous book in German. He say it cold in Germany too but not that cold as in your home. He say he no understand how you go out in this cold weather. He did not go mall today as it cold. I will take him there some time this week in morning. He no want go in evening or weekend as it too crowded and father can fall as he old, almost 67.

    Kris (Germany)

  10. Holy Moly! This kid is completely gone coo-coo. I mean, just give me a break, will yeah!

    Thanks mrizvi. This is a brilliant comment.

  11. Yup - the world is upside down when it comes to the young'uns. Everything is cool. Everything fun. Not worth getting high blood pressure because of this. Just go with the flow.

    Wonderful comment mrizvi. Lovely stuff. Pretty good guess too

  12. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing scientist. She is an amazing poet. She is an amazing writer. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  13. I simply love these blogs. I mean look at the following and tell me if it does not make you love winter "trees looking so
    beautiful with white blossom of snow and flakes"

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Karen Keith Plunker Jimmy Cleo Boris mrizvi Batman Brenda Sheema
    Kim Jasmeet Tiara Linda Dave Maheen Retiree Group Newbie Superwoman
    Greg Andrew Marg Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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