Sometimes hope is everything that matters

It is Saturday sunny beautiful morning with 29 C, weather will be
hot for couple of months. From mid August, it will take a turn.
I mean will start cooling down. In September not easy to go to parks.
Windy and cold.
Today will be 33 C later on but rain is on the way in the evening.
Yesterday at 7 pm, I was at Petticoat Creek. It was beautiful view
of the lake with lots of sea gulls, they were all at one spot, amazing.
In this season there are lots of bugs and mosquitoes, not comfortable
to be outdoors, but there is nothing total plus so have to face
whatever is there.
It is 11 am, I was ready for my walk but somehow my son figured out
that I am not feeling 100% and it is hot too so he insisted to drive me
there, at Tim Horton. I am here now having my coffee writing my Blog.
Since I have gone through the comments from my Retiree Friends,
I am sad and feeling very low. I am not enjoying anything. How can
anyone think about shutting down one of the place for worship to God.
I don't know how I was able to sleep though it was not a good night sleep.
Today I am waiting with my fingers crossed for their comments, may be
I get some good news.
May be my Retirees Friends able to think positive and might back down
from that horrible idea of shutting down that Holy Place. I am not happy
sort of mad at the so called Priest, who is behind everything started
and now this, horrible indeed.
On top he is using my Blogs to spread hatred and to make everyone
unhappy around. This is shocking for me. What a mess, Priests can
never do all that. I am waiting, let's hope for something good.
I believe sometimes hope is everything, matters a lot to have your
focus to look forward.
Dear Retirees I just got your comments. I am now happy and relaxed.
It is great News. Please don't mention about her dress code. Just the
Lady is more than enough. I mentioned earlier too that it looks rude.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Sunday, there are out of town visitors too. Our town people looks forward to Sunday as so many people come here. Lots of out of towners . Priest made a special mention today about other priests who do not spread happiness. He said that Smile is a lot of things but also a priest.
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She is an awesome lake goer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome blogger. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read your blog every day but you dont write for me.
My daughter in law must be in touch with the great friends. I dont want to say anything but no normal person will be able to sleep so late. No wonder she keeps complaining about me
ReplyDeleteMother in law of the Happy Reader
I read you blog China
ReplyDeleteYou blog good. Read Ukraine
DeleteThis blog good, I read Russia
DeleteMe read blog but no comment. Me anglais no good but French good
DeleteI like blog Italy
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go sick job worker and say him how you? He say I ok. I say you no sick any more? He say why you keep ask me all time. I say I ask because you alregy now and remember you lot head hurt some time back and my Madam give idea to fix. He say but you Madam say no talk blog. I say I no talk blog, like I no tell you that my Madam no go walk because she feel lo because dear retirees and dear priest bad and I no tell that it 33C and lot mosquito and lot bug. And I no tell that my Madam happy after read comment. I say him if you want I can tell you more thing. I think he no sick now because he laugh. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciate your blog today. The retirees wanted to apologize to you for causing you grief. We are glad that you were able to read our comments later on and were pleased with the outcome. The retired priest has been kicked out of the retirees reading and social activities. All retirees have been asked to not speak to him and not listen to him for sermons and not seek his advice. The retired priest again asked for forgiveness but we refused as he has caused you to be upset. The retirees are starting to book their travel plans for the summer. Unfortunately our children who are booking these travels for us question us on everything. They dont realize that as retirees, we need extra attention. We hope you can write something about this when you get a few minutes
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Mrs. Lucy was very upset with your son today. We asked us as to what he did but she said that it is strange that he is not even reading your blogs and benefiting from it. A senior biology prof commented that perhaps he is not a reading type. Mrs. Lucy replied that apparently not. He looks more like a happy go lucky camper. We all had a big laugh about it. Unfortunately your son is not very popular here because we all feel that he is not taking care of you. A senior literature prof reminded everyone that you prefer that we dont talk about him but Mrs. Lucy said that Smile is a very kind person and she does not want to talk negative about anyone, even if he is so bad as him, but that does not mean that we should not condemn him. A mathematics prof said tat we should talk about him to warn the students so they dont end up becoming like him. After this we decided that we should have a game of dart
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing social scientist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say you forget yell father today. Father say he joke please no mind. Father say father very act like he invite lot peeple and go see see and go walk and try go look squarel but no able find. Father say father yell Niklas because he no wake so father find new trik. Father say father trik work. Father say it guud that teanage up morning. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah need do kris work becasuse Niklas time left for party. Hannah say Hannah make fuud for 325 peeple. Hannah say you please no wory and take kris care you. Niklas say grandpapa open wlndow morning and put miror so all son go Niklas face. Niklas say he then thro ice Niklas face. Niklas say he eye hert. Me say father that Hannah lot work so me plan ask her to make less dish party but father no agree. Me say father that me invite 75 -100 peeple but father say no tell her now. Father say he invite 300 peeple. Me say Hannah only make 10 dish and 3 desert because it simple party. Hannah say it complicate so me say me help and get some grocer. She say no care she get all. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Dear Kris Father, why you copy Madam. Madam big shet, she do science search, she go gorment conference, she write very complicate blog. If you no understand then you ask me. I good english so I explain. But I no supose tell if you no ask. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
Delete2 job guy, you go hell. You anglais very bad. Who ask you talk father. You mind business and shut.
Delete(Me tell many time you mind business but you no understand. Me father no alow any interfere but you english no guud so you no understand. Me father no alow me rite comment so that why I put braket. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Helloooo!!!! What is going on here? Is anyone listening? Is there anyone home? I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Appreciate you letting us know that this is a good blog
Just chill Plunker. Take a cold bath. Or read one of Smile's blog again. That should calm you down. No point in popping an artery. Kids these days do not think seriously. And yes, Smile wants us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood work mrizvi. How is school coming along kiddo