Things To Do

Image result for garden pictures with birds

Today Please also Check  My Smile Recipe Blog 
For Baked Chicken Recipe

My Dear Reader Doing 2 Proud Jobs
You are a Great Person 

You always Try to Help
Please Don't Feel Sad

You Have to Tell when
They ask 
They are Your Friends
So am I

Dean My Friend
Please involve the Students 
From School to Help

Talk to Them as Friends
Don't Blame Please

Take Them into Confidence
To Solve The Situation

Retiree My Friends
You People are Doing Great

Do Whatever You Want
with My Blogs 
with My Recipes

Father My Friend
You don't want to Help out
Your Family 

Demand from Kris - Hannah
and Niklas to
always Take Care of You
Great Idea

It is Tuesday 24 Degrees Sunny with Breeze
No Club activities for Me Today still
I have Lot of Things to Do in addition to
My Morning Rituals 

After My Breakfast I have to make ready
Chicken Leg Trays for Baking at Dinner
Time I mean for Tonight

Chicken was in Fridge from Yesterday not in
Freezer so must be done in the Morning
I make My own Recipe mixing Different
Ingredients available

I have to Make some Calls My Youngest Daughter
in England leaving Today for one Week Holidays
I have to Talk to Her

She is sending " Talk to Me " Messages on
My Face Book but I was Busy and also She is
in a Different Time Zone 5 Hours ahead of 
Toronto Time

One of My Sister in Law lives in Aurora one
Hour away from My Place She is now with
Her Son who lives  in  " Chelmsford " England

We used to Talk on Tuesdays She must be
Waiting for My Call so I will call Her Today

One of My Friend is Back after couple of months
visiting Her Son She came Two Days Back
I have to Call Her We are Friends for more
than 20 Years

We use to see each other once in a while
in Malls to have Good Time together

My Grade 5 School Friend from England
visiting Her Brother She is Leaving this week
She is staying at Mississauga 40 minutes
away from My Place

We made program to Have a Meeting but
She was busy and also not Feeling well
I will push Her to meet at some Place
which I Think not possible as no time left now

I have to Make all these Calls
Connection to Friends and Family is very

My Friends don't call but I know They will be
More than Happy to Talk to Me

We don't have to Wait Just Do it
When We are getting Older These Calls are
Our Life Lines

My Youngest Sister in Chicago is not in Good
Shape She is in Depression most of the Times
She doesn't even Pick up 

If I can connect Her She gets distracted from
Her Depressive Mood 

We have to Do that like a Duty it is like
Brightening Someone's Day it also Gives
Happiness back to Make our day

I was Busy on Weekend with " Honda Indy "
Wonderland and going to Lake  Had No time
to change My Bed Sheets and for My Laundry
I will do that Today 

It is 11.30 am My Youngest Grandson is awake
I am making Banana Smoothie for Him and
for Myself after that will get ready for My Walk

I am on Whites Road in the World of Flowers
and Butterflies All the Green around
Birds giving Me Calls from everywhere

I am sitting now at Tim Horton with Small
One part Tea 2 parts Hot water 2 creams
and one sugar Today I skip Toasted
Raisin Biscuit as I just had Banana Smoothie

It is a Mix Crowd here some Teens sitting
with Friends some Faces of My age
I am writing My Blog will go to Flower Shop
After that enjoy My Nature Walk to Home

I am Happy I did all My  " Things To Do " and also
Didn't miss My walk to My Favorite
Coffee House Thank You God for Making
Me to do Things on My own

Please Keep Watching Over Me 
Thank You God


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Friday, customers are lining up outside my shop to read blog as inside is completely full. They come here before going home or to the pub. It is like a community center here. The councillor is here as well. The priest was here in the morning as it is less busy then. He was making lots of notes

  2. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. There were mixed emotions in the SWS today. People were really happy to see today's blog because it discusses the problem that we are seeing today. However when everyone realized that it is Friday, they were feeling a little gloomy.


    2. Similar sentiments in SWN also. Today's blog was discussed but when people realized that it is Friday, they did not feel that much cheerful


    3. The last scheduled Smile Forum took place today. Though this is the 3 rd series of forums, even before the forum completed, there were requests for more. Management is looking to see if there should be a 4th series. They are saying that Smile Walks provide an informal way to communicate but not a formal meeting.

