Dream + Joy = Happiness

Image result for front yard picture

Weather is like Roller Coaster it is 12 degrees
plus raining all day so
most of the snow gone

Grey roof of houses
now very clear still
we see lot of snow on
green of grass
like white border

It feels + 7 with windchill

Thursdays used to be my indoor
Golfing due to Christmas season
it was off for couple of weeks
everyone was busy

This Thursday it was a get together
party so much to enjoy having
good time also playing golf

I was surprised to see myself
that my balls most of the times
were going into holes

Keep in mind it was an indoor
golf and for we seniors still I was
happy always look something
to brighten your day

Today I changed my venue in the
library I was sitting at the back side
looking at the conservation area

It used to be lush green now giving
a very different view with all the
plants skeleton making me to think
how things change 

It is very quiet now all the playful
squirrels are gone into hibernation
Birds to South to our neighbors
to States

In Canada " Snow Birds " is very
commonly used for the seniors
who fly go to Florida to their cottages
to escape Canadian winter

I am enjoying the view sitting in
a grey sofa seat a small grey square
table is beside me with 3 glass bottles

Two of the bottles labelled one is
Laugh the other one is Dream
third the middle bottle is not

I think some project
for kids to mix their Dreams with
Laugh and Happiness and then
put something in writing in the
middle bottle

I think if we keep our inside kid
alive we can play around in our Life
we can also mix our Dreams
with Joy and Laughter to make
it happen into Happiness

Take everything in your Life
as an enjoyment and please
never take Life too seriously

Not worth it to take pressure
leave everything to God and just
relax to have good time

Have some time to say
Thank You God


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Customers from out of town are coming in as well. They also shopping in town. The whole town is happy

  2. I like you blog lot. Read Poland

    1. I read you blog China. I read family.

    2. Your blog is very philosophical. I discuss at dinner with kids in France

    3. I read blog Russia. Read alone

    4. I read Spanish

  3. My Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome therapist. She is an awesome thinker. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. She has awesome grandson. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. Dear Madam Smile, You so energy. You play hockey. Teach hockey coaching son son. Teach basketball son son. Play golf too. You watch bird. You walk too. You also do science and go government conference. You big shot but you kind as you take care reader too. You tell Dear retirees what do. You tell Dear Daughter in law how be happy. You write blog me too and tell me I proud and also tell how to bank hour. I am doing job today to bank 24 hour. I bank hour 1 day back but supervisor say I work more. I do 2 proud job but always read blog

  5. We have a family Christmas tradition where we recount the memorable and happy moments that we cherish and offer thanks. For this year, it was no surprise that for both of us, we profusely expressed gratitude for your sagacious words that we were fortuitous to read.

    You enriched our lives in so many different ways. We find ourselves to be wiser, healthier and happier by following your counsel. Not to mention, that your mastery with words is nothing short of artistic.

    Thank you for letting us travel with you

    Dave and Linda

  6. Dear Advisor, the retirees read your blog together today. We did that as a trial and though there was consensus that the event was a success, the retired professor of literature suggested that we run the trial for a few more days to get more data points. The retired professor is the one leading the sessions.

    He pointed out that the concept you used today were very philosophical and symbolic. He was referring to the literary description of the 3 bottles. Some of us will be meeting again later today to explore this further.

    Thank you for providing us with so much of useful material

    recent retiree

  7. Father say that you write good filosofy and sychatry. Father say you think like professor. Father very educated.

    He say the kids should not leave bottle on tables. He yell my son because son do it too. Father say it very bad if kid no learn to klean up for themselves and expect parents to do it.

    Father say why senior go Florida and who call them bird. He say they no need go anywhere, they can watch bird on tele. It no cold inside house in Germany. He say he thought Canada good too and it heat in house in Canada. He say he no understand.

    Father say he now tired of watch Krismas show on tele. He say he old, almost 67 so he no want go mall as he can fall. He no want go walk as it cold. He saw Chrismas light already. Father say he bore as nothing do. He say if you advise good show, then write in blog as he and other senior can know.

    Kris (Germany)

  8. Though I am not on business these days, I am finding that I have got so much used to the idea of using these blogs as icebreakers, that I am bringing them up to start conversations at parties/reunions with friends and family

    Keith Walker

  9. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing therapist. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Love this one. The description of the library and the scenes describing the bottles were so vivid,I felt that I was there with Smile. Of course the concept of using the 2 bottles was very imaginative - but we expect that from Smile all the time now :-)


  11. This is pretty cool. Enjoy reading it - as always

    thank you

  12. This is like Christmas coming every day!!

    For my Christmas present, I receive a book from a well known author Which was great. And this morning I read the following from our favourite writer. And I quote:

    "I am enjoying the view sitting in
    a grey sofa seat a small grey square
    table is beside me with 3 glass bottles

    Two of the bottles labelled one is
    Laugh the other one is Dream
    third the middle bottle is not
    labelled "

    Now you decide :-)

    Thats one of the reason I love reading these blogs ie the literary value! (The other reason is the message of hope that these blogs provide)

    thank you Smile

  13. Hokey Dockey. I guess it is la la land again. The land where the kids think that toothfairy and Santa's exist and there is nothing real. I dont understand when they will start getting ready for real life and get out of the la la land aka fairy land

    Thank you mrizvi. You are simply brilliant. Hope Santa was good to you this year

    PS: How are the exams coming

  14. Loved your comment Plunker. You nailed it on the head. The kids today ... :-)

    Nice job mrizvi. You better be in the nice list next year or no Santa presents for you !

  15. Your ideas are very positive and appealing. We learn so much from you

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Keith Karen Boris Linda Dave Kris mrizvi Plunker Batman Newbie
    Jimmy Brenda Tiara Cleo Kim Marg Maheen Retiree Group Sheema Superwoman
    Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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