It is Give and Take

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Dean My Dear Friend
You are doing Great Job

Spreading Messages of
Happiness around
Specially to Schools

Literature Fellow My Dear Friend
Hang as Many Bird Feeders as
You People Want

My Dear Friend doing 2 Jobs
You have to take Help from Your Friends

Every Offer is a Signal from
God Never say No to That

Retirees My Friends 
and Dear Retired Chef

I have No Recipes I mix Things
what is available

I Believe Love and Emotions come
First in Making Dishes
Recipes come after

Niklas My Friend 
Don't You worry about Father 
Don't Drink Please

Hannah My Friend and Kris My Dear
Focus on Your Office on Your Work
Father will Yell anyway

Father Please Leave Everyone Alone 
Don't Bother Niklas
Hannah and Kris

You Don't have to Make Their 
Life Miserable Please
Let Them enjoy and
You Please stay Calm

You will get Happiness

In Return

It is Friday Hot with 24 Degrees Feel like 27
in the evening will be 36 so AC is on Everywhere
at Home and also in the Library

We fixed 24 Degrees in Our Home
I am working Full Time My Friend picking
Me up is going to Newfoundland the
Eastern Province of Canada for Couple of Weeks

She will not be picking Me up Today My another
Friend will come Her Black Car is with " Snow White "
Number Plate 

I am enjoying My 5 Minutes Time Slot walking
around My Driveway The Front Garden across
My Home with Trim Trees Yellow and Red Flowers
Looking Beautiful 

It is July and We know from 15th August
Winter Time might start so Everyone making
Full use of These Couple of Weeks

Birds calling Each Other to get out to have Party
Whole atmosphere is Very Lively Couple of
Birds are walking around to Give Me Company
I think They are also Talking to Me I gave
Them My Smile Back

Yesterday was Thursday I was off I mean
Not working still very Busy Day for Me
I had My Morning Routine 

Checking Messages on My Face Book and going
through the Comments on My Blog from
My Readers Family

Two of My Grandsons were Having Dentist
Appointment so I asked My Son To Drop Me
at Central Library I have to Drop empty Plastic
Milk Bags I collect for Recycling 

City hall is across the Library They collect bags for
making Blanket Cover to donate to Other 

From City Hall I went to Library I met Couple of
My Friends there then I went to Pickering Mall
10 Minutes Walk from Library

I walked around to pass My time to wait for
My Son I had Pistachio Almond Kiddie Scoop
Ice Cream to give Myself a Treat

In the Evening I went for Groceries with My two
Grandsons My Eldest and My Master Golden
It took Me one Hour I asked Them to Drop Me
at Freshco and get Some Treats for Themselves

They got Ice Cappuccino and Slurpee and came
back to help Me out after They Love to come with
Me as They know They will get Treats of Their Choice

I get all the Happiness by making Them Happy
as I mentioned earlier Everything is Give and Take
same is Happiness My Daughter in Law was
Happy too as I did Groceries so She had to Relax


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being a Saturday, customers are streaming in. They are coming here before going to the market. Some are staying here. Some customers are reading past blogs too. I have made many copies as some want to take the copies home to read with family or coworkers. The priest came here but did not stay for long, he said he has to prepare for sermon. The customers were smiling secretly. One said that he can give his copy to him if he wants to read at home, the priest said no thanks. He did take one copy and took it. All in all, the Satrudays are now really festive for us because of the Smile blogs

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome grocery buyer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. You write good. I read Italy

    1. I like blog. Angalais no good but French very good

    2. This blog good. I read Russia

    3. You blog very good. I enjoy Spanish

    4. Your blog very good. I read Poland

  4. This blog is my lifeline. Thank you


  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I so happy that you write for me and call me my Dear Friend. Mr. Supervisor come and I say him that I need go to prey Madam. He say ok but you go in break right? I say no I go all time because my Madam tell me to take help from other so I no plan to do my work but let everyone help me and do my job. He say she no mean that. You need take help if they offer. I say him how you no because I no show you blog. He say he need make urgent phone but say me to no go. I think I will need dog because you tell me to take help. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees went for for long walk today. Our walk, though very long for us, is nothing compared to the ones that you have. After that we had our lollipop

