Bring it On

Image result for houses with snow pictures

Today is 13 below
feels like 23 degrees below zero
in Canada they always show
the windchill factor

With all the snow everywhere
watching weather channel
it gives report of snow squalls

I told you that before living for years
in Canada still can not figure out
how many types of snow here

Squalls means blowing snow
it is now windy with gust 29 km / h
looks like all whiteout

Sun is also scared to come forward
to come to rescue it is freezing
even with our winter coats
boots and gloves on but who cares
we are OK just bring it on

Last night I went to Mayor Light Tour
my pickup point was my library
it started at 7 pm for couple of hours
I was home at 10 pm

We watched all the beautiful lights
around City of Pickering
we have to give rating to the houses
entered into competition this year

Our body is at the receiving end
it absorbs whatever is available
our Mind is the leader always
sets the program and plans
to feed the Data like a Chip

It can take you into any direction
make plans to enjoy to give
color to your Life

It will turn everything into positive
always helps to elevate your Mood

Keep in mind if we are feeling good
we sprinkle Happiness around
Happiness of our small world
depends on our Mood on our attitude 


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. I am out of biscuits now but customers are still coming in. They are saying we dont come for biscuits but for Smile blog.

    One customer who lives nearby, also brought 3 boxes of his own biscuits that his wife baked. He is giving it to others, saying that these are Smile biscuits. Smile blogs have changed our small town because this person used to be not well liked in our town but is now a town favourite, thanks to his nice gesture

  2. My Smile is awesome. She is am awesome poet. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome scientist. She has an awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is


  3. Dear Madam Smile, I pray for you safety every day and read my blog that you write for me every day and also check weather in Toronto every day. They say that you no suppose go out if it is that lot snow, it so very cold and so snow. You so energy. You go watch light with mayor, He probably want advise from you. You big shot. You write good blog like saying that Sun afraid to come, just like english classic book language. I do 2 job but always read blog

  4. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees continue to be surprised how you keep up with your punishing routine without any regard for the weather. Most retirees do not do anything when the temperature is in the single digits, though the retired professional athlete as well as the younger retirees, do venture out when the team gets to be around mid teen range like 15 or 16. The retirees are also surprised that you get time to write these blogs for us. Our retired author, told us in one of our meetings, that it is next to impossible to write good quality material on a regular basis. She said that for writers, they often get into a rhythm or writers block, so cant produce regularly. This was not just her experience but she corroborated that with other colleagues in her profession. Bottom line, we are at a loss to understand what you do and how you do it

    recent retiree

  5. I love you writing. You right so good. Also give good advice. We discuss in family in France

    1. Yes Smile right good like Sun scared and not coming to help :-) I show to my kids in China as this good English and they can learn

    2. And we read Russia. We read friends and coworkers

    3. We read in Italian. She good.

    4. I love you blog. I Spanish, but read some English

  6. Father say that he no understand that how you get so time and so energy to all things. He say he also meet mayor one time. This was a long time back when he was 3 or 4 and father's father took him to one election rally for mayor. They also take one picture with mayor. The mayor patted father cheek too. Father say he no remember that but he show picture. It is old picture, like black white, but he still has it.

    Father say he making preparation to go mall next week. Father say he very active too and go some place every week. Like this week he went outside to see Christmas light that I put. He also learn anglais also.

    Kris (Germany)

  7. Smile is an impossible act to follow. She gives so much inspiration to us. Even though she is 30 or something like that, it is not easy to keep pace with her. Though I am 20 and good physical shape, I find it very difficult to do all things that she does


    1. Dear Andy, Madam Smile is no 30, she 70+. Lot people ask that she slow but she very energy. You no need to compete with Madam, she no like competition. She say every one relax and have fun.

      It good that you read today blog but read Madam blogs from last times. She write lot for young people too, like mrizvi who 20, so you can learn lot from it. I do 2 job but read blog and learn lot from blog.

  8. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing scientist. She is an amazing poet. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  9. Hello!! Is anyone home? Are we just talking to a wall? I tell you that I will have a nervous breakdown if this strange behaviour does not stop!!

    Thank you mrizvi. It so nice of you to comment. Amazing that you can guess so correctly!

  10. Just calm down.Caaalm dowwn. Watch some TV or take a cold shower. Just down blow your gasket

    This is a beauty from you mrizvi. There is no way we would have known that this is a good post. Thank you so much for letting us all know

  11. I think this blog is a masterpiece. If anyone wonders why this is such a popular blog, I just submit the following for your consideration. And I quite:

    "Our body is at the receiving end
    it absorbs whatever is available
    our Mind is the leader always
    sets the program and plans
    to feed the Data like a Chip

    It can take you into any direction
    make plans to enjoy to give
    color to your Life"

    Need anyone say more?

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Keith Karen Linda Dave Plunker Maheen Jimmy Cleo Brenda
    Tiara mrizvi Batman Kim Superwoman Retiree Group Newbie Andy Sheema
    Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
    Thanks Everyone


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