Value Every Moment

To My Dear Mother in Law
My letter was open to everyone
If you read it again
you will find Tips to cash
every Moment
Life is too short we have to
cherish every Moment
I am 70 plus I think we elders
being more experienced are able
to lead our Family to achieve
all the Happiness
We have more patience and
self control we can convert
difficult and Negative
Moments into Positive
to lead our Family towards
Road to Happiness
We can manage everything
with our trust in Almighty
Our Caretaker Our Lord
Please write to me again I love
to share your Journal of Happiness
start writing from Today
I still miss My Dear Plunker
and My Dear Batman
It was Sunday minus 4 temperature
not a good time to walk my son was
going to Gym at 2 pm
I went with him to mall
to walk around
Mall is just opposite to Gym
I had an hour and half window
to enjoy
I enjoy my own company
I got a coffee from Tim Hortons
I changed my menu today instead
of raisin biscuit I had maple
pecan turnover
Which I could not finish so nearly
the whole piece gave to my youngest
grandson he was more than happy
to have that
My son picked me up at 3.45 pm
on Sunday all of my three grandsons
have their hockey games at night
They have to leave at 4.45 pm for
game at 6 pm I was ready to go
with them
It is such a unique time to enjoy
I noted down their Jersey number
and color and their Rink number too
It is not easy to recognize them
with everything on all the team
mates look same with their
helmets mouth guard and so many
things on
I am having my Sudoku book and
pencil with me as I am not good
in that so easy to check and
sometimes have to rub to do it again
I am running between Rink # 1
# 2 and # 3 as they are playing
in different Rinks in the Arena
at the same time in between
I am doing my Sudoku
I think these moments are really
precious I am having good time with
my only son and with my grandsons
time flies my eldest grandson
will be going to university next year
Soon they all will be gone leaving
an empty nest we have to value
the present moment
God provides us moments to
cherish to enjoy to be happy
these moment are passing by and
will never be coming again
keep in mind and enjoy
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being the weekend, there are a lot of customers today. Most of the elderly ladies are sitting together, they are all discussing their daughter in laws and arguing that theirs is the worst.
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome!! She is an awesome mother in law. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome scientist. She is an awesome poet. She has an awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
Father say he no mother law right that daughter in law bad. He say she no bad things to you though. You no making daughter in law bad. She already bad. Father say all daughter in law bad. He say his daughter law (my wife) bad too. He say to me that I write this comment otherwise he get angry with me. He say it his comment and I write what he tell. (I hope my wife no read blog)
ReplyDeleteKris (Germany)
I like you blog China. I read for my neibor, she no know English
ReplyDeleteAnd I like your blog in Russia
DeleteAnd me in France
DeleteAnd I read in Spanish
DeleteDear Madam Smile, You so good. You so kind. Madam Mother in Law right bad to you but you rite back nice. No say bad to her. She bad. And Madam Daughter in Law bad too. They fight because they bad.
ReplyDeleteYou do lot things. You very busy. You go Christmas light. You go mall. You go son sons game. You go library. You go community place. I do 2 job but you more busy than me. But you sill write to readers.
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees were very appreciative of your blog. We found it to be very inspiring. One of the retired corporate executive suggested that we learn from you and instead of sitting at him and talking, we should plan an outing in one of the local malls. One of our retired project manager is organizing it. We are thinking that we go to our local mall and have a coffee. As reverence to you and to acknowledge your constant support to the retirees, we are calling it Smile Moment.
As for the stats that you requested for our Smile Walk participants, the committee will not be meeting on the weekend, so we will start our activities as of Monday
thank you
recent retiree
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing scientist. She is an amazing philosopher. She is an amazing psychiatrist. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteI was away from this forum as I was sick. It is possible that some of the comments made me sick but no names here. I was reading the blog every day however was not able to write due to the illness. One of the most humbling thing which I read was Smile saying some kind words for me. I dont deserve it. As for not writing on the forum, I am so hooked that you will need a pulley to pull me from this forum.
ReplyDeleteAs for mrizvi's comments, I guess nothing has changed. They remain as brainy and useful as ever. Thank you mrizvi
Welcome back Plunker. I have been telling you to take it easy, I guess I was right :-)
ReplyDeleteAS for my participation in the forum, I think I also owe an explanation. I was away on business and was reading on mobile so could not write. I also want to apologize to Smile for not writing. She is the best and there is no way that she needs to worry about me leaving the forum.
As for mrizvi's brilliant comments, I am wondering how many more people will get sick after reading these insightful comments. I guess we owe mrizvi a thank you
Thank you Smile for writing your comments. It is good that you did not get offended. I didnt mean to say anything bad to you however I think you should investigate before writing for my miserable daughter in law. As your other readers are saying, all daughter in laws are bad. It is a fact. They all have no respect for elders. We do a lot for them. Why should we be patient all the time. They should be patient too.
ReplyDeleteMother in law of the wretched daughter in law
Please no more of these comments. This is a forum for serious subject. Discuss your issues within your home. No point in washing your dirty laundry in public
DeleteKeith Walker
This is a very inspiring blog. Smile is essentially telling us that we need to milk every second of our existence. She is not just saying it, but showing us, her readers, how to do it too. She talked about participating in her grandkids lives, also she showed us that you dont need depend on anyone to enjoy. I am sure that she also would be dealing with her own set of issues, however she must be dealing with them intelligently as opposed to the spectacle that we are seeing between the two in laws. Just saying
ReplyDeleteI love this blog. It provides a burst of energy to me. Instead of feeling low, I feel up. It is uplifting.
Not only it is uplifting, but also is full of life. Thats why we talk about it with school kids
DeleteHello Readers Family
ReplyDeleteThanks Plunker Karen mrizvi Keith Batman Retiree Group Boris Superwoman
Sheema Jimmy Brenda Cleo Tiara Kim Kris Newbie Happy Mother In Law
Happy Reader Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers
Thanks Everyone