Genie Wont Come

Image result for garden and bench pictures

Today is Friday Rain with Sunny Breaks
Temperature 28 Degrees 

I am Not Working for the Whole Week
Monday will also be closed because of
Canada Day and on Tuesdays No Activities
For Me in My Club

So it is a very Long Weekend For Me
I will go Back to Work on Wednesday
I am Busy with My Daughter in Law's
Parents as They are staying with Us for
Couple of Days

I did't Stop My Walk Routine I Find My Slot
To Have My Time Alone 

I am sitting at Tim Horton it is 12.30 Schools are
Closed so I can't see any Young Smiling Faces
Most of The Crowd is of My Age

I come here so often that Everyone knows Me
It Reminds Me the Theme Song of Popular
TV Series " Cheers " It's Song is
" Where Everybody Knows Your Name "

My Dear Friend " N " How can I forget You
I very Much Remember Your Routine
I gave You some Tips to Pass Your Day to
Enjoy Your Time

You started Doing that and was Feeling Good
I Think You Quit Everything what I told You
Please start Giving Bread pieces to Birds
Don't You worry if They Fly away

They are Like Visitors Like Messengers from
God to Make Your Days as You are taking
Care of Birds  -- They are Creatures of God
So God will take Care of You

Make a Schedule Try to Do it Before Lunch Time
Sit in the Back Garden put water and also one
Comfortable Chair for Yourself

Choose the other Time Slot Do it in the Afternoon
Couple of Hours before Your Dinner Time
It will not give You Happiness Right away
But after a while You will get Lots of Happiness

When I walk around I see Birds They also
Fly away but before flying away Never Forget
to put Smile on My Face

I don't want to Put Them in cages Like Father
I wont get Happiness by putting Them in Prison
For My Enjoyment

I know They are My Friends I Trust Them and
Let Them Fly Keep Them Singing and Spreading
Messages of Happiness Around

Today I asked My Youngest Grandson to come with Me
He was Happy to give Company to His 74 Years
Old Grandma I get Happiness from These Moments

We have invited Couple of Families for Dinner
Tonight We will order Food from " Tangerine "
A Chinese Restaurant and I will make Special
Sweet Dish I enjoy Cooking to be in the Kitchen

My Club Activities are My Lifeline but
We have to Find Our Ways to be Happy
to make our Day

I Mentioned in My Back Blog I Think in
" We The Music Makers " I Believe This is True
No Genie will come to Make Our Day

It Happens in Stories Not in Real Life
We Have to Make Our Days
We are the Music Makers


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outstide. I am running low on supplies. It has become a tradition that they come here to Smile Corner and then go to the market for their shopping. The priest is also here today. He is making notes. Customers are smiling secretly. One gave him his seat as he was standing. It is like a festival here and all because of Smile blog

    1. Dear Smile Corner person, it no good that you post blog because you no suppose to talk blog at work space. Madam tell reader family that we no allow talk blog in work. We reader need listen Madam. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor to all readers! She is an awesome schedule maker. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. You blog good. I read Italy

    3. I read blog Russia. I read family

    4. This blog very knowledge. I read Spanish.

  4. I started reading your blog many times but I could not finish because I kept on crying. You are really a big author but treat everyone equally. You give me so much advice. Thank you very much. I will keep reading the blog all day and try to understand the advice you give me.


  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Mr. Supervisor come to tell work. I say I need talk you but I no allow talk at work place. He say he busy. I say it very important. He say he need go. I think he make very important phone because he run. I go to fat job worker and say her i need talk but I no able talk at work place. She say she very busy. I say it important. She say she no time. I go to sick job worker and say I need tell you some important. He say is everything ok? I say I no able talk here. He say I am doing something very important but lets go. We walk out and go road. I say him you no need go far. He say I need get my car so we can go doctor fast or do you want me to call ambulance. I say no I no sick. I just need tell you about Madam blog because she tell me I no allow tell the blog in work place but I allow tell blog outside. He no what you talk. You ask me to come to tell blog that no nice and then go back. I will go and talk to job worker with video kid. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees were unable to go for our walk today. We were too exhausted from our long and arduous walk yesterday. We did however had our joint reading of your blog.

    We know that you are living in Canada and since Canada is celebrating its 150 anniversary of its federation and the retirees passed a motion to express our appreciation for Canada's 150 celebration. There were a no of speeches made but I think the best comment came from one of the visitor to the cafe. She has attended a few readings of the blog in the past. She mentioned that Canada must be fantastic because you are there.

    You probably have a full day plan so I have been counseled by retirees to keep my comment to a bare minimum.

    The ladies and gentlemen who are part of the physical health and well being subcommittee have requested for your advice about physical health. We have researched all the blogs that you have shared with us in the past however we are still not being able to get even close to your activities. We dont want to compare ourselves to you but you go for many long walks almost every day and we need to take 1-2 days off when we go for our regular walks. We are wondering if we are missing something

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. My mother in law is reading your blog every day for a long time and some of your messages are getting through her. I mean the way you treat your daughter in law is an example for her. Some of it is getting through to her but she is a little thick so please write more for her

    Happy Reader

  8. Dear Author,

    The students read your blog today at the Smile Garden today. We did that as the weather is quite pleasant and it was good to see all the birds coming to get their daily nourishment from the Smile feeder. We are calling it "Smile Feeds" program. Our Marketing department came up with this name. The Smile Army takes very special care for it. They also have Smile Feeds Volunteers. There are 20 volunteers who have signed up even though all we need is 1 or 2 (for back-up). The person who fills the feeder, gets an opportunity to listen to your blog with us

    After the reading of your blog we went to the SRC to work on the Smile Encyclopedia

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. Father say you yell father little today. Father say he yes mind. Father say he yell Kris (me) because he no get more bird and more rabit and more buterfly. Father say he yell Niklas because he no care buterfly. Father say he go look animal in Niklas room and he see that burterfly fly outside cage. Father say he yell Niklas because he leave cage open and buterfly fly out. Father say he yell Hannah because she no give fresh food to buterfly and food to animal. Father say he say he old almost 67

    (Haanah say father angry today because buterfly outside cage. She say she try give fresh food but animal want live outside. She say that she worry about animal because they no good now. Like they very inactive. Niklas say buterfly out because cage hole to big for it. Niklas say grandpapa come room before sun to check and wake Niklas by putting cold water on face. Niklas say he will go out all day today and eat McDonald. Me very tire because father want me go and find sugar cane. I drive 4 hour and no able find. Can you please ask you Kris may be he no. Father want more animal . Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

    1. Dear Kris and Dear Kris Father, why you no listen Madam. She tell you so many time that animal allow inside house so why you have animal inside. It no good. She try help you so many time but you bad. I do two proud job and always read blog

    2. Father say that 2 job guy, you do you job and shut. Father say you no need come between father and Smile. Father say you go hell. Father say he say he old almost 67

      (Me tell you so many time that you no need say thing father. He no alow anyone come between him and Smile. He no alow me to. So why you come between. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

      Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!

  11. Replies
    1. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

      Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

    2. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

      Fantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though

  12. Hello Readers Family
    Thanks Linda Dave Boris Batman Plunker mrizvi Karen Superwoman Keith N Kyle
    Newbie Kim Jimmy Literature Fellow Retiree Group Brenda Craig Marg Tiara Cleo
    Kris Happy Reader and Mother in Law Thanks All My Anonymous and Multilingual
    Readers Thanks Everyone


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