Naval Show

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My Dear Retiree Friends
Please No Payment for
Smile Programs

Smile has to be Free for

I am Posting another Blog 
about My Cooking Recipes

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Your Comments

My Dear Literature Fellow 
I am Happy for the Students

Niklas My Dear I don't know why
Father wants to spoil Your Life
Your Career Please Focus on Your Studies

Father wants only His Happiness
at any Cost Sorry Hannah My Dear

My Dear Friend Doing 2 Jobs
Please Focus on Your Work

Dear Happy Reader and Dear 
Mother in Law

We all are Human
Please Try to Find only Positives 
This is the Recipe for Happiness

It is Sunday a Mix Sunny and Cloudy Day
With 19 Degrees it is 10 am I am done with
My Morning Rituals 

Laundry done on Saturday I was watching
TV for a while but I am not a TV Person so
spent some Time on My Computer

After that went to Petticoat Creek a different
Location to watch the Lake it was amazing

I am watching the Whole Fleet of Black and
Brown Ducks Floating on the Big Body of Water
They were in a Beautiful Pattern taking a
Large Portion of Lake 

On Saturday I saw Their Air Show and Today
This Naval Display so Beautiful to Behold the
Whole Scenic View

People were Fishing and Cycling some Kayaking
Some Canoeing I was watching the View from
Several Spots 

I walked over the Narrow Path made with Stones
to connect the Two Portions of Lake it was all
Flooded Parking Lot and most of the Beach still
Under Water More Rain to come

July is nearly one week away I watched some of the
Amazing Cycles too couple of with Jumbo Tires
While some with Tires like that of Toy Bicycles
it can be folded and easy to carry

For the First time I had a chance to see a Unique Bird
of the size of Red Cardinal it was Light Brown with Beautiful
Blue Front Body I also watched Yellow Bird the size of 
Red Cardinal

It was Flying so I was not able to see the Shade
Probably looking Bright Yellow in Color
Lake was composed of Many Distinct Layers 

The Outer most at the Far end One was Dark
Blue Black Next one Greenish Gray then Glittering
Silver after that Pale Yellow then Cream
The Last one was Muddy

Green and White Inter City GO Train was passing
Through the Overhead Bridge 

Weather was Great Birds from Different Cast and
Creed were celebrating it is a Festive Atmosphere

Water was everywhere I was watching Trees as
High as 20 -- 25 feet and also the bushes
Butterflies talking to White  -- Yellow and Purple
Flowers visiting Flowers of Their Choice

I saw for the First Time Rose Flowers of Pinkish
Purple in color like Lilac Color with Bright Yellow Center
with a unique Perfume like smell 

It was Really a Great Day to be Cherished like a
Treasure for My Memory Box 

On the way Back I asked My Son to drop Me at
Tim Horton to have My Time alone I am at the
Coffee House now writing My Blog 

Will go to Flower Shop after that enjoy Nature Walk
on My way Home I will be Home after 1 pm
My Son and My Youngest Grandson will be waiting
for Their Lunch

I will change quickly to prepare something for Them
To put on the Table I get Happiness and feel Lucky that
I can Do Things For My Family at My Age

Thank You God for Keeping Me mobile
I Love You God


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Lots of customers in my shop even though it is Monday.

  2. I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.


    1. I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today


    2. And I posted the blogs from the weekend


    3. SWN was great. Everyone was looking forward to it. I overheard someone that they had a team meeting this morning and the manager was very surprised that the team members are so cheerful on a Monday. She asked what's going on because the team used to feel very dull and lethargic on Mondays. Of course someone pointed out the blogs. They were surprised that the managers did not clue in on the reasons for their cheerfulness and had to ask.


    4. sorry I didnt mean to comment here. I guess got a little over zealous because its monday


    5. No worries. Its the same happy mood here too :-)


  3. This blog is my lifeline but you don't write for me. This blog is so important to me


  4. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome birds watcher. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  5. I have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D


    1. Can you also post the blogs form the weekend?


    2. I was getting the printouts ready. I should be able to post the weekend blogs within the next hour or so. I posted the one from today as I know that some wants to start their day with todays blog


    3. I have now posted all the blogs. Also left some extra copies in some team rooms


    4. SWS was fun. We talked about Smile's blog from the weekend and today.


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Mr. Supervisor come why you no go home because you very sick. I say I need focus work. He say but you very high fever like 103 so you need go home. I say him I no can go home even if it 108 because my Madam tell me focus work. He say but she no know that you sick. I say I no care. He say you so sick that you water in you eye. I say no they tear because she call me Dear Friend. And also because I no able sleep night because I no believe that she take care 5 kid alone and her son no care her, like he take her to flood lake all time. Mr. Supervisor head hurt so he go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for for long walk today. Our walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the ones that you have. After that we had our lollipop

    The retired chef and all the retirees appreciate you writing the recipes. The retired nutritionist and retired dietitians are over the moon and have been on the phone with their counterparts in hospitals and are suggesting this as a diet.

    The retired bird watcher are very appreciative of your blog and your comments about birds.

    Thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    The students and the professors read your blog at the SRC today. There was a lot of rain so we did not go in the Smile Garden however the Smile Army continued to volunteer their time in the Smile Garden. They were undeterred by the pouring rain. The Dean's project about the local school seems to be going well. The kids used to be addicts and involved in violence, now a no. of them spend time in the Garden. One of them was seem trying to read your blog and asking comments about literature. The Dean is very pleased about this. He indicated that you are transforming lives with your literary work

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say you yell father lot today. Father say he yes mind. Father say he yell Kris (me) lot lot because you Kris take you so many place and Kris only take him to one or two place. Father say Kris tell father that Smile go alone but father tell him that he rong because you Kris take you lake to see naval show and then take you see lilac rose flower and then take you cafe and then you Niklas go bike with you. Father say he want see lilac rose flower to. Father say he yell Niklas and Hannah to because he very angry. Father say he say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say father upset today because he feel that no one take care him. She say she make special recipe for father but he no like. She say she no see Pinkish Purple flower in Germany so may be in Canada only. She say she leave special carot food in back garden so rabit may come back and make father happy but it no come. Niklas say grandpapa yell lot and tell him that he room smel like animal room in front fried. Niklas say he friend like grandpapa because he make fun Niklas and give smoke and drink to him. Me tire because father yell lot because he no able see any flower. Me explain him that you go lake alone but he say no you go with you Kris. Can you tell because me no no. He yell Niklas lot today to. Niklas angry. Father angry. Hannah sad. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. What!! Let me make sure that I get it right. Smile writes a fantastic blog. She addresses key social issues. She helps so many families. And what does she get? Not even the courtesy that her words are read properly? She does not care about appreciation but every artist deserves his or her work to be respected. This is what makes my blood boils. This is no fun. I know, I know, she wants us to be kind, and I will do that but this is just for her.

    What a brilliant comment mrizvi. You are simply unbelievable

  11. CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down, Plunker. I know that you are right. Smile does deserve respect, and like every artist, every sculptor, every author, she does deserve appropriate appreciation. But reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllaaax. She wants us to be kind, so we should

    Good job, kiddo. You guessed right again.

  12. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing flower watcher. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing guidance councillor. She is an amazing friend to all readers. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  13. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Superwoman Batman Plunker mrizvi N Kyle Newbie Karen Linda Dave
    Literature Fellow Retiree Group Jimmy Brenda Cleo Tiara Kim Keith Craig Marg
    Jasmeet Cynthia Happy Reader and Mother in Law cathy Kris Thanks All My
    Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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