We have to be patient to face the reality
Today please read my
Recipe Blog too
Thank You
Dear Retired Priest
How many times I have to tell you
that I am not Spreading
Please don't use my Blogs
to mislead people
My Blogs are for everyone
not only for Christians
It is Wednesday bright beautiful morning with 14 degrees.
I am working full time today darts and also playing carpet
bowling. I will be back home after 3 pm.
One of my friend will pick me up today. It is 9.30, I am walking
on my driveway, waiting for her white car. On my front garden
in the corner, Magnolia tree is full of flowers, looking beautiful.
On my next door neighbor's garden, a 10 ft tall tree is loaded with
white flowers. It's fragrance is all around. Beautiful yellow and red
Tulips on the house next to that, giving their smile.
Basket ball pole in front of my house is no more deserted. Kids gather
after school, such a festive atmosphere. One small grey bird walking
around elegantly with it's head high. Anyway my friend is here
I have to go.
It is 12.30, I am working in my office cubicle writing my Blog.
Bowling will start at 1 pm. Right now I am thinking about my
Teen Friends, who are back from Uni. facing difficult situation.
They are done with their semester must be thinking to have fun,
to relax for a while with their families. Now situation is tough
for everyone for parents too.
Parents must be of the opinion that kids will be back and summer
job will be waiting for them. It is sort of anticlimax for everyone.
No one was ready to face the reality.
There is no summer job everyone home so all sorts of problems
pop up like sharing controllers, play time so much to be worked
out and need to be fixed to maintain the peace .
Too much to handle for parents, they start thinking if Kids had
summer jobs everything must be sorted out easy to handle.
Kids explanation doesn't make any difference.
I think both have their points but we have to face the reality
with grace and patience. Cutting Net and taking away phone
wont solve anything, will flare up the tension.
Parents have to be patient and reasonable. Being parents, it is our
responsibility to keep the house atmosphere peaceful for everyone.
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. The town is talking about Smile's recipe. There are are a lot of customers here and also out of town customers because of the interest in the recipe blog
ReplyDeleteI lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
Sorry I no able wait long time because I need go to my 2 job. I wait 35 min but sometime I need to early to get OT
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog is my lifeline. I read it every day
I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
SWS was great. As usual there was a big group of people today. We went for the nature walk
SWN was fantastic. We also took the nature trail today.
Today was supposed to be the last Smile Forum session but participate insisted that I create one more series.
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go job worker with video kid and say her how you. She say I no time talk blog. I say I no want talk blog , I want find out if video kid give problem. She say yes all time. I say you no need cut net and cut phone. She say what you mean. I say if she no get summer job then you need be reason. She say waht you talk he only 4. I say but remember you tell me that he play video all time. She no answer but remember big joke and then go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retired nutritionist led the reading of your recipe blog today. She shared the honours with the retired dietician. They also requested the retired chef and the cafe manager to participate in some of the reading. The cafe manager wanted to thank you for your addition to the Smile menu. He said that he is now running a promotion with the assumption that there will be a new menu item added to it every week. The cafe manager wanted to say thanks to you. The hospital administrator was here too. She attends every week to keep up with the recipes. There are some ex-patients who attend regularly
The smile with smile program committee requested me to thank you for providing your thoughts about the teenager issues. They said that they will spend more time to go through the guidance that you have provided and will incorporate that in the program. They also mentioned that they may have to ask for additional information
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. As usual prof George took 2 copies of the recipe blog. The Smile Army was very pleased because they thought that you wrote for them. They started raising slogans for you. Prof George tried to calm them down but the Dean smiled and asked him to not intervene. Ge said that it is Smile Garden so its ok to be loud. Upon hearing this, even some of the professors started raising slogans for you. It was a fun and festive atmosphere
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile
ReplyDeleteFather say you forget yell father today. Father say father joke, please no mind. Father say father like you idea of go walk on driveway. Father say you probably get idea from father. Father say it ok you no need thank father. Father say father give more idea like yell you Niklas and say him get meel from macdonal from his poket and yell you Kris and say him take you see see and yell you Hannah and say she make brakfast. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah want thank because you help all Niklases and all Krises. Hannah say you kris guud idea. Hannah say Hannah kris gooder because Hannah slip after give warm milk father. Hannah say you please niklas wory. Niklas say grandpapa yell Niklas and wake Niklas morning before son and say him go see see because you say. Niklas say he go because you. Niklas say when Niklas come back grandpapa laff and say he trik Niklas and make joke and say Niklas babbiee. Niklas say he no go skool because he tire. Me take Hannah emergency because sheee fall and need drip. Me say Hannah slip after give warm milk nite because she need rest. Doctor say she need more slip because she need wake morning for father brakfast so me say her slip after brakfast but she say no able slip after fresh kaffee like at 9 so me say only give kaffee but no drink kaffee. She say no able slip day. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Holy Moly! This kid is completely rebellious. I mean, just give me a break, will yeah!
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. This is a brilliant comment.
Yup - the world is upside down when it comes to the young'uns. Everything is cool. Everything fun. Not worth getting high blood pressure because of this. Just go with the flow.
ReplyDeleteWonderful comment mrizvi. Lovely stuff. Pretty good guess too
This blog is brilliant. Smile has so eloquently described the feelings of two parties. Yes FEELINGS Dont believe me? Have a look
ReplyDeleteThis is what the kids are feeling:
"They are done with their semester must be thinking to have fun,
to relax for a while with their families"
And this is the point of view of the parents:
"if Kids had summer jobs everything must be sorted out easy to handle "
And the solution to this complicated problem:
"Parents have to be patient and reasonable. Being parents, it is our
responsibility to keep the house atmosphere peaceful for everyone."