    There was a small incident during the reading of the blog today. The retired chef led the reading of your blog. Instead of reading it once he read 3 times. We thought that as he is new to our group he does not know that we dont read the same blog multiple times but after the 3rd reading he got up from his chair and was very confused. He pointed out that he think he has wasted his time as a chef. When we asked him to clarify, he said that he used to think that he was good but he realized today that he was simply an impostor with no talent. We tried to boost his self confidence and reminded him of his many accomplishments, including being the head chef in many 5 star properties, being asked on a few occasions to be the head chef for foreign dignitaries having his own chef school etc but he said that you can simply cook without recipes whereas he cant even walk without it. We tried our best to cheer him up, the cafe manager even offered some of his favorite pastries but nothing worked. We feel bad for him. Hopefully he will turn around and will be back to his jovial self in the next day or so

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author,

    The students read your blog at the SRC today. The university is closed today so we were surprised to see the Dean come here today. Though he didnt mention it to us, it looked like that your shout out to him is what made him come. He was extremely vocal about the blog and commented that authors like you are very rate breed. He said that he has hosted several big names here but they have big egos and significantly less talent than you/ He asked to follow your example. One of the students replied that we already know that and have been trying to follow your advice anyways. They reminded him that they have stopped smoking because of you

    The Smile Feeder passed on your message about bird feeders to all volunteers and they brought many so there were a lot of birds at the Smile Garden today

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. My mother in law does not treat my parents well. They came to visit us and she talked about all my faults. It was so embarrassing

    Happy Reader

  9. Yet another new blog today! Amazing how all Smile's blog are a short story in themselves

    cool Kyle

    1. Yes Smile writes a complete blog every day. She gives instructions and guidance to the readers, she writes a folksy blog and she does not forge to make sure that there is a substantive message for all readers. Every single word in these blogs is carefully chosen

      She is brilliant


  10. Father say you yell father little today. Father say he yes mind. Father say he no bother anyone. Father say he tell nabor if he want watch buterfly and bird in father back garden then he need pay 5 DM. Father say he go train station today. Father say he yell Niklas to. Father say he no want go but father say him that you Niklas go with you so he go. Father say he tell Niklas to get Ice Cappuccino and Slurpee. Father say it no easy but father drink both in 2 hour. Father say he yes say he old almost 67

    (Hannah say that it good that you help you doter law. She say get grocery help lot. She say she no able find yogurt banana because this no big place but she able make. She say it good for father because yogurt help bone. She say you take care Niklas like you own Niklas. She say Niklas like you lot. Niklas say he no want go with grandpapa but he go because of you. He say he ask grandpapa for slurpee but he say me that Niklas no joint account. Can you tell me how you Niklas make joint account. Father stay 2 hour at train station. He sit on bench so he finish Ice Cappuccino and Slurpee. He sit on cushion. Niklas stand far so father can spend time alone. Me sit in car. Hannah in house. Father tell nabor to pay but that no nice. Me no want take money from nabor because he give so many thing to us. Father watch tele in nabor house to. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

    Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

  12. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

    Fantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though

  13. My Smile is amazing . She is an amazing bag donater. She is an amazing author. She is an amazing blogger. She is an amazing walker. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  14. Smile can create a picture with her words. I know I have said that many times but when she writes like this, I just cant help myself repeating myself. Just have a look:

    "Birds calling Each Other to get out to have Party
    Whole atmosphere is Very Lively Couple of
    Birds are walking around to Give Me Company
    I think They are also Talking to Me I gave
    Them My Smile Back"


  15. They came to visit us and she talked about all my faults. It was so embarrassing..

    gclub online

  16. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Boris Linda Dave Batman Literature Fellow Retiree Group Plunker Karen mrizvi Superwoman Kim Keith N Kyle Newbie Happy Reader and Mother in Law Cleo
    Tiara Jimmy Brenda Craig Marg Ly heng Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual Readers Thanks Everyone


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