Water with Love and Care

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Dear Retiree Friends and
Dear Cafe Manager

Please go ahead with
Launching of Omelette Menu
I wish You all the Success

Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs
I told You not to say anything until
asked same with Recipes

Please don't bother 
People at Work

I Strongly Miss Comment from
My Dear Friend Father The Great
I Mean it

Hope He is Not Mad at Me
We are Friends
No Matter What

Today Please Check My Recipe Blog
for Spicy Bread

Yesterday was very Busy Morning with
Playing Darts then at Noon Making Special
Sandwiches for My Grandson

After that at 2 pm We went to Honda Indy Racing
Event in Downtown Toronto enjoyed there till 6 pm
also had a Drive through the Residential areas of the
Core of Toronto

It was not planned as Traffic was Jam at Highway
We were taking alternate Routes which added more

After that We went to eat at Pizza Place the Last
Venue was Wonderland --  Kids Dreamland
with all the Rides I also enjoyed walking around
We were Back after 11.30 Night

I had a very Busy Day missed My Daily
Shower so I had before going to Bed and got
good Night Sleep otherwise when I am really
tired I used to have a Bad Night 
I can not sleep well

It is Saturday Sunny Morning with 24 Degrees
I am having My Breakfast -- Oatmeal Cereal
Stir fry egg with quarter cup of Tea

I was slicing the Bread for My Son's Breakfast
started thinking about Knife that it could be
Dangerous cut our finger if We wont be 
Handling Carefully

Otherwise Knife is an integral Part of Our
Kitchen we always need our Knife to cook
to put Food on our Table

Same with Scissors and Razors They play
Parts in Grooming our Personalities
Making Beautiful Dresses and Beautifying
Our Face

Everything needs Care and Direction same are
Kids when They are Younger they are Like
Seeds to be Planted with Love and Care

When slightly Older Like Teens They are like
Saplings need proper Water of Love and
Moral Support to Straighten Their Personalities

We have to keep in Mind to let Them Flourish
into Beautiful Personalities We can be Proud of
is like Farming to have Good Crops

If We are able to Bring Changes even in the Life of
only One Kid it will be Better than working for
Environment what I Believe 

I am at Tim Horton writing My Blog now going to
Flower Shop after that will enjoy My Nature Walk
to Home where My Son and Grandson waiting 
for Their Lunch 

I walk slowly watching the Scenic View around
The Flowers -- Birds and Butterflies It is very
Hot but I can handle as I am dressed accordingly


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. I am out of biscuits as there are too many customers even during weekdays

  2. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs


  3. Thank you for writing this blog. It is so important for me


  4. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome Indy racing car watcher! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. SWS was a great. We had lots of people for this walk. As usual, we talked about today's blog


    2. SWN was fun too. We are also getting lots of participants. The participants are from all lobbies.


  6. Dear Madam Smile,

    You so good. You write good to. Mr Supervisor come and say how you. I say I very sad. He say what happen. I say I useless becuase I no able do anything right. He say why you say that. I say because I always make mistake about blog. I give lot trouble to my Madam she need write so many advice for me. He say what you mean. I say sometime I tell blog when I no suppose. Sometimes I tell recipe but I suppose no tell and then I no tell when I suppose tell. He say did you see blog today you Madam write for you. That should make you happy. I say how you know because I no tell you blog. He say he need go to make urgent phone. I do 2 job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. This walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. We had our lollipop after that

    The retired chef read your recipe blog today. He was joined by the cafe manager. The retired chef wants to try out this recipe right away and plans to invite some of the retirees to a tasting party. The cafe manager will be joining that party as well. The retired Dietician as well as the retired Nutritionist are saying thank you as you included them in this blog

    The Smile with Smile program is asking you for details as they need to update their collateral. Also the committee on nurturing and well being is looking for the updates as a no. of retirees with teenage grand kids are facing some challenges at home

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Yet another new blog today!!

    cool Kyle

    1. What do you expect from Smile? There will always be a new blog here


  9. Father say he yell Kris lot today because he no write comment on blog 1 day. Father say he tell Kris what to write but he forget all time. Father say that why he need yell lot. Father say he tell Kris to write last day that he do lot for family like he help Niklas and take him see see. He tell Hannah if the food is good so she make better soup and tell Kris how take care Niklas. Father say he yell Kris (me) because he no take father all place that you Kris take you. Father say he wake Kris in morning but no able find purple rose or red bird or yellow buterfly. Father say yell work because Hannah make good omelette now. Father say he no say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say she wake 55 min early because she no sure if 50 min enough. She say it good because father like omelette. She say she make with fresh vegetable because father no like old vegetable. Niklas say grandpapa yell him lot again and say he no go with grandpapa like you Niklas but grandpapa yell lot. Me no able write comment because me very tire and me but father very angry that me forget. Me very tire because me wake very early. I no no how you Kris take you all place. Hannah tire. Niklas angry. Father angry. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. This blog was very helpful to me in my business meeting today. Everyone was complaining about being tired as we had to walk quite a bit on the convention floor however when I read the blog during the break, it inspired the participants and everyone was energized

    thank you Smile
    Keith Walker

  11. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the SRC today. After the reading of the blog the professor and the Dean talked to some of us about a major incident at the Smile Garden. The dean was informed that some of the students are thought to have been found smoking and having drugs in the Smile Garden. The Dean was absolutely fuming with anger even though these reports are unconfirmed and unsubstantiated. The principal of the local school is also here for a meeting with the Dean. The entire Smile Army is feeling let down. The astronomy department was supposed to have come for the reading of the blog today however the Dean asked them to postpone their visit due to the pressing matter at hand. There is a very sad atmosphere in the university today.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  12. Replies
    1. Will this ever going to stop. My blood pressure shoots up and temp rises. It is absolutely crazy stuff

      Good job mrizvi. Way to go. Simply brilliant comment

    2. Just reeelllax. Watch a movie. Just chill. The kids today are rebellious.

      mrizvi's comment is spot on. It is absolutely a good comment. Amazing how mrizvi was able to guess so accurately every day

  13. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing flower shop goer. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile

  14. Today's blog is absolutely brilliant thesis on raising kids. For those creating encyclopedia, please take note. It is a must read for any parent. Look at what Smile said today:

    "Everything needs Care and Direction same are
    Kids when They are Younger they are Like
    Seeds to be Planted with Love and Care

    When slightly Older Like Teens They are like
    Saplings need proper Water of Love and
    Moral Support to Straighten Their Personalities

    We have to keep in Mind to let Them Flourish
    into Beautiful Personalities We can be Proud of
    is like Farming to have Good Crops"


  15. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Keith Linda Dave Batman Plunker mrizvi Superwoman Literature Fellow Karen Kris Retiree Group N Kyle Newbie Jimmy Brenda Tiara Kim Craig Marg Jasmeet Cleo Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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