      Stay tune


    4. I know. I have hosted probably 22 Smile sessions but people are still looking for more

      I have a meeting next week with management to discuss this issue.


  3. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome things to do doer! She is an awesome therapist. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  4. This blog is so important to me but you dont write for me. You only write for big people. You are like other big people, you big shots dont care


  5. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards. I was pulling in the parking lot just as Craig and Jasmeet were going in the office. So probably lost by 1 minute


    1. Sorry, I didn't realize that you are just behind us otherwise would have waited for you.

      I posted the blog right away as this is the first thing that we do


    2. I did look behind when I was getting off the car but I guess I missed your car.


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Sick job worker come and say hello. I say hello back. He say how you. I say I bad because I no do anything right. He say what did you Madam write. I say I no suppose . He say but I ask. I say I no want talk blog because I bad. He say you good. Remember you Madam write to. I say I need go do work. I do 2 bad job and always read blog

  7. Dear Author,

    The students and the professors read your blog today at the SRC. The situation about students has got worse. As per your instructions the Dean asked the students to be present for the reading and also asked them to participate in the security of the Smile Garden along with the Smile Army and the Security guards. The students happily agreed to it. However during the day there was yet another cache of syringes and bottles discovered. The professors were very upset and wanted to kick the students out but the Dean told them not to do so unless you give your approval. The senior Law professor asked Dean to reconsider and suggested that the Dean should hand over the case to the police otherwise Dean's job could be in jeopardy as this is a criminal case, however Dean said that he has faith in you. It is a very depressing situation here as we can lose a lot and Dean can lose his job

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for our long walk today. Our walk was just under 10 mins, including short breaks. Our walk, though very long for us is nothing compared to the walk you take. After our walk, we had our lollipop at the cafe.

    The retirees were very inspired by your blog today. None of us have any to do lists. We used to have them prior to retirement however have stopped making them since. In some cases, we call our kids once a week, but we dont have friends from that long ago as you. We are wondering how you have been able to maintain these relationships? The retired sociologist was particularly interested in this as relationships was her area of expertise and she was a contributor to a no. of essays in this area. She also has mentored multiple PhD and Master's thesis on this topic. She indicated that though it is not impossible, but it is not feasible to have such deep friendships. Can you please help explain

    The retired chef is thanking you for the recipe. He is planning to reach out to his contacts and recommend using your recipe as you have now ok-ed the idea. The cafe manager is very pleased with the Morning Smile special. He is exploring the idea of introducing more recipes here.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  9. This blog was instrumental in having a successful business meeting today. The participants were complaining about too much work but after I rad the blog they realized that there are tools available for organizing oneself. They could not believe when I told them that Smile is 71. They could not imagine that Smile has so many things to do in a single day. After that they themselves started focusing on their own deliverables and started to think how they can pack more in their days - like Smile

    Keith Walker

  10. My Smile is amazing Indy race goer. She has an amazing family. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing counsellor. What an amazing person my Smile !!

  11. Father say you give good advice father. Father say he tell Kris, Hannah and Niklas to read you blog lot time. Father yell Kris to give blog to father and mark yellow when you tell father to demand family to take care father. Father say he no want demand lot only want health breakfast, and lunch and dinner. Father say he wants go place that you Kris take you. Father say he yell Kris lot because he no able make plan to take father to thiem park like you Kris. Father say he yell Hannah because she no make good banana smoothie. Father say he no say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say that she try make you spice recipe. She say she give to Niklas and nabor to try and they like. She say she no able make good banana smoothy for father. He no like and get angery. She say you rite that she need take care father more. Niklas say that he no no what more care he care grandpapa. He say he go our all day because no one care him. Father yell me lot today. Me look thiem park plan but it no near hear and it very expense. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. I guess I am wasting my energy in trying to teach the kids. They will never learn

    thanks mrizvi. Brilliant comment

  13. Thats the spirit, Plunker. Why bang your head against the wall. You already know that we have tried but it is just a waste. Also, Smile has asked us to be kind

    much appreciated mrizvi for letting us know that this is a good post

  14. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Batman Plunker mrizvi Superwoman Linda Dave Karen Jimmy Brian Tiara
    Cleo Kim Jasmeet Brenda Craig Marg Literature Fellow Retiree Group N Kyle
    Newbie Boris Keith Kris thